Govt ‘invited’ Skelton Cline to submit proposal for $98K contract, says Premier’s Office

The Andrew Fahie administration was the one who invited Claude Skelton Cline’s company, Grace Consultants, to submit a proposal to secure a $98,000 government contract.
Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Premier’s Office Elvia Smith-Maduro gave that statement to BVI News amid questions about how the company was selected for the contract.
She said Grace Consultants submitted the proposals shortly after the Virgin Islands Party — which Skelton Cline publicly supports — was elected as the new government.
“It would have been within weeks of the administration being established,” Smith-Maduro told BVI News.
No tendering process was done for the deal since “the contract was less than $100,000”, the Deputy Permanent Secretary explained.
She further explained that this action was part of government’s strategy to diversify and grow the economy.
“This means tapping into the expertise of our own people who can assiduously work to improve the standard of living for all the people of the Virgin Islands,” Smith-Maduro said.
She said this move is also in line with the government’s plan to provide ‘1,000 jobs within 1,000 days‘, which was a critical aspect of the VIP’s manifesto during the 2019 General Election.
This is beyond political affiliation
According to Smith- Maduro, Grace Consultants has “the necessary skillsets, policy understanding to help
She then noted that the agreement with Grace Consultants “is beyond politics and political affiliation”.
“This contract is focused on compliance to value for money, delivery and execution, accountability and transparency in the context of weekly reporting to the Permanent Secretary in Premier’s Office, and subsequently to the public. More importantly, will be open to auditing and the contract is not about the consultant’s findings and recommendations, but rather about the consultant delivering tangibly and putting things in place to make success intentional.”
“The objective is for the consultant to create the platform for government agencies to build on in restoring hope and prosperity for all,” she continued.
Terms of agreement
The terms of the Grace Consultants’ six-month contract says the company is required to, among other things, lead negotiations with stakeholders in the telecommunications sector, lead discussions on the future of Prospect Reef, and lead negotiations for new berthing agreements between government and cruise companies
Skelton Cline — a former managing director of the BVI Ports Authority — was also appointed Chairman of government’s Cruise Tourism Committee.
Copyright 2025 BVI News, Media Expressions Limited. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or distributed.
Here we go again.
Dem Dam Lie!! Andrew must not take us for fools!
You all amaze me. The man for the RDA getting $400,000 a year and not one of you saying a word but you all want to kill one of your own.
The RDA heads are highly skilled specialists with significant experience in the job for which they are employed. This is a significant contract that, given the lack of expertise in firstly logistics management and then for this role, genuine infrastructure project leading, appears to be a misappropriation of public money for political favour, which is a type of fraud.
If he has someone skilled lined up to lead it and an appropriately qualified team to back it up, that’s different. Cayman and other islands have done well with keen partnerships where enterprising locals have set up with highly skilled specialists to deliver real value for money for the government and the citizens.
The position at RDA was advertised. The head of RDA was selected as the best qualified person.
CSC isn’t qualified to do squat. His record is failure.
He will be Andrew’s downfall.
The man from the RDA has a brain in his head and knows what he is doing. “Your own” leave much to be desired in competent brain matter. In fact, “your own” cannot engage in any field requiring mental awareness unless it’s in the Territory. On the world stage you are all incompetent.
You called it kill your own is claude company the only consultant company in the BVI or the only local that operates such? 10000 it would have had to be tendered so they cut off 2000 just so claude wouldn’t have no competition for such contract…. where is the accontabilty and transperancy the VIP was campaigning on… I sorry but Andrew you have already cripple the party in your first 2 months not a next term for you and your team..
Where were you? People did make noise and most people were not in support. Most still not in support, even some of the d**n rda people themselves but that’s a NDP doing so you make no sense!
That man is qualified to do what he does. I going to do a Theology degree and come back for a contract to.
For real @dem lie. Dem too lie. Now Fahie, NDP got voted out coz they took the bvi people for fools. Take care before your behind get impeach and one of your FOUR deputies end up taking over. Don’t think that you have 4 years to go. Ok!
Next, if what your spokesperson say make sense, then I come from Timbuktu. If you trying to meet objective of 1000 jobs in 1000 days, won’t your behind invite 3000 to submit proposals, which would then be narrowed down to 2000 then 1000 in the final round? Then the selected ones would have their contract to start at some point within the 1000 days? Keep your damn Anansi story to yourself. And I know yuh is a man that like to tell story.
