Hairdressers, barbers added to govt’s ‘critical businesses’ list after Premier receives backlash
Hairdressers and barbers in the British Virgin Islands have been added to the government’s limited list of critical or key private sector businesses which will be permitted to operate in the territory during the upcoming ‘soft curfew‘ period.
Premier Andrew Fahie made that announcement during a special sitting of the House of Assembly on Thursday, April 16.
Neither hairdressers nor barbers were included on the original list that was publicised on Wednesday. But, Premier Fahie said it was an error.
“I would take responsibility for that and I really thought I had added it on because Cabinet did approve it and I didn’t say it,” Fahie stated.
Backlash from over 100 residents
The Premier also said he had received a great deal of backlash from female residents across the territory following his initial omission of the two cosmetic-related professions.
“I got no less than 120 WhatsApps from ladies and their pictures showing me how their hair is looking; stating if I think I can get away with this,” Fahie said.
“So after getting that kind of body shot all afternoon, I charged my phone really quick and I called the Minister of Health and we saw the Attorney General and we confirmed that it was on, so we made sure that we redid the paper in terms of what is being allowed and put it on,” the Premier further explained.
Let us not win the battle and lose this war
Health Minister Carvin Malone, however, issued strong words of warning to local hairdressers, barbers and their clients. He urged them not to focus on winning the proverbial ‘battle’ and losing the more important ‘war’ against COVID-19.
He urged them to ensure that they practice necessary precautionary measures within their businesses to prevent any chance of transmission of the virus in the territory.
“It is strongly advised that persons venturing into the personal space of others must wear their protective gloves and N95 masks and ensure that equipment and surfaces are constantly sanitized,” Malone stated.
He further appealed to all businesses to install and make consistent use of facilities for hand sanitization, personal hygiene, and physical distancing of at least six feet between persons.
Government said the list will continue to reviewed before this week ends.

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With all due respect Premier, this list is too long for such a small island. Many of these entities are not essential.
Please rethink this effort. You guys do not want to go down the road of Jamaica and Trinidad with larger numbers.
Peace be over these islands!
The Territory is heading into a financial abyss the likes of which have never been seen. The BVI’s total economy is based upon 2 avenues. The first is the financial services sector which on its own was being wiped out but now has the economic downturn also. Second, and most importantly is the tourist sector which has been shut down until September and maybe longer. Please enlighten me as to how the Territory is going to survive the economic fallout. Yes the Belongers, especially the politicians and ruling families have stocked away plenty of money to carry themselves for many years but how is the ordinary man to get by. The government is running out of money and will not be able to pay workers. People can’t pay their electric so no money to buy fuel for the plant, People can’t pay telecom bills so they will lay-off personnel. This shit down has no thought of how this is going to affect people more than the virus. Besides shutdown notices I think it would be nice to hear what the Premier has planned because I don’t think he has any. He and his family have money
Time to exercise the Third Pillar of the economy..
So everything that BVIslanders want or own themselves? No boat industry, no gift shop, no Syrian store no bookshop, takeout food pizza etc ok but every other industry that locals don’t care about or own, they have to stay closed. Businesses like beauty, getting a weave, nails done make a mockery of social distancing but of course you can’t go to the office trust company insurance or law without getting hair and nails done.
So how do you hair and nails from six feet away ? Thought we were not giving into pressure ??????
Are you kidding me!!!!? We get another positive covid case….we’d be stupid to think there won’t be more BUT you’re worried about all the fros and weaves!!!!!! Get your priorities straight and keep hair salons & barbers closed – they will be in close contact with soooo many people and passing germs around!!!! Keep our country safe!!!! Tell those ladies that wear their shower caps to the grocery store to just wear one all the time!!!!
Now in light of this new serious COVID-19 case, salons need to be REMOVED from the list. It is not necessary…these women are emotional…they need to have several seats and go and learn to do their own damn hair. And I’m a woman. Thus brings back a particular Government Officer’s statement right after Irma about salons needing generators to operate from the Territory’s limited donated supply when the whole territory and other more important businesses were still out of basic electricity supply….buncha foolishness
Hon Premier Fahie, you are on roll now despite your early tendency to try to be all things to all people. Don’t catch a relapse. Don’t piss on me and tell me it is raining. Really, are beauticians and barbers core, essential and critical services? May be we just as well open up the whole da..n thing, ie, bars, strip clubs, restaurants…..etc. Then again a bad idea.
