BVI News

Here’s how some expats offend the Premier

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has expressed that he is deeply offended by expatriates who believe the United Kingdom should get additional powers over the BVI’s elected government.

The Premier said such a belief is egregious and something he finds “difficult to forgive.”

“I’m not putting locals against persons from other countries and I’m comforted by the fact that many who come from other places don’t share those backward views,” said Premier Wheatley earlier this week on the Morning Braff radio show.

“To come here in the Virgin Islands and say we must be subjected to colonialism is something very egregious and a matter I find difficult to forgive.”

At a press conference earlier this week, the Premier told journalists that he knows of some Virgin Islanders who also believe the UK should impose additional powers on the BVI. He said these persons are equally as bad as the expatriates who share the same view.

“I’m very disappointed in anyone who would like to see an Order in Council imposed on the Virgin Islands. I don’t know who is worse — someone who has roots here or somebody who has come from elsewhere to live among us and is telling us to take a retrograde step. I don’t know who is worse but both aren’t anything to be proud of. We must defend the gains of the people who came before,” Premier Wheatley explained.

The Premier said both locals and expatriates benefit from the sacrifices of the BVI’s forefathers and should support those who are fighting for greater autonomy for the territory. Despite this position, there are some who believe the elected government has not been leading the territory well and that things would be better if they lost some power to the United Kingdom.

However, the exact sentiments of the people aren’t known as no formal poll or referendum has been conducted in the territory.

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  1. G Cans is Traitor! says:

    Sindee is trying to ingratiate herself with the Governor and the UK. I suspect that they realise the she needs help.

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  2. Jim says:

    Sounds like our accidental premier is a bit racist

    Like 74
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    • Truth says:

      Jim and others, I must respectfully challenge the notion that his is racist. The reality is that a significant portion of those advocating for the Governor’s intervention comprises expatriates. The Commission of Inquiry did not unveil widespread corruption; while issues of mismanagement and a need for enhanced processes may exist, they do not warrant British intervention. As I’ve previously emphasized, there are numerous honest, accomplished, and competent individuals in the BVI and across the Caribbean well-suited for oversight. Opting not to pursue this path, in my perspective, provides credence to those suspecting ulterior motives, potentially fostering skepticism among locals towards expatriates.

      Like 5
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      • Correct says:

        Even the Commissioner accepted that notwithstanding Gus’s melodrama there was not wide ranging corruption in the BVI – possibly a little corruption but not large scale, but plenty of hopeless mismanagement, hopeless procedures, and general uselessness in the public service. The Commissioner recommended the suspension of the constitution as per Gus’s direction but the UK Government rejected that recommendation.

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        • Daniel says:

          The COI found serious faults in governance, including “corruption, abuse of office, or other serious dishonesty” among officials, both statutory and elected. The report highlighted gross deficiencies in governance across various government ministries and administrations, leading to a failure of good governance and transparency. It also revealed the incomplete and disorganized nature of documents obtained from the BVI Government, as well as the reluctance of some members of the public to speak out due to fear of reprisal.

          Like 14
          • Truth says:

            Daniel, let us refrain from conflating criminality with incompetence or poor processes. Each necessitates a distinct prescription and should be treated accordingly.
            It is rather unjust to hold an entire populace accountable for isolated (and unproven) incidents of corruption. Such a standard is not applied elsewhere, certainly not in the United Kingdom.

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        • To Corrupt says:

          Just a little corrupt you say….lol

          Like 6
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    • Truth says:

      Jim and others, I must respectfully challenge the notion he is being racist. The reality is that a significant portion of those advocating for the Governor’s intervention comprises expatriates. The Commission of Inquiry did not unveil widespread corruption; while issues of mismanagement and a need for enhanced processes may exist, they do not warrant British intervention. As I’ve previously emphasized, there are numerous honest, accomplished, and competent individuals in the BVI and across the Caribbean well-suited for oversight. Opting not to pursue this path, in my perspective, provides credence to those suspecting ulterior motives, potentially fostering skepticism among locals towards expatriates.

  3. Well I never hear wuss says:

    So if you’re not with me you’re against me….Is that what he is saying?

    Like 51
  4. Wow says:

    Now BVI News this headline is totally misleading. Come on now.

