‘God is the only judge’ — Andrew Fahie pens farewell letter

The former Premier’s farewell letter had prophecies of independence, as he told his colleagues to create a BVI where young people can dream of being the next Speaker, Clerk, Attorney General, Director of Public Prosecution, elected official, minister of government, Premier, Governor, or Governor-General.
Fahie’s letter said the current times call for Virgin Islanders to be “laser-focused on the areas that unite rather than those that divide”.
God is the only true and fair judge
The former Premier, who is accused of knowingly travelling interstate to facilitate a business enterprise involving narcotics, also called his colleagues to, “allow God, through time, to do what only he does best with time — which is to be the only true and fair judge while healing all wounds.”
Fahie also used the letter as an opportunity to express gratitude for the time spent in politics. He placed great focus on the task that elected leaders have in helping to advance the BVI beyond the work of their foreparents.
There were many biblical references included in the letter, including a quote from St Luke chapter 1:37, “For with God nothing shall be impossible”. He also likened the BVI’s forefathers to Moses who led the children of Israel “en route to the promised land”.
The letter was addressed to the Speaker of the House of Assembly, and serves as Fahie’s official resignation from his elected post as First District Representative and retirement from representational politics, effective November 24, 2022.
Why resign now, several months later?
His resignation comes eight months after he was arrested at Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport on drug and money laundering charges, which has since been upgraded to include racketeering charges.
It is unclear why it took Fahie this long to resign from his seat and why his resignation was submitted yesterday — just weeks ahead of his next court appearance in the United States. He is currently waiting to commence his trial which, up to publication time, was scheduled to take place in a Florida court on January 9, 2023.
His resignation as First District representative was a topic of national debate as many wondered why he still held the seat after being absent from the role for many months.
Some public figures and elected leaders said his removal had to be done according to law while others said it was at the discretion of the House of Assembly Speaker.
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Well written letter. Fahie is a good man.
Unfortunately for him there are also federal judges.
Fahie we know you did your best to help our country so do not mind the few critics who are blogging negative under anonymous names but the same set of people. Your letter was well received by most. We love you.
How many stories this news site is going to run on this same story. We know you all always wanted to bury fahie but enough for now. We do not see this same appetite for the others when they are in question. What a bias news site. Anyway, I am not a fan of fahie but I believe in fairness and a person is innocent until proven guilty. Like Fahie or not you must admit that he did plenty good for the people of the Virgin Islands. The Speaker determined when he had to go and that was made clear from the start so why all this questioning of why he resigned now. Give the process a chance.
Oh no! You will be facing another Judge and avid has nothing to do with that! And when you do face God you will have to answer for the Ibrahim too. Double judgment!
say that to the parents who lost their kids to drugs. wow.
How can such a corrupt, dishonest and greedy individual continue to proclaim a strong Christian faith
The VIP/unity government left him for the wolves
Tell us the good things Fahie did, list the lies and corruption projects them here.
We waiting…..
@East woman Fahie did his best to help his family and friends.
God is the only judge. Ok.
He controls everything? Did he control
you to conspire to import drugs that
kill and destroy families?
God finds you guilty.
@Here we go again tell us what Fahie did for the people of the BVI besides putting us in the mess we are in right now.
maybe only the Devil can JUDGE
This guy has been a crook for over 20 years. He uses religion as a cloak to cover his evil nature. Don’t believe a word he says in this letter.
I thought the Senagalese man and his sorcery was his God. Hope he paid him his $87K.
Which God you mean ..the obeah God??
1 John 2:4
Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
Fahie has yet to apologize to the people who elected him. He has yet to explain why he betrayed us.
God is the judge and had enough of your evil ways hence your cyrrent situation , what will you say when God direct the judge to give you 30 years?
This guy got caught on film praying with Federal Agents before a drug deal!
I don’t think he is praying to the same God the rest of us are. He makes this entire country look stupid and foolish.
Don’t blame Fahie for anything with this country. The real crooks and hypocrites are right here still in the form of people like you blogging against him all day under different names.
All who here condemning fahie are the ones going straight to hell. All of sudden all of you are more holy than thou. I do not want to hear none of you fake religious crooks.
Fahie needs to stop making a mockery of God, that’s why he is in this mess, that and his greed
The only apology we the people of the Caribbean want is from those slave masters who rapped our women and killed our males while keeping us in slavery and now coming with a new plot with the same intent. Everyone with sense can see what is taking place but time will tell.
All of a sudden, we have a set of righteous people who are sinless condemning as if they know the truth about everything and everyone but their own messed up lives and ways.
Myron we waiting on your letter too
Good man?
The man squandered our resources, involved us in illegal drugs, money and guns, and left us with the BVI name in the mud as a third world state.
Yeah good man
You will find out soon it have other judges.