They should review the list again..
Too many non essential businesses that can transmit the virus due to non distancing.
As for hairdressers and salons being allowed to reopen,, this has to be ground hog day for April 1st joke !
Please , after this new case of Covid 19 , how can we protect ourself and our hairdressers, etc … from social distances .
It would be the last thing on my mind , and by the way maybe a good time to go “gray “ including myself , it’s fashionable and save your money for the needy times to come .
We were on a good track , this could put as back from where we started.
If salons and barbers on the list add the bars to because alcohol will kill corona for sure.
Can’t believe he folded… Pure BS that beauty and barber are essential. Do your own hair, do have FAKE nails…. Keep that money and feed your children or your neighbor. Much more essential than hair. Keep it up BVI.
Mr. Premier, Thought you were doing really well with how you were handling things so far but after hearing this I’ve just lost all respect. What are you doing? Because woman are complaining about their hair? Really? You are putting us all back in danger. I don’t think you should open any non essential business right now. Please Hon Premier Fahie don’t let us down now…We were just starting to trust you. Very bad idea. If those woman have extra money to do their nails let them go buy a family some food instead! We beg you!
Well said my Dear
Every dog that barks the premier will answer? Explain to me how the hairdressers, nail techs and barbers will provide a service for hours on end to an individual from 6 feet away. Those services are not in and out. People lingering in a salon for hours on end. People’s priorities are amazing to me. I think this was a bad call by the Premier. These services can wait to be reopened in the next phase.
You can’t go catch a fish to eat but you can go to beauty salon. Pure idiocy.
I hope I don’t see the same people begging for help with food and rent and loans in those barber shops, nail shops and hair salons. Y’all need to get y’all priorities straight mehson. This is not essential. Honorable Fahie this is a bad call.
If you ask me, this may very well prove to be a big mistake as it is as far removed from social distancing as finger nails are attached to fingers. I know it will hurt the beauticians, hair dressers and barbers, but it is better to be safe than sorry.
Personally, the local ladies look so much better without the unattractive addition of weaves, extensions, not to mention the gobs of bondoo and the claws.
Just my humble opinion. No hard feelings. And, no, I shall not read any responses as I can well imagine they won’t be nice. Please surprise me and refrain from commenting.
I totally agree with you!
Oh dear. And BVI Gov doing so well. Disgusting to find this type of thinking is guiding us. Many people without food and others wanting to risk lives to spend their money on vanity projects.
The backlash you received from over 100 residents is nothing if the number of Covid-19 cases begins to increase as a cause of this bad decision. We are being told by government to keep our social distancing which means no less than six feet. Common sense tells us that this is not possible when going to a barber or hair salon.
So, on one hand we cannot go for a soak or swim at the beach but we can go to a hair salon.
It will be sad for all of us if the progress that was made during this last curfew will have been done for no good reason if we start to see a climb in cases.
These are the same people who doing hair every week is the same one who expect the government to feed them and their family.
If you can find money to do hair and nails weekly you should have money to saver for a rainy days
You bunch of hater, you haven’t a clue
What the benefits are in the services that are
Provided in the beauty and barber industry. All you
Guys seems to be scientists in Cocvid19. Please do
Some research on the cosmetology industry as well before you get so ugly.
Bye Felicia
Con mucho respecto señir ministro se que todos necesitamos algun sustento para sibrevivir,yo cimo peluquero e inmigrantes se que la situación que hoy vive el mundo es difícil. Tambien entiendo que la situación es perecaria para todos los recidente de esta hermosas isla. Usted puede y tiene la potesta de decidir quienes pueden o no reabrir sus negocios.
Continuen los negocio de peluqueria serrado pero puede facilitarles una una pequeña ayuda a cada peluquero ya que son padre de familia y si no trabajamos no tenemos dinero como los demas.
Espero que tome las mejores deciciones para que tidos continues cada días mucho más mejor.
Salud, paz y prosperidad para usted y sus familiares y todos los recidente y ciudadanos de esta hermosas bvi.
