Five schools to benefit from Flow support

Five schools are the recipients of back-to-school gift certificates donated by Flow.
Flow presented the gift certificates to the Enis Adams Primary School, St. George’s Secondary School, Eselyn Henley Richiez Learning Center, The Seventh-Day Adventist School and the Elmore Stoutt High School. Each school received five (5) gift certificates redeemable at barber shops and salons in the community for haircuts and hairstyles for deserving students just in time for the new school term. The lucky students will be selected by their respective principals of each school, who were all on-hand to receive the certificates from Flow representatives.
Speaking during the presentations held on September 11, Cable & Wireless Business Corporate Sales Manager, Bernice Magloire-Williams said that Flow is always seeking opportunities to give back in a meaningful way to the communities in which it operates.
The principals of each school expressed their appreciation for the donations and welcomed future partnerships with Flow.
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