BVI News

Heritage apologises to CCT

Broadcaster Floyd ‘Heritage’ Burnett

Following Caribbean Cellular Network’s (CCT) announcement that it is terminating its service exchange agreement with Floyd “Heritage” Burnett and Tola Radio due to a deteriorating relationship, Burnett has issued a public apology to the telecom company.

On Tuesday, October 22, Burnett posted a statement on Tola Radio’s Facebook page, asserting that he and his platform never intended to damage CCT’s reputation or harm its staff through any statements or actions.

“In addition to previous public apologies made on Tola Radio’s platforms and during the international reggae night show on August 2, 2024, Floyd ‘Heritage’ Burnett and Tola Radio take this opportunity to retract any statements that could be seen as disparaging or potentially libellous against CCT and its staff,” the statement read.

Burnett emphasised the mutually beneficial nature of their previous partnership, in which CCT provided $60,000 in network services in exchange for exposure across multiple platforms. While he expressed regret over the dispute, he also suggested that CCT’s recent statements may be misleading. He identified the root of the issue as Tola Radio’s independent contractual agreement with CCT for optimal internet service, which began around July 2024.

Burnett expressed hope that both parties could end their contract on agreeable terms.

On October 18, CCT released a statement addressing public discussions regarding the termination of their agreement with Burnett and Tola Radio. CCT clarified that the agreement naturally concluded on May 31, 2024, and that it chose not to renew due to a volatile relationship with Burnett, who it accused of making disparaging and potentially libellous statements about the company over several years.

CCT concluded by stating that Tola Radio can continue to enjoy similar services by becoming a paying customer, but that the company is no longer interested in advertising on the radio platform.


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  1. ...... says:

    Like a child!

    Damage been done, Bro! Can’t just take all you’ve said on the record back and pretend it hasn’t happened or that all should be forgiven and forgot.

  2. LB says:

    Same tactic he uses everytime! He bites the hands that feed him and when they pull back the meat, then he comes apologizing humbly. First opportunity he gets he will bite that hand again!

  3. Elsa says:

    GOOD! This dude thinks he can say whatever he pleases and there are no consequences while he smoke his spliff on air as if it is legal. Let him pay for what he wants.

  4. Head Doctor says:

    I am only a trainee psychologist, but I question whether this guy has EUPD (emotionally unstable personality disorder) or simply used to getting his own way by bullying others, or just a grown a** man that has never learned to manage his emotions. Maybe, it is a BVI or Caribbean men-thing where they have never been allowed to express themselves emotionally, without being labelled a sissy, and so, are unable to manage emotionally heighten situation appropriately. The childish outburst, followed by quick apology is troubling.

  5. Insight says:

    @ Head Doctor.

    There is a sad history to this that no one has yet touched upon.

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