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  5. LEH HE CART HE @$$ says:


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  6. WTF says:

    Imagine how this racist f&*k offends the rest of the world while teaching BVIslanders to be proud about it. If the BVI can’t learn to play with others it’s going to find itself real lonely, inclusive of tourism and financial services, really soon.

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  7. Anti-corruption says:

    I am extremely proud to have offended the accidental Premier by favoring the Governor to have extra powers. I also really don’t want his forgiveness and would prefer to have his resignation! This territory with its very diverse populace (most of whom hold no sway, have very few rights and are the reason the territory functions) all want the BVI to prosper. The mob of “politicians” who seek to call the UK “Colonialists and racist” may need a long hard look in the mirror! The UK, Governor and residents of the BVI all want improvements and change, yet every politician who slows, blocks and disrupts this process is considered as knowing what is best for the territory?! If they had hit every milestone of progress in the COI then they would be taking the credit. The reality is that from a self interest point of view that doesn’t suit. We all know that the venomous bile they spout is a reaction to being caught in their lies! Out with the government and short term direct rule to clear the decks and bring back trust worthy individuals with BVI’s intentions at heart!

    Like 70
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  8. Poor ting says:

    Day before yesterday,blame the governor. Yesterday, blame the opposition.
    Today, blame the expats.
    Tomorrow is who?

    Tell me you a narcissist without telling me you a narcissist.

    Does this man sound like someone divinely chosen by God? HELL NO!

    Poor ting does not understand that it is the expats closest to him on his advisory panel in his circle are who support the takeover. If they encouraged you with the unnecessary travel instead of getting on with the people’s business, you better believe they have the governor’s number on speed dial.

    Poor ting also does not know that while SOME expats support the takeover…MOST citizens do. He has to be that bad to have both his own and the very people he gave belonger status to, against his poor leadership. This is what happens when you are a TERRIBLE LEADER. The problem is HIM. Can he receive this truth? Noo.

    Like 51
  9. Mad Max says:

    Why does he keep talking about colonialism? The BVI is an Overseas British Territory. That is it’s factual and legal standing.

    If the BVI Government is not prepared to act in the best interests of its citizens and residents and the local populace is unable to make it, then the UK Government owes the same citizens and residents a duty of care.

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  10. BVI says:

    For your information Natalio Wheatley there are more BVI people than expatriates who believe the United Kingdom should get additional powers over the BVI’s elected government. We are sick of you and your side show you are a disgrace to the BVI and its people

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    • @BVI says:

      I wish the UK get the power so you all can see what’s really going on. You sound so f**king dumb. Have you seen what’s happening in the UK? The BVI is no worst than the UK. We need to fix some things but we can fix them, we don’t need them. You are cheerleading people who put prisons and police over education and welfare, smart.

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      • @@BVI says:

        The second comment to @ BVI

        yes BVI can fix the things without UK take over..

        but guess wa muddask*nt

        They literally gave us a chance to do it and we still ain do it dawg!!

        are you blind?!?!?!

        we wer given several chances to fix it on we own and still in the same hole!!!

        Like 26
    • @BVI says:

      EXACTLY…. it is the people of the BVI that are calling out for the UK to have more powers because it is our own family we cannot trust. It is a very sad state of affairs, but the expats can leave… the BVIslanders are here – we are the ones that need the change. What shocks me is that this man and his government are willing to go out in public day after day and lie to everyone whilst continuing to do the same nonsense.

      Like 27
  11. YES TO UK says:

    Anti-corruption If could you a million likes I wood because what you said is so true, the government is a disgrace to the BVI and its people, I grew up in the BVI where there was no talk of Colonialists and racist we hear it more and more from this government and there flowers than anyone else. I am with the governor the sooner the better. The UK need to take over if they care anything about the BVI and its people.

    Like 24
  12. lol says:

    He couldn’t implement 50 recommendations for good Governance but think he can lead an independent BVI? Ridiculous. We will be worse than Haiti or the Congo in less than 5 years.

    When we can have a functioning Government, all of our checks and balances in place, and clearly moving in the right direction we can talk about that.

    Until then all this racist, colonial dog whistling is just a ploy to ensure that no one can hold them accountable. If they think its the UK holding back the BVI they need to just look in the mirror at the real culprits.

