BVI News

Gov’t donates $50K towards fishing tournament

The Virgin Islands Government has donated $50,000 to North Drop Open in collaboration with the BVI Tourist Board (BVITB) to host a “Catch and Release” fishing tournament for blue marlin out of Virgin Gorda.

Junior Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Dr. Karl Dawson, announced this collaboration and its contribution on July 22.

“I see the North Drop fishing tournament as the start of something great, not just as a one-off event. We see this as an opportunity that has tremendous growth and potential, not only as a fishing tournament but, more importantly, for placing the Virgin Islands back at the center of sport fishing in the world,” he said.

Chairman of North Drop Open, Mr. Thomas Warner, said, “We are confident that this event will make the Virgin Islands world-famous in respect to the sport fishing of blue marlins. I encourage everyone to follow us, come out, get involved, and make the BVI a great success.”

The two-day tournament is scheduled to take place on Friday, August 9, and Saturday, August 10, and is part of the Caribbean Series Blue Marlin Championship.

The rules to participate in the tournament include that all boats entered must be in Virgin Gorda with their team registered by August 8. Boats must depart from Spanish Town on the days of the tournament and be present at the awards ceremony. The entry fee is $2500 per boat, while the organizers will pay the Tournament and Angler Fees required by the Government of the Virgin Islands.


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  1. Karl says:

    Donate $50kntowqrd sticking the sidewalks and roads in yuh district just a big disappointment as usual

  2. C.O.I says:


  3. WTF says:

    $50K is not what’s needed to see sportfishing take off in the BVI. This has been discussed ad verbium for years. Quite simply, the process to licensing for vessels and fisherfolk need to change to make the process efficient.

  4. Ooohhh. Boiiii says:

    Aaahhhh. Sir. And we running a community project VGFC for the past 23 summers and WE cannot get $1000.00 to assist over 100 children —- Clearly as Bugs Bunny saa “ some ting won’t “ —Is Really as the Virgin Islands. PROVERB goes — “ Curry Favour” has shown its face again

  5. Disillusioned says:

    The BVI will be the centre of sport fishing in the world, yeah, just like it will become one of the world’s leading music venues! Please just spend the money on the important thing like schools, health, roads etc.

  6. Lure says:

    This 2 day event is an attempt to lure some sportfishing yachts in San Juan, PR for the 2024 International Billfish Tournament on 14-17 August.

    So we wait and see if this ‘feeder’ event is successful or not.

  7. Thoughtful Sailor says:

    Sport fishing and sailing are uneasy bedfellows!

  8. Hmmm says:

    Get the Premier and his crew out please,the white people could have fund their own s**t! You take my tax money to do that crap and the roads are a mess!! Get out the seats you guys are a waste!! Sickening

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