Former HOA Speaker joins PVIM, sees pivotal elections ahead

Former Speaker of the House of Assembly, Ingrid Moses-Scatliffe, is the latest candidate to join forces with the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM), bringing their tally of candidates contesting the upcoming general elections to eight.
During a candidate launch for the party held last evening, Moses-Scatliffe said she felt the territory needed a reset and argued that the team assembled by the PVIM will be the one to achieve this.
“This is not an ordinary election. It cannot be business as usual. It is the most defining moment in the history of this territory because this is going to chart the way forward,” Scatliffe-Moses stated.
“We can help young people, individuals, [and] families, make this a better place to live, and to enjoy prosperity,” she added.
The former Speaker, who described herself as a principled person, said the territory needed strong, capable and competent leadership at such a critical juncture in its journey.
Easing discomfort
In the meantime, PVIM Chairman Ronnie Skelton said he was drawn back into the political arena after a four-year absence because of the discomfort he said was being felt by others in the community.
“You don’t live in a society by yourself, you live in a society with other people. If they’re uncomfortable, and they believe that you can do something about their discomfort, I think that you should leave your comfort zone and try to help. That’s why I am back,“ Skelton said.
Skelton said he was proud of the commitment shown by the group that he has assembled to try to build the country back from where it has fallen.
The PVIM slate currently includes four Territorial At-Large candidates – Skelton, Shaina Smith-Archer, Moses-Scatliffe and Stacy ‘Buddha’ Mather.
PVIM’s Deputy Chairman Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull heads the list of district candidates and will be vying to retain his Second District seat. He will be joined by Sylvia Moses (D1), Paul Hewlett (D4) and Shereen Flax-Charles (D9).
Flax-Charles recently crossed the aisle in parliament, leaving the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) to join the PVIM after explaining that her views no longer aligned with the VIP.
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She was very biased as speaker she was the worse…,where is the 40g over run from the John legend concert? Is this how she will treat the public purse?
Okay. One more hat in the ring. What are her specific policies. I don’t care for personalities. I want detailed policies otherwise might as well keep the current lot in place because that what we get from them, no policies just platitudes
They pre-recorded that presentation so they could edit out all the fumbling of their disoriented and can’t talk leader and the others who can’t string a sentence together. PVIM is a set of power hungry people with Mitch Turnbull being the worse of all. With him and Shereen in the same party that will be pure confusion. Stay far from them. I wanted to see NDP and PVIM come back
together but because of power the PVIM rather to let the VIP win again.
There is no difference between PVIM & NDP. They hope the voters do not recognize their strategy.
Has she heard Ronnie speak? Has she seen matches behavior? No way. She can’t be believing the words that are coming out of her mouth. Goodbye please.
A voice of reason. We need a person of integrity. As much as I hate to agree with CSC our savior would rest in the hands of a woman. We the people need SONIA WEBSTER to be our premier. For her not to run would be a disservice. We are begging pleading with you Sonia Webster please deliver us from our predicament. Deliver us from these Pharoahs. Worst pharoah slowman, weak pharoah Marlon, power hungry pharoah Skelton. Please Sonia Webster if you love your country please deliver us.
Have the electorate no short term memory
I like her as a person but she spent too much time speaking about her expat heritage while still holding on to her ex husband’s last name. Clearly she is taking a page out of Myron’s play book. She will not get my vote.
Beautiful with Brains gorgeous.
I’m sorry but Ronnie is not ready to lead this country forward. Nope nope nope, he don’t have it. Fumbling for words alone scare me what can come out of his mouth.
When you don’t have it you don’t have it.
You have to be able to convince me and he just don’t have it. Even Mitch seems more convincing and we all know Mitch will throw you in a ditch just for power.
Watch and see when the votes a tallied.
At least PVIM is forward thinking. Them not discriminating or racist.
I love this woman….She is a breath of fresh air.
Ronnie please go away. Not my vote.
I really can’t believe that in 2023 this is what the BVI elections have come to! If anyone really believe that any of these new people are better than the current government I would be stunned. I am still waiting for a reason to vote out the current government. Listening to PVIM last night was very painful and the NDP aren’t any better. VIP are not my cup of tea but I’ve yet to see any better candidates being put forward by the other parties which is very shocking and disappointing. Kedrick has returned home after dissing NDP, Lorna is knocking 70 but wants to run, Marlon is now grasping at straws as nobody wants to run with him. Then we have Ronnie mumbling at 70yrs old, Mitch grasping desperately for power and the other PVIM candidates are just place holders. The Mather guy may get some young votes but we will see.
Very interesting. Seems like she recycling stale air to me. But that’s just my opinion.
But PVIM is power hungry and NDP is all about putting country first. That is a very big difference! If there was no difference, they would have merged but clearly there is a difference between the two. The facts speak for itself.
She’s hot!!!
@ St Kitts Born – How do you know that PVIM aren’t facist bigoted pieces of S@it. Until I see policies and a detailed rationale concerning why, how and what I can’t say that any of these parties are not racist bigoted pieces of S@it. Let’s see
All the best. Wish you well. You will do good in the house..
Marlon and NDP should be ashamed. Your former Speaker who was rumored to contest elections with NDP many times has decided to contest under Ronnie/Mitch. She will get pure licks at the polls with that team, but her decision says a lot.
We don’t need people who can just speak eloquently, we need people who understand how to get things done, how to manage, how to roll up sleeves when necessary, how to be on the ground and not on a high horse all the time.
The VIP paid bloggers on a roll under anything with the Blue Team. They are the team to beat, I guess.