    Like 29
  13. VG Mon says:

    “We must defend the gains of the people who came before,” Premier Wheatley explained. – And by gains, he means kickbacks, telling businesses who to hire, easy money and lots of travel! There is a reason that ministers are so against the Register of Public Interest – they don’t want the public to know just how many pockets they are in.

    Like 28
  14. BVI says:

    Governor John Rankin please dont go soft on us bring in the UK I am sure by now you can see thats what most of the people of the BVI wants.

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  15. truth says:

    Sorry but we have proven that we need a babysitter by our corrupt ways

    Like 26
  16. Taxpayer says:

    Well, its refreshing to actually see him in Tortola and not on one one his many, many, many trips.

    Like 11
  17. Taxpayer says:

    Well, its refreshing to actually see him in Tortola and not on one his many, many, many trips.

  18. Sad says:

    I do not think this fellow was given enough toys to play with growing up. Maybe DeCastro can help him with his re-imagination. Where is she anyway and the rest of the VIP crew? Where is their voice if they have a clue on what is taking place. But who cares because even sowande knows that his unqualified team has no effect. He needs the rightly qualified opposition members to get him through the mess he created. The same opposition who was always present and accounted for in the House long before Sowande made his mess even worse. We watching you wuk baby!

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  19. Huggies says:

    Yo, yo, YO’. Natalee you need a diaper change post haste dread. Seemingly you keep soiling yourself and now require A&D cream.

    What a BIG Baby you are dude! Like you want people to lie and say you are doing a great job while the truth remains hidden.

  20. Head Coach says:

    Remember one Thing I’ve said.


    Like 13
  21. Resident says:

    I get offended by paying my taxes in BVI and having woeful infrastructure.

    I am also offended by what was revealed at the CoI and the fact that our former Premier is awaiting trial for serious offences in Miami.

    The Premier might want to focus on reforming the way things are done in the BVI; instead of attacking those who pay the bulk of the taxes actually paid in the BVI; and who play a big role in attracting and keeping the financial services work.

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  22. Action says:

    There are people who sacrifice their lives for love of country. Other shed blood for love of country. They are the real heroes. You are not even willing to sacrifice your position for love of country. If you are fighting for us then step aside. You are no Fahie, not close.

  23. Roger Burnett says:

    “The exact sentiments of the people aren’t known as no formal poll or referendum has been conducted in the territory.”

    So why not have a formal poll or referendum?

    Like 10
  24. LOL says:


  25. my2cents says:

    I agree with him on that. And then I’ll say this too, the leadership has to be better. The world is moving forward and these guys get into office and fall into the same backwards mentality that holds us back, playing local politics games instead of raising the standards so we can be among the progressive countries of the world.

  26. YES TO UK says:

    @@BVI You are the one that sound so f**king dumb.

  27. YONKO SHANKS says:

    Yes Premier! Show them your true colors! You hate expats and the UK.

    You only for yourself, family and friends.

    Everybody else come after.

    poor wages comes after

    poor infrastructure come after

    poor roads come after

    poor services come after


    Like 13
  28. YONKO SHANKS says:

    I am a bvilander

    born and raise here.

    I am for the UK seeking additional powers and wont even mind if the suspend the constitution.

    So if the Premier hate idgaf.

    I hated that fact that yall in office see how bad the daily life is for your citizen and just ignore it by giving us pretty speech’s and fancy talk for yearsss.

    Then covid open my eyes with those grants! yall really wicked dawg fr!

    If the UK take over gets you upset and keep yall away from the cookie jar then I am 1000% for it!

    So get mad, feel the pain the common citizen feel
    when we begging you for

    Price control

    better roads

    consistent water

    better consumer protection.


    Be for the people that put you guys in. Not for yourself.not for your family. not for your friends

    shame on yall

    Like 19
  29. Radio Rich says:

    This guy has the hallmarks of a dictator in the making

    Like 10
  30. Redstorm says:

    You all see this generalization about expat, when one man call out for a UK take over. Note that one native woman also call out for a UK take over. I am against the UK take over or whatever they are planning to do to the constitution. I believe they should give the people more time to fill all the gaps of items that is lagging behind.

    That headline should have a poll of people, between certain age, from certain countries, which are more than 50% of is population. Before generalization! Everyday we move further from the Lord. God please help us to forgive quickly.

