BVI News

Gov’t should leave horse racing alone

Amid the public debate on horse racing in the territory, political commentator Cindy Rosan has stated that the government should not be spearheading such a venture in the territory.

For years, the government has been paying for the Ellis Thomas Downs venue where horse racing events are held. But the sport has been on pause for some years now due to a disagreement over the cost of the property.

It’s also unclear how much money the government makes from the sport and what the funds are used for in the territory.

Speaking on the Morning Ride radio show earlier this week, Rosan said horse racing should be left to the private sector and shouldn’t be funded by the public’s purse.

“As a territory, we need to remove the government’s hand from around our necks. To do that, we need to release ourselves from the government being involved in every aspect of what’s going on in the territory. The government shouldn’t be involved in business or what’s going on with the race track. A private entity should do that,” Rosan stated. 

Although some horse racing enthusiasts are eager for the revival of the sport and think the government should take control of the venue by eminent domain, some sections of the community believe horse racing should be ignored at this time as there are more pressing issues in the territory.

Others believe it shouldn’t be spearheaded by the government and should instead be left to private interests.

In the meantime, Rosan also said the government is responsible for the negative view that people have of the Thomas family — who many believe are responsible for the horse racing issues. It’s also understood that the Thomas family continues to receive threats because of the issue.

“I see a family that is trying to honour their father’s legacy for a property and in doing that, I don’t see why they should allow a whole government to take advantage of them,” Rosan stated.


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  1. Reality Check says:

    It is absurd that Goverment would waste money on a horse track for a small percentage of the population at the expense of fixing the roads, water, sewerage, that affect 100% of the population!
    If the horse owners want a track they can work with the Thomas family to make it happen, but not one more penny of our money.
    Let us not forget that the money used for the track originally came from the education budget, at great expense for all of us as the education system has failed to produce the educated young adults we need to move the Territory forward!

    Like 31
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  2. Oh my! I agree with Cindy! says:

    Government’s job is not to provide everything for everybody. It needs to provide or ensure the provision of top-quality infrastructure (roads, electricity, water, telecommunications, education and health) and then step aside.

    If there was such a demand for horse-racing, then the private sector would have stepped in and provided it. Clearly, there isn’t, so government shouldn’t throw our money at this particular venture just because some people with loud voices are calling for it.

    Like 27
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  3. I agree says:

    We got more pressing things to worry about than horse racing

    weather predict to come with heavy rainfall again late May and early June

    watch road town flood out again with your car engine submerged in water while the government officials live on hill top watching yall struggle through the mud.

    use these extra funds to get the bvi ready

    Like 22
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  4. agreed says:

    Government should just use that lady greed as the excuse to just rid itself of this expense all together.

    Like 16
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  5. Agree says:

    Horse racing is private enterprise ONLY!

    Like 28
  6. tax payer says:

    Horse Racing, Car Racing , Boat racing is a Private sport that is only for the few and not the majority, All other places in the world Private money funds it. Not the Tax Payers money. we need to use tax money on schools, hospitals and roads to name a few Not Sports

    Like 20
  7. Agreed says:

    No more government gambling on horses we’ll just stick to what we know best drug importation, prostitution and corrupt contracts.

  8. Karnage says:

    If it’s one thing I hate about living in these small islands, everything is De Government, De Government, De government!

    Like 10
  9. Cheek says:

    The cheek,
    Everybody knows that since the Thomas family gave them graces the whole horse racing thing here and in all the VIs is all about gangster and drug man money! Look who was in charge there for many years!
    And now this small clique of people have the cheek to ask us the tax payer to finance their expensive money laundering operations?

  10. Be Fair says:

    The government, should pay what is owed to the Thomas family. If government feel like they don’t what to renew the contract it is ok. If you decide to rent an apartment for 1,200 for 2 years and you sign a contract, you have the right to uphold to that contract, until
    It is expired. Fair is Fair. Do unto others what you would like them to do unto you!

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