Please cut the bull c**p. It ain’t Skelton-cline mouth that put you where you are dude. It’s the people. Stop your sHite. The only contract that man needed was one to go seek mental help outside then bring back the d**n expertise acquired to manage a freaking mental institution here…. No man, this is real real talk mehson!
All that information might be true, but what about transparency and accountability?? Are we cutting corners in the name of expediency? We have to make up our mind about what we say and what we do. There could have been an expedited tendering process, but at least persons/companies would have had the opportunity to submit their proposal…that’s transparency!!
WTF – c@rruption
I see a renewal as all this cannot be completed in 6 months. Another contract of 98,000.00 as it needs not to be tendered.
Really FAhie,
If NDP overhaul their slate and put a number of multi generational BV Islanders to run- them back in four years – But we don’t want Myron
That was the topic of our kitchen table talk just the other day. This is a small Island,everyone knows everyone, excatly, he have bodyguards to proctect him from the people who voted for him. I am not aprochable any longer, that is what the bodyguards are for.
when you owe the d***l, sacrifices have to be made.
There will be 3 renewals at least of this contract. School Children say that a contract was given for $375,000.00 Well do the maths. Assuming this is the same scope of work, the government cannot issue a contract over 100,000.00 with out tender. However if you divide 375,000.00 by 98,000.00 you get a figure of roughly 3.82. There for to amount to the 375,000 the contract will most likely be renewed at least four times according to school children. And in the BVI they say school children don’t lie.
So Claude was the first to get hired, then Willock and the 2 bodyguards.That makes it 9996 more jobs to go
Don’t forget dividing the Deputy Premier position between 4 ministers. 9990 more jobs to go!
darlin’ you mean 996. They did not promise 10,000 jobs.
correction: 996 more jobs to go
The NDP gang is out on in full force.
Next to get hired will be a private chef.
He needs to hire is a personal trainer! I am surprised that was not the first.
After the horse drawn gold coach and the mounted outriders.
I have to say, your hustle is real.
Dude hustle is real, he is getting his and is going to keep getting his. Dude use to run with the big boys in Detroit USA. He knows how the game is played. Andrew, you made a terrible mistake on the backs of your voters. THAT MAN IS GOING TO BE YOUR DOWNFALL IN POLITICS. D**n Andrew WHY !!!!!.
I am not sure what the Es****ed and the Overspend have over Fahie, but they will continue to damage him for so long as he associates with them.
Those two got something on Andrew for sure. Time to start the impeachment process.This Pre—- is a waste of time and space with his ill fitting cheap suits.
you got jokes ill fitting is right, I keep saying to my self Lawd he can do better! nothing fancy a brooksbrothers or two with proper alterations!
I have never heard a civil servant go this far in an explanation to say that this is not about politics. Of course it’s about politics. Why was he the only person approached to submit on those things? How did you put a value on the job? Why wasn’t there some sort of competitive bidding to ensure that you did get value for money and got the best suited person to do the job. Isn’t it odd to put a value on a job and then invite one person to bid for it? Isn’t it odd that the job stop short of the 100k mark so that it doesn’t require tendering? Is it a coincidence that the same person who was most involved in their campaign was the only person invited to submit a proposal just mere days after the election victory? Would the public be crazy to think that this is political payback at the expense of the treasury that the Premier campaigned and said had no money? When civil servants get this involved in protecting politicians that they support is when corruption will thrive, be covered up and be legitimized. How can the deputy secretary come out and say such nonsense to cover up for the Premier. She should be ashamed. This is very concerning.
Look- this is a simple gift which will add up to a million when it is over- don’t take residents for fools OK?
Miss I beg you adhere to your public service ethos and not as a perception management official for the VIP.
LOL, I see the M**s as one big A** K***er trying to fit in.
The Governor needs to reassign her ASAP! This is not in keeping with the ethical standards of public service of selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. she violated everyone!