Are you joking, really Mr. Premier. What a crock of crap you just did. So a few women who don’t have the sense to do their own hair or improvise with a head wrap, etc., just told you what to do. After these weeks of curfew and lockdown and all the sacrifice by the people and you let some too good for their britches woman now put us right back where we started. I VERY disappointed in you. BTW, they best buy a set of shears and buy up some food cause the worse is yet to come. They still think this is play time.
ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING! Let’s a few hundred What’s App him in protest of this crap. I want my hair done too but not at the risk it involves for the entire BVI!
The famous VIP lady called this shot because its in her best interest. She always get whatever she wants
Mr. Hon. Premier I suggest that you reconsider. How could you jeopardize the health of the residents of this country for people who want a perm and a haircut…really??? The beauticians are in the same category as everyone else who have had to sacrifice. I didn’t know that beauticians were the 3rd pillar of our society. Would you like to know who are suffering? The people of the 2nd pillar…the tourism industry in all aspects. Hotels, villas, taxis, charter companies, boat yards, marinas, ferries, airlines and all the entrepreneurs who depend on tourism. There are at least 12 charter companies in the BVI (this doesn’t include the private crewed boats) those employees have been furloughed long before we shut down. Hurricane season is right around the corner and the charter season doesn’t begin until November. So tell me sir, what are all these people, most of whom are the least paid to do until then? what is your plan? Getting a hair cut or nails done is the LEAST of their concerns. Tell those ladies that want to take care of their roots and edges to take several seats(at HOME) !!
We must now question how wise you really are.
Say what? Sounds as as if you have been hen pecked. When they keel over….you just show their family members what they wanted. In the mean time man up and make the though decisions… we will thank you for it later.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha. It spreads when we are locked up.
this a joke? the global press get this and we look like stupidest place on earth . .
Putting teaching staff together before it is proven safe to do so, and now this.
Understand the urgency for normalcy, but prodence should be the guiding factor here.
Maybe they are bowing to to many opinions, or they are lacking leadership backbone.
Either one, this could spell diaster and even serious sickness and death for many.
We might have many women in this territory, but very few Ladies, is that all our women care about is looking good and having nice nails at a time like this. What a bunch of premadonnas, no wonder we have such a bunch of loser children with no values in this territory.
How on earth do you practice social distancing when having your hair or nails done??? Bad decision we will be heading for another lock down or worse.
If one looks at decisions being made from the top, and if one knows about inter-relationships, some women in this community have more “say and power” than those elected to office. This is a clear and evident example of that.
Nothing wrong with that though. The wrongness embedded in it is that it goes as far as for me, myself and i. basically, with no benefit, care or concern for the masses, except to suck their pennies, so as to satisfy a money addiction,.
Therein then, establishes a severely weak political leadership: lacking in strong and independent thinking and leadership governance. Will cronyism still exist? Of course! But strong, focused, informed and independent leadership will not be a victim of such.
My suggestions:
If they are allowed to reopen:
– INSIST it is by appointment ONLY (no more than 3 CUSTOMERS 6 feet apart)
– INSIST that barbers, hairdressers, nail salon techs, change their gloves for EACH customer AND WEAR MASKS
– INSIST that Customers ALSO wear masks
– INSIST that hands are WASHED/SANITIZED upon ENTERING and LEAVING the establishment
Just some of my suggestions
@ To The Government, thank you for the breakdown. All hair salons, barbers and nail salons is closed. Even the celebrities who can afford a stylist to come to their homes to take care of their hair is not doing such. The celebrities choose to go natural and take care of their own hair themselves at home.
Ladies, as a mother, wife and Health Care Worker, please don’t risk your health by sitting in a beauty salon at this time. Even if the hairdresser or nail tech is wearing a mask or gloves you are still risking it. The question is, is the hairdresser or nail tech going to change and properly dispose mask and gloves after each client.
I a time like this why did the minister of health agree with the premier on this decision? Is he afraid of loosing his job?
Minister please stand up for principle I will applaud you on this one
Andrew you just lost my support. You tell me how beauty shops and barber shops become an essential service. Don’t lie Mr. Fahie you bend to pressure on this one. Social distancing (6ft apart), people not back to work, can’t pay their rents and mortgages but they will find money to get haircuts, nails and hair done. While I am at it, me and my family of 5 have ran out of food. Are you going to let us out to go to the supermarket to buy food? On my frugal budget I won’t be getting my nails and hair done. SMFH.