    Mr Govern give the people more time to fix the problem,is not like the world will end tomorrow,give them the time to fix the forty year was like if you didn’t know it was impossible to fix in two years. And don’t put those managers back into the position they had before, because most if not all did not review monthly work done by their supervisor and others and things run arrears. Just,please give them more time.

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  31. soil boy says:

    Its amazing how lively these blogs get when the northerners feel offended…

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  32. Anonymous says:

    Aye don’t forget that expats also help to build torla, don’t forget all the contributions that expats make here. expats are not the one who controlled the government and cause all the CORRUPTION the COI find. Instead of trying to cause division between the people why don’t you focus on doing the right thing,the expats is not the problem.

    Like 13
  33. What? says:

    I’m not sure is Slowande actually realizes it but there are many, many BVIslanders and regular old Tolian’s that would like to see the British come in and clean things up.

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  34. The ex pats says:

    They want status

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  35. lol says:

    At the rate this one is going the Constitution needs to be suspended if only to get a competent Government in place. This is ridiculous.

  36. Karnage says:

    He’s perfectly right. People from independent countries run here and want to say UK must take over. Oh the so perfect UK. They full of piss.

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  37. Licher and Sticher Good says:

    Sounds like a bully, a personality that lends to bad decisions and yes ppl around him. I do not believe that ppl would vote him in as premier

  38. LOL says:

    Dear Mr premier if you don’t like the fact that the UK actually owns your country you are welcome to leave and let the people who love this country drag it back from the brink and into the modern future we all deserve here. The island is a disgrace, roads, power outages, no water. Your building fishermen parks, markets, electric bus services the place is a mess. Its not Irma or coved just complete lack of respect to your voters. Non of these projects are well thought of. The UK is here to get you back on line, if your not willing to do it step aside and let the people who know what they are doing whip thsis place into shape. You have so much hatred for outsiders but no love of your island.

  39. to live among us says:

    The Premier use of the phrase “to live among us” in reference to expatriates is the signature of the xenophobia that infects church, school, business, and all areas of society. When a government can wilfully create nationaless people out of people born in the BVI while running tothe USA to secure birthright citizenship for themselves ranks of hypocrisy and duplicity. When a law can prescribe 10 years for earning belongership and a government insists on 20 then that is rank xenophobia. So yes. Expatriates are right to desire a UK take over because BVI leaders are treating them as less than human. UK, come for your Territory and remove the corrupt and hypocritical leaders.

    Like 10
    • Truth says:

      There is a certain irony in this situation, as it appears reminiscent of the status quo approximately a decade ago concerning the relationship between BVIslanders and British citizenship.

  40. Expatriate says:

    As an outsider you vigin islanders are a corrupt bunch especially you politicians who are some of biggest drug dealers on the island the U.K should impose more authority to clampdown on you corrupt individuals

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  41. NB says:

    Imagine a big man, supposedly educated and operating like a little five year old child. Throwing tantrum, responding to every little thing, crying when he doesn’t get his ways, lies, wants attention and the list goes on. Mister you are not ready for this job. Do yourself and the people a favour. Step down sir.

  42. Understood says:

    We don’t want england in here to approve there same sex marriage agenda and whatever other agenda they may have. But I will say Hon Wheatley you and your administration need to get you’ll act together, the people of the BVI are suffering and I don’t mean the elits this administration should be different instead you’ll are doing the samething the people are suffering even more than before.

  43. WEW says:

    He can say this because Expats can’t vote ! Keeping them ineligible to vote keeps the big family belongers in office and in control. There needs to be a big change here. Yes to UK

  44. China Man says:

    Ayo lucky he doesn’t have the power to deport people or all the expats would be gone

  45. Oh please says:

    Yea right… there may be some but only a few we…. we know our place you tired tell us mind our business and stay out your affairs. So why we going put our mouth now. Only when it’s beneficial to you there’s the appeal to generate the expats support but other times the general consensus is know your place…. drink water and mind your business.

  46. Fed up says:

    why you guys dont think of ways to stop corrupting the lil ones mind. social studies teaches them where they are born is where they are from, however a child who is born here n parents are not from here is consider to be the same expat until 18years. Wherein parents have to travel back to their country where the kids where not born to get a passport for them. Sit and look for the main things to be fixed in this country and stop looking for ppl to blame. POLITRICKIONS. I HATE THEM

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