I will take Hon. Ronnie Skelton over all the others for Premier. The smooth talkers just know how to hand out free money. While lots of our people need help, handing out free money without more helps a small, very small group of friends and family. In the meantime, we are driving on crappy roads, breathing in smoke from the incinerator, watching them spend money to build something with price tags in the millions and they are not going to last five years if we have strong wind, they are good at hiring expensive lawyers, good at passing Bills but not following through, good at giving themselves contracts once they okay it in the House and we won’t forget the Greedy Bill.
Hon. Skelton on the other hand is a proven builder, a proven leader and a sensible and honest man. We heard and saw him in the House for years and he is an able speaker. He may mumble, but his brain is clear when it comes to value for money. So all who are on here still watching people they know in a small community and looking for an excuse to vote back in the same do-nothing crew who just found their voices, well, so be it. We will all suffer together. But as for me and mine, PVIM, you have my vote, every single one of them.
Hope next time they don’t take a $100 million out of Social Security so when it is time to get mine I can buy some sardine and flour to make bread. I can eat that. Friends and family, save your handouts, for you will go down first. God don’t like ugly.
Where did you see mentioned in my post about speaking eloquently. If you want to put that on the table you are free to do that without tagging onto my coat tail.
@ Hot, she’s Not
I strongly agree with your comment. Even though I may not earnestly approve of some present Ministers and their approach in getting things done for the benefit of the People instead of bickering back and forth with personal inuendoes, I feel that they need to finish up the Business of the People that was/is left since Irmaria and COVID. Why go put new/old folks back into the House especially since we are aware of how the Leader of this particular party feels when it comes to a poor man trying to build them self up.
We heard the VIP speaking in the last election and now we confirm they hold the Guinness world record for the most corrupt government on the planet. Bringing a COI on themselves.
It gah endless strip club to go dance in if ah hot she hot.
@ Really – why is it that a number of BVI islanders like chief ministers/ Premiers that mumble: Ralph T O’Neal, Dr Orlando Smith, now you like Ronnie because he mumbles. Lawd, we in trouble
She is a capable young lady, and she has joined an able team. Go Blue Team.
Don’t get me wrong, Honey, Ronnie is not a mumbler, but you paid bloggers looking ting to talk. That is also not why I like Ronnie. He is a doer and not a silver tongue devil. And by the way, where all these top notch speakers arrive from three and a half years after the fact? The silver tongue Head Coach talked himself right into a hole. Those he left behind trying to talk themselves out of a bottle. So you and them carry on. Lord, we indeed in trouble. Help us, please.
Move Ingrid to D6 where she could pick up that seat.
Lorna Smith would make a more suitable at-large candidate, if she would join under your leadership. Give her the deputy spot to please her, but also so that we the people can have fun watching Mitch implode.
@ Really – you making my point for me. Head Coach used to make king winded speeches that made no sense. That’s it having a silver tongue. That trying to tire out the listening public. Ronnie sounds old and slow. Not judging him personally as I do not know him personally. Only that he is one of the persons to blame for the bad planning of the NHI (a massive payday for some as it wasn’t properly structured). Wasn’t that that got him fired as Minister of Health? I am not sure… Hmmm
Eager to hear how he plans to fix it. Will he go against some of the most powerful interests in the BVI by turning off the running tap in order ensure proper restructuring? Hmmm. I think not. All I am hearing are platitudes and generalizations and how much they each respect and like each other. What is this…1st grade boyfriend girlfriend- do you like me because I like you crap?
NDP ain’t making any arguments either why they deserve my vote. So I don’t get your point Re being paid. VIP are old and tired and need to be put out to pasture. Still waiting for sensible sounding leaders who can quarterback this thing
Another thing why do some BVI islander label a valid critical point to originating from a paid bot. That approach is really pathetic. The best way to deal with it is to acknowledge it as being correct and make a better point the way I just did
@ To Ronnie – moving Ingrid to the sixth would mean that she goes against Walwyn, her partner in her firm. Talk about awkward. What does talk around the water cooler look like? Placing her as at at largely rather than the 6th, which I think a snail moving around in the early morning dew in the hills of BelleVue can win, avoids this rather touchy issue
Because no matter who the h**l it is, you Licher and Sticher, and your friends will find fault because you can anonymously.
The BVI have a lot of talkers and criticizers, but when it comes to persons willing to put their hands to the plow, nothing. So if it is the same old, same old, I prefer to pick the best of the lot. We got the worst of the lot last time listening to people like you. So, now, in my opinion, that is the Blue Team. You may not agree. Don’t give a hoot. Vote for whoever you want or don’t vote at all, but I think your opinions are far too strong for your pretence as a mere observer. Nobody there is good enough for you to vote for, then don’t and stop trying to entertain while swaying votes. There is always another option. I see poster frames going up, maybe you can put your picture on one of them. The people might vote for you. Hope you can survive the criticisms leveled if you do.
Hon. Ronnie for Premier.
@ Really – Good to know you don’t give a hoot. However, I do. I care when the territory hangs in the balance and all candidates pu$$y footing and merely acting as leaders rather than being leaders. I know they read the blogs and post my honest view and so I will continue to post whether good or bad. All I see right now is bad. When these jokers start putting forward an actual campaign with policies and details (why what how) whilst being accountable to past decisions (where did they go wrong; what have they learnt and apologize) I will change my stance. See you in the chat rooms, it will be a long two months!
JWB, Ning, Suzy, Professor, Eggy, Chili, Roy, Brushy, Dingbat, Forbes , Bobby’s and Ilvar would make better candidates