I am disappointed in this woman.
still unclear what their role actually is? how can it be good value for money if there isn’t a clear scope of works and deliverable’s? All too obscure for me…
VIP usually show their true colors early. At the start of the last time VIP were in power, every minister were competing to see who can drive the biggest official car: this time Fahie got bodyguards to protect him from the people that voted for him- who he think he fooling – we will see how long he can deceive the peolple
That was the topic of our kitchen table talk just the other day. This is a small Island,everyone knows everyone, excatly, he have bodyguards to proctect him from the people who voted for him. I am not aprochable any longer, that is what the bodyguards are for.
REWARD REWARD Cant you all see this man is laughing at us all the way to the bank. We’ve been had by this VIP government
Andrew picked up right where he left off. Time will tell
One down 999 to go!
Really! to ensure a better quality of life for who people. The rest of us here scratching in the dirt. May God expose every thing and bring it to light before this beautiful BVI is destroyed again by greed
Really Premier,
Then you have to be the biggest donkey. Because that man is not qualified to do squat!
Stop wasting our money!!
A real d——y is looking better than the biting Premier. A real d—– is not that simple/dumb.
Trust me f—- gettin his cut on the bank end, why else would — hire a character as unt—–thy!
While we cling to a hope of receiving a long over due increment and upward salary adjustment, they seem to be getting all they want, as everyone else eat salt and struggle for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Next cycle, if this disenfranchisement and don’t care attitude for and treatment of the people continue, there will be a territory wide voting boycott organised.
“No tendering process was done for the deal since “the contract was less than $100,000”, the Deputy Permanent Secretary explained.” Oh wow…is that how he came up with the figure?
Isn’t that considered a “major contract”?
As I’ve said before, A man hiding behind the collar. Hiding a lot he doesn’t want us to know.
Andrew stay away from this guy
This is depressing. Didn’t take long for the VIP to start handing out no-bid contracts to their cronies once they got into power.
They could at least pretend that they are slightly ashamed of what they are doing. But no. They are without shame. Give out a $98,000 no-bid contract to someone who has none of the necessary skills, but loyally supported the party on his radio show during the build up to the election.
Makes you want to weep.
A better quality of life and enrichments for themselves. But you know what, I am also one of the ones that is scratching and will continue to scratch but not for long. At least this scratcher can go to bed every night with a clear mind.
“According to Smith Maduro, Grace Consultants has “the necessary skillsets, policy understanding to help government with its goals”. So the owner is in the middle of controversy of cruise pier/ park development and our current government who criticized the alleged overspending during its campaign finds it necessary to INVITE his company to “bid” for a contract to oversee its financial initiatives. WOW!!!! Then they appoint him as chairman of the cruise committee??. Is there no shame here??? What skill sets are we talking about , REALLY?
People should read some of these reports sometime.
Endless managero babble about about achieving sustainable goals, providing equal opportunities etc etc that can be cut and pasted from the Internet.
Nothing remotely practical.
Any plans for more prayer meetings, Andrew and team?
God is not mocked.
To late for that even if he wanted to.Andrew is in to deep in the sauce with Cl—-. Plently of people warned Andrew about this man with past connections to the EX Mayor of Detroit.
Who don’t listen will feel the Stinger and the after pain. Shame on you Mr.Preimer, shame on you. Every now and again you throw something in to make the people think you are on their side. I see right through the game Mr.Premier.
Andrew is just talk – because he own he district he doing foolishness- but is the at large gone get run out first
He already has that position….
“birds of a feather flock together” but “time longer than twine”
Let s cut the crap. If it looks like a duck , waddles like like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. Plain and simple , it is about politics. CSC was a rabid supporter of the VIP. There is a quid pro quo, ie, something for something, relationship between most supporters and a party. You got to leave with the one that brought you to the dance.
Let’s be real. There is civil service and then there are a number of positions that are political positions that are reserved tor politicians. It is a reality in every government every where. In opposition, certain government action, ie, nepotism, cronyism…..etc is beyond the pale of decency. However, in power, nothing changes; it is 6 of 1 or 1/2 dozen of the same. Nonetheless, supporters will be given contracts or positions but at least these actions should pass the smell test.
If true, acquisitions below $100K and without competition is too generous. As an example, procuremens below $1000 can be awarded based on verbal quote; these acquisitions should be rotated among suppliers. Procurements between $1K-3K should be awarded base on at least 3 written quotes. And procurement above $3K should be advertised and awarded based on best value. In regards to CSC $96K contract, what is the scope of work (SOW), what is the metric to evaluate performance, what are the plans specifications, are performance bonds required, what are the penalties for non or poor performance, what is the retention rate, if any……..etc..