This bvi news site must have a problem keeping up with relevant news, for this is the 3 third time running the former primer resignation letter.
The entire country has been looking stupid and foolish for a long time now. The way we hug up and sleep with the enslavement and are quick to condemn and crucify anyone who sees through the hypocrisy and has the guts to speak out. Do you really believe for a moment that intelligent people don’t see through the crap.
It is written “God is not mock, what so ever a man sow, he reap.”
@ Man of God! which God is he really serving?
You must have an outside child for him since you are so damn delusional!
There is another in the church that has the loudest of voice, goes about preaching Sunday to Sunday but know not God in his business dealings. Yet the church will not sanction him. Ask anyone on the street about this guy and they will start laughing. Even his church brothers. He will be exposed. God is not mocked.
Go sleep until he come. Fool
God is the only Judge, but the Judge in Miami will judge the 3 of you money hungry people
Fahie will take a deal. Spend 2-3 yrs in Jail, come back to Tola, Fight for our independence and become our first Prime Minister.
Moses has a very good point.The BVI people needs a truthfull explanation as to what happened even if its after the Court case and to make sure no one else goes down the wrong path. You cant just retire and leave it so.
Who you think bad may be good so keep your eye on the real magicians in that past and present gov. Ting to talk.
I do not want to hear from none of you condemning fahie or walwyn as it is just the same two or three crooks blogging all the time under different names.
Okay god
Carry on white house with your plot and blogging all day.
@East woman so why don’t you post your correct name instead of this anonymous name?
There is only ONE true law, and it is the Eternal, Universal, Natural, Divine Law of Free Will. So the question is: did Fahie voluntarily, knowingly and intentionally do, or intend to do, another Divine being harm? If the answer is “no”, then he did no crime. We all make mistakes, and can learn from them under God/Source.
I AM a living man under God, and I do not identify myself with any Legal Fiction and let a Satanic entity (a lawyer) defend me in court. I only let God/The Creator judge me.
You is a great man we will always remember you
. The Good out shine the Bad.
“I believe in witches and magic”, words I read that I will never forget.
But only God can judge him.
It is amazing what persons in the BVI will defend.
There were really more with you than against you and he really hurt me with this one, really. I could not speak about it for awhile, and reading this letter it feels like this is not the same person who hurt and betrayed us so badly. The BVI will never be the same in the eyes of the world.
You are a Blavk man in Amerika. You are foreigner in Amerika. You are an immigrant in Amerika. All these things Amerika do not like [don’t mind the noise] or welcome in socalled modern Amerika. You are correct Sir. God will be the final Judge but after you face the Federal Judge in Amerika. This life is real Sir, in Amerika.
You have never noticed that those who shout Jesus loudest are often crooks? Look around the loudmouthed holy rollers of the BVI for proof.
He made a deal hence the letter
How do you rap a woman?
It’s about time!SMH
U got it wrong ,he was the holy WOLF ?
Pardna needs to be less concerned with the god of drug deals, obeah, and rackets more with the federal judge that will be hearing his case.
He is now a target. A marked man.
Safer for him to be in prison unless he retains hus 24 hour round the clock personal security and he is also bullet proof.
Too late too late shall be the cry, there are much to learn from the whole Andrew saga, but the man himself is not in a position to give advice. You messed up big time, you take you position and the people for granted. May the lord have mercy on you and the others learn from your foolish mistakes..
Maybe he did for you up east, but he did nothing for his district and the majority of the Territory. Look at the West End Ferry Terminal dabicle that he IGNORED three years after election. Just touting a plan that went NOWHERE. HE CRIPPLED WEST END. Look at the Garbage dump that spewed and CONTINUES to spew toxins in his/our District. But one thing I would agree with is that he did a lot for his close family members and a few of his die hard supporters…and don’t forget about himself. The few that are on here blogging in support of him, I can guarantee that they were connected to the Government’s nipples.
His legacy will no doubt be his GREED AND LOVE for Money.
This is a lie from the pit of HELL. I decided to blog because of the Fahie’s misguided truths and I am sure that there are hundreds like me.
I like your post, except that you should have put “some persons” as thousands are not on here blogging, but DO NOT defend this BS. Also, there is evidence of the majority of bloggers on here that many DO NOT defend it either.
He made a deal with the UNITY Government to get his pensions. Its all a part of being in the BIG Boys’ Club. They look out for one another. They are all the same bunch of crooks together.
He is a wolf.
and may he rot in h**l for the woe he conspired to rain down on our Virgin Islands.
Where was God when you knowingly allow drugs, crime and government corruption plague the BVI?
Yow I screaaaaaammmmed! Tell him dah.
You know what I mean? The audacity! Let’s not forget he also believes in ‘magic’. Can’t serve two masters dude.