BVI News

Governor Pruce meets with Aladdin robbery victims

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Governor Daniel Pruce has met with victims of the brazen daylight robbery which occurred at the Aladdin boutique and jewellery store last Friday on Flemming Street in Road Town.

The store typically sells high-end jewellery, colognes, and similar luxury items and was robbed by four masked men with high-powered weapons, leaving three women in the store severely traumatized but unhurt in the incident.

Pruce, who met with the victims yesterday, February 12 stated: “I wanted to meet the people that were directly involved in what happened on Friday – the victims and the witnesses – and to offer my support to them after what was clearly a very traumatic and upsetting situation.” 

The Governor reiterated that security would be his highest priority and expressed his devotion to the issue of crime in the territory. He promised to work closely with the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) and all the other agencies responsible for law enforcement.

More foot patrols

Meanwhile, the Governor announced that he convened a meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) yesterday to discuss the repercussions of recent security incidents and those impacted. 

The NSC welcomed the introduction of daily foot patrols by police officers in the Road Town area and commended the forthcoming addition of 30 police officers to the RVIPF. 

The Council also acknowledged the upcoming ports security training for police officers and emphasised the necessity of cooperation within communities and government to tackle root causes of crime. 

The Council, led by the Governor and comprising key governmental figures, focuses on internal security and significant security developments in the territory.

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  1. That's a first and a good start. says:

    I don’t recall a governor doing something like this before. That’s a very good start. This move tells me that finally crime is getting the attention of the governor who can make a difference in initiating policies that can help combat crime. Good for him.

    Like 66
  2. BLUISH says:

    The police falls directly under the governor’s charge. Can someone please tell me why every governor fails in this department?

    Like 4
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  3. Instead says:

    Edo boy need pay the barber man a visit and not the jewelry stores

    Dislike 10
  4. Crazy says:

    Every single year we read about 30-40 officers being added to RVIPF. Where are they? What do they do? 20yrs ago there was a police at every corner, directing traffic, walking around, armed and unarmed. How is it possible to have a force with so man officers but we don’t see them? Also not being funny here but have you seen the size of many of the officers? How can they be effective at their jobs at 300lbs? Nothing will be taken seriously until lives are lost and that’s the sad truth.

    Like 32
    • @crazy. says:

      I concur. They are not even manning the police stations. Remember the East End Long station whereby a resident was trying to get help and no help was coming from that station. Terrible.

      At any rate, you are on to something. Unfortunately, there are officers who have not met in my view basic physical standards. They are quite frankly obese and unhealthy.

      Policing can become a physical job at times, and many of these officers are simply not physically fit.

      I am not a spring chicken anymore, and as old as I am I am sure I can outrun those big ones. They will have to really run quite hard to catch and cuff me.

      I might just stop running and let them catch me out of pity, but then again I’m not trying to commit any crime for them to run after me to begin, but they fact remains many of them are heart attack risk to themselves.

      In some ways, their physical appearance is reflective of the larger society and peoples diet. Too much starchy foods eaten and less fruits and vegetables all the way around, and lack of physical exercise.

      There has to be some physical and mental health standards needed to become an officer and maintain those positions.

      Like 15
    • @ crazy says:

      Them police take the job to buy car and free stay mos of them is island man come the low home and they find it’s easy to get a police job in Tortola them will never come on front line they will wait on till gunman leave.

      Like 11
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    • Migoman says:

      The officers are either too big or too small. I saw an average sized guy looking down at an officer, im like, this officers head cant even reach the guys shoulders..

  5. Good look says:

    I hope he takes some of them deity cops off the police focus all them police doing is going long Bush by K them bad a** for sex and weman they have for wife are bad thing and trying to put man in jail for bi**h. Like the one M((rid to gan wife she come here as a b**ch.

  6. Concerned Resident says:

    UK should send 200 soldiers for 6 weeks to conduct saturation check points and house searches; if necessary there should be s state of emergency called so searches can take place without warrants for a limited period of a few weeks.

    This may need to be repeated with either soldiers or UK police, every few months until things improve significantly.

    The fact low grade criminals can get high powered semi automatic weapons cannot be tolerated.

    The confidential tip line needs to be explained and publicised further.