Use c***k instead of Duck.
Dude hustle is real, he is getting his and is going to keep getting his. Dude use to run with the big boys in Detroit USA. He knows how the game is played. Andrew, you made a terrible mistake on the backs of your voters. THAT MAN IS GOING TO BE YOUR DOWNFALL IN POLITICS. D**n Andrew WHY !!!!!.
What a smile!
That is not a smile.
It is a s**t eating grin.
During elections you were warned that this is the s**t that would happen but no, hatred and band mindedness rang through so now reap what you sow.
It’s a shame how NDP bloggers have to hold on to this for dear life praying and hoping that this is VIP’s version of the BVI Airways disaster. This is a non issue.
Fahie was warned- now the VIP will have to live with this CSK and Bodyguard mess for the next three plus years – and I bet you that a lot more crap going on we know nothing about- where all the transparency and accountability gone now Fahie? Fahie you full of BS
I come here for one thing.
to nana booboo allllll ayo VIP voters.
because you alll did this and now we alllll have to suffer……but i will tek the salt because i know it saltier for you!!!!
you know you salty!…you ain’t got to lie VIP Voters…you ain’t got to lie!!!
Leopard don’t change he spots Boss
There was much hope and great expectations for Fahie and the VIP government. Not an impressive start. Look as if winning was a shock to VIP, for it is behaving like a kid at Christmas with a new toy. The government does not seem to operating from a prepared plan. Com’on man!
Give us a break. The NDP bitter losers trying to brand Fahie as bad all because Claude was on the stage banging the NDP. This is alot to do about nothing.
Name one VIP Candidate that gave you any inclination that there was a plan. Plans are ideas with details… ideas are just ideas. Someone told me p**s poor planning leads to p**s poor performance.
So let them sit in their p**s.
He take off $2000 just to say it less than $10000 so no need to tender claude you smarter than them you still on top cutting $2000 to be unopposed you the real VIP… can’t wait for the next 4years we sending VIP packing I can’t recall Dr.Smith had bodyguards heavily armed like this hu**ty d***ty c**wn… picko and sam fall asleep??
This is not unusual in the BVI. Dr. Smith was the Premier when his wife’s company received a contract worth $100,000 in 2013 nobody complained. Claude Skelton Cline received a consultancy contract by NDP worth $96,000 in 2011 nobody complained. OJ received a $90,000 a year contract for 2 years in 2011 nobody complained. He also received a consultancy contract valued at $100,000 in 2016 nobody complained. I recall a motion in the HOA in 2012 to grant permission for Marlon Penn to be able to receive an IT contract with FSC nobody complained.
NDP was re-elected so we know people dont have a problem with this type of cronyism. These are only the former NDP candidates with the exception of the former first lady but there are many other close members of NDP that received contracts. That doesn’t make it right or necessarily wrong but it highlights the hypocrisy of some people now that we have a new government.
Those people actually did something in their post. CC had ample positions from VIP previous tenure to NDP to now VIP and all of them were incomplete, ended up in court, or nothing was never done but he collected a big fat check.
Do not just call out a few. Especially under NDP. You do not want to see the list for VIP. Most of which nothing was done.
The issue isn’t who got what. Claude contact will renew making it the highest over 1 year and certainly 4 years. Compare the resume of all consultancies then lets talk after. My issue is that Mr. S…..C…. have the qualifications for those areas?
CSK is not a VIP fan he is a fan of whoever has control of money .he is a trickster and a fraud . He is no man of god either he follows that path because he knows how strong the faith is in BVI and can get people to blindly follow him under the cover of religion. He talk of strong values but has none, this is part of this mans art to deceive . Whilst you watch his sparkle his hand has your pocket book. He has stolen from the BVI after running from the US and everyone knows it but let’s him do it I just don’t understand this mad island.
Ok so he submitted proposals to get paid by public money so can the public please see the proposals, it’s targets and what will be delivered. Are there penalties if these targets are not made .BVI news please go ask the questions and publish the answers
Why does a not to sm–t bushman need private security. Continue picking up the fake collar bad ways Mr.bushman.
We will never progress as long as we continue to reward failure.