BVI News

Fewer complaints about public service as residents’ focus shift to recovery

File photo of Complaints Commissioner Sheila Brathwaite and her late predecessor Elton Georges.

Fewer persons are lodging complaints against government institutions to the Complaints Commission.

This is according to Complaints Commissioner Sheila Brathwaite who reported the drop to the Standing Finance Committee (SFC) back in April.

Brathwaite told the SFC she believes the number of complaints has been on a downward trend and has ‘reduced significantly’, partly because residents are “more focused on their personal recovery rather than complaining about government services”.

She also said she anticipates a continuous decline of complaints since “public officers had improved their services”.

According to the 2019 SFC report published this month, the Commission will also be aiming to amend the Complaints Commissioner Act.

She said recommendations have been made in relation to the amendments. And if there was no response to those recommendations, a Special Report will then be laid on the table of the House of Assembly.

“The Complaints Commissioner advised that she would rather discuss the recommendations further and encourage adherence. She said that the new process will be reflected in their proposed amendments to the Act along with other steps to be taken before a Special Report had to be made. She said that it was also her goal to position the Commission to make a contribution to the Transformation Initiative of the Public Service, under the good governance aspect of the transformation initiative,” the report said.

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  1. Devon says:

    Haha… it’s because everyone here has given up complaining, there isn’t any enforcement with anything, anywhere… so what’s the point in wasting your energy on a fruitless complaint!

    Like 32
  2. Buffers says:

    Trust and believe it IS because they all hold one head and find a way to protect the public service and undermine you.

  3. Well says:

    I’ve seen a lot of slackness since the hurricane, but will complaining make a difference? I understand offices have been devastated, but to walk in a government office, see a group of employees lickin’ law, one texting, one surfing the net and going from news site to news site while on phone with what’s app, while you are being served, causes one to wonder why those idle employees are not being reshuffled to other departments where customers have to wait long(er) hours for service.

    And then they make a lot of noise for doing nothing and demanding increments (the same taxpayers money)! Gimme a break.

    Like 18
    • Agreed says:

      Thank goodness the one move from Gazette office but there’s still another female there who mouth always vex don’t greet you nor make eye contact and responds in a hoggish manner. The young man is very pleasant thankfully.

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  4. They dont answer says:

    Nobody’s complaining because if you email or call any department no one replies or calls you back. The level of service and response is terrible and if I ran a business like it – it would lose all its customers.
    There are some good people but there are ALOT with their own agenda who think they can choose what happens in their departments rather than the PS or Ministers. Plus if you complain you then get nothing so everyone keeps their mouths shut.

    Like 8
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  5. FYI says:

    The Smiths in duff bottom always complaining about the abuse and wrongful sale of their land to no avail

  6. Do Moe says:

    Well, it seems that the office can do a lot more it if were to become more useful as a Human Rights Office, we can use some Human Rights services in this country. They have office space, and people working with not much do deal with at the moment. Seems life they can be put to better use.

  7. FACTS says:


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  8. Tell the truth says:

    People aren’t complaining because they know the present office is ineffectual. At least with Elton you knew he would try to push things and advocate. He still wouldn’t really get anywhere but at least he would try. Now we don’t even have that do what is the use of complaining? Sad state of affairs. No relief in sight

  9. Professor says:

    This commission will ask you if someone senior in the government department replied to your complaint, no matter how useless or unprofessional the reply may be. They don’t work with the department to see that your case is resolved as per government policy.

    This is a useless commission and a waste of taxpayers money. It should be closed down.

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