    Like 19
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  7. Spotlight says:

    The DEA agent in Fahie’s case mentioned meeting Hezbollah people in the BVI who hooked him up locally. We heard from the trial that “Three Arabs” were involved. Aladdin’s store is subject to a daytime armed robbery. Am I the only one asking the obvious questions?

    Like 15
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  8. @ concerned resident says:

    What do you know about UK police Officers and Soldiers. It’s obvious you don’t live in the Uk.
    Their presence won’t make a difference. It’s only when they have guns they act bad, without guns they are wimps. Do think because they are white those bad boys will be scared? Nah,Please!

    Like 2
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  9. Yea Buddy says:

    BVI headed down a dark and slippery road.

  10. Houdini says:

    The Governor meeting the victims of crime in these VI .
    With a lil magic akin to that in UK (Wnd Rush) the doomed demons could be rounded up,the prison purged of the maggots and just s o..poof ,.poof poo, our world a better place, as it was yesterday a short time ago.

    Like 1
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  11. Love it says:

    Love to see the movies with officers down

  12. Didn't u notice says:

    The gunmen was waiting for the police to come that would have been a show

  13. I like this! says:

    Because we’ve never seen a governor meet with ANY victims of crime not even when innocent people and children were gunned down. Hope the new governor can bring some positive changes that will benefit the entire BVI.

    Like 10
  14. fishy says:

    I wonder how much insurance the owners will receive? Something smells fishy here.

    Like 7
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  15. BVI says:

    @Instead what a stupid statement.

  16. Speaking says:

    push back to supremacists violence of mind.

    There are too many Europeans aboding locally who are totally against the current people who are holding the reins of power and finances

    They are completely obsessed with disenfranchising an entire race of every thing that their ancestors toiled for over two centuries.

    They are filled with decadent rage over the money and money making potential of these God blessed islands and want to take them and their resources for themselves.

    As some are now openly suggesting, if they could bring in their army, kidnapped the people, chain them up and render them slaves again, if not massacre and genocide them, they would do so in a heart beat. This is a reality that is being read through the comments on this site daily and for years now.

    There are a lot of European people who are simply envious, jealous of and hateful of the people and their accomplishments of this territory.

    Like 3
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  17. Wow wth says:

    “ UK should send 200 soldiers for 6 weeks to conduct saturation check points and house searches; if necessary there should be s state of emergency called so searches can take place without warrants for a limited period of a few weeks.

    This may need to be repeated with either soldiers or UK police, every few months until things improve significantly.”

    Are you insane?

    I’m glad you are not in a position to make such decisions because you clearly don’t expect to eventually be victimized yourself by government and seem to think such abuses of power would not affect innocent people. Police raiding and searching a property that has nothing to do with illegal activities can lead to people getting kicked out or speculated against unfairly. Some people can even lose their job due to optics.

    This is why there are checks and balances such as probable cause and warrants. Next up you get police doing warrantless searches and disappearances of citizens from their own home. Terrible idea fit for ww2 Germany looking for hiding Jews. That’s how extremely insane that idea is.

    As for saturation check points they tried that in the past but white people started getting found with weed. Until cannabis is legal the jail doesn’t have space for ‘saturation check points’

    After a crime is committed roads should be monitored if they did that properly the real criminals will run relax and be caught when police chose.

    Like 1
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  18. Good start.. says:

    This is good. Hope he go around to meet and greet as much business owners as possible..Build that community bond and good spirit..

  19. Anonymous says:

    A location consisting of large numbers of Blacks should is expected by the world at large and locally to have a visible and copious amounts of Police Officers and for obvious reasons.
    I am a nth localmadescendant of slave and c slave Master. Griwjng u p in these VI,it is rare that I saw a police. The I nes I would predict I ctably see c would be in parades.
    A heartfelt curse on the imported segment of the population that has brought these VI to the levels l s of wild animals and predictably cannibals online with the up p er Caribbean,places from which !

  20. Arm a Geddon says:

    A modern location where there is a human population of habitual savage and cannibalistic practices should and is expected to be swarming with police en masse.

    Yes ,agreed.

    A curse will forever be on those whose import was allowed with good intentions but rewarded those who will/can be expected ,,,VI with bloodshed,tears and loss in keeping with their values and norms.

  21. Anonymous says:

    The racist pigs are gloating wild. Down with the savage cannibalistic pale racist.

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