I have bodyguards because of multiple ‘assassination’ threats — Premier

Amid criticism for hiring bodyguards after being appointed to the highest elected office in the BVI, Premier Andrew Fahie has reported that he has received three credible threats to “assassinate the Premier”.
While speaking in the House of Assembly on Thursday, Premier Fahie described the matter as a sensitive national security issue.
He further said the advice to procure bodyguards came from local police who are probing the matter.
And in a message directed to persons he described as the ‘three entities’ behind the threat, Fahie said: “I will not be intimidated by you. You will not frighten me.”
He further said his bodyguards have been advised to use lethal force against any would-be attackers.
“If anybody make the attempts, I tell them (my guards) to shoot and kill them.”
The Premier, who was making his introductory contribution to the 2019 budget debate on Thursday, said monies have been set aside in the said budget for his bodyguards.
Uncomfortable adjustment
The Premier made it clear that he finds no joy in being forced to hire personal security and told the House that it has been a less-than-comfortable ‘adjustment’ for himself and his family.
Premier Fahie also rebuked detractors who have strongly criticized and sought to ridicule him for hiring security to protect himself.
He did not specify who those persons were. He, however, said: “They know some of their friends trying to have me killed”.
He said he will not “feel bad” about taking preventative measures protecting his life.
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Wow this is what the BVI come to. How sad.
Govt officials should be protected by govt authorities not by private security forces. Who is paying for this private security coverage that is threatening to shoot to kill? We need full disclosure now.
And when do we see the whistleblower law that we were promised? If that isn’t offered next week we need to impeach this guy.
@Honest Abe: you and people like you arewhy the BVI is the way it is. Why your NDP Government didn’t pass it? I agree with Mr Fahie 100%. This is our Premier we are talking about. The highest elected office in the land. Every Prime Minister in the independent Caribbean Islands likely have an armed security detail. Why can’t our Premier have the same? It really have some sick sick bad minded people in the BVI and your are one of them. Moreover, you are probably one that sad the NDP because your gravy train was derailed. It’s sad that so many of our people never took the opportunity to travel the world and get to know what life is like outside the little BVI.
The Premier is entitled to security. But, in my opinion, it should be provided for by our Government or the UK.
The problem with elected officials hiring private security details is a simple one …does their authority now exceed local law enforcement? It’s a dangerous precedent. What’s to prevent the official from hiring 100 armed Blackwater contractors and creating his/her own army?
In any case, It’s irresponsible for someone to say my men “are going to shoot to kill.” Who are they going to shoot? What if they shoot the wrong people? What happened to judges and juries?
Let’s establish strong a strong and honest government. Let’s establish strong law enforcement and rely on that to protect our elected officials and to protect us against gangsters.
If our Premier needs 20 body guards running alongside his bullet proof limo (like North Korea’s President has), let’s train them in-house rather than hiring foreign mercenaries who may act outside of our laws.
We voted for the VIP to do away with corruption and based on their promise to pass whistleblower laws. When are we going to see those laws?
Lmao … Love the image of Kim Jong Un’s bodyguards jogging alongside. We’ve got some track stars that may qualify. But will one of them have to carry the briefcase with the special launch codes?
Apparently, he does not trust the BVI Police Force to protect him.
I don’t mind the Bodyguard but it should be done by the Police Commissioner. not a private firm.
What was this guy into before becoming our leader?
a f** west end s**b
Please let us know when you find out……
So our newly appointed Premier received 3 major threats to his life and all was done was hire his own private security firm with orders to shoot to kill.
No statement by the Governor, nothing from the Commissioner of Police. no Scotland yard came in not even a police press release.
The National Security Council, the Governor, the Premier and Chief of Police must give the people a full account of this very alledged serious threat of assassination ASAP.
Simply getting up in the House of Assembly and making those broad statements to justify the cost will not fly Premier.
WOW! Fahie more of us are with you than those against.
This is not about who is with or against our Primer,this is about the VIP has been hired to stop wasteful spending. Fahie is a good person who lives good with everyone, now one wants to do a thing to him. We know this is all made up and its a show. Ministers in the BVI are free to go where ever they want and not a soul would trouble them.
Leaders from other country are always blown away when they visit. This is not the way our people operates. Maybe its what he adopted when he was in the Leeward Islands?
The BVI has changed
Same sex marriage, liberal immigration, loss of values, entertaining liberal elites and their immorality , like Branson and Larry Page .
“Liberal elites”? oh please this is BVI not DC
Utter nonsense!!!
He hired his own security firm to do government security work that is not necessary.
He soon ask for a personal fitness instructor.
I am not surprised because Fahie has and is for the people while many others are just for the money. Now that they are not by the money then by any means necessary they have to get rid of anyone who is by the money.
The lies from this man are becoming overbearing.
What does he have to gain by making up this story?
he is looking simpathy , now that everyone upset at him for placing Will and Cl!ne contract
When you want to be rude learn how to spell sympathy. Take the I out. If it were you or one of your family member you wouldn’t be taliking trash. There is a lot of jealousy in the BVI and I don’t blame him one bit. There is three men out there their names are jealousy, greed, and envy and Premier Fahie you keep looking out for them and protect yourself. We need to see you alive. We need you. God is watching over you, he will not leave you nor forsake you keep on praying.
are not is
pulling up spelling mistakes and typing ‘taliking’.. hahaha you dumb a$$
You need to look for a dictionary. The word is sympathy you simpleton.
@Simpathy: I can arrange some Tutoring in English for you. You clearly need it
Paying friend money and begging himself up to be something he is not
What if Walwyn did it?
threats from Who ? I don’t believe a word this man says
I don’t believe it either. And he knows he can say “oh, the COP recommended it” because the COP will never get up in public and say that’s a lie.
Why would anyone suddenly want to kill him? We have oil? We have diamonds? He is a bulwark against corruption?? He is a freedom fighter?
I am not even going to give you a thumbs down…but there are a lot of crazy people out there today so I am certainly going to give him the benefit of doubt. As strange as it all sounds.
This is just to justify hiring from a crony company.
I would’ve thought that the great god of the universe will give him all the protection he needs ?
maybe he dont got the money to pay back since the election so he resorted to bodyguards
Maybe? You guessing, Dumb Stupid A..
Don’t mind the naysayers Hon Fahie. Not surprised by the threats. The hate and greed is very live. Some even have the media assisting. And some even have law enforcement on the inside on their side. Sad times in the BVI. P
It’s about time business people and politicians start taking security seriously.
He is following his associate from Delta that always have bodyguards.
Samething i said. Plus the others from St. Kitts. Call Dr. Smith whatever you want because of his humbleness, he never had to resort to security. Four more years. Just started and everything is about self and your inner circle.
I don’t know what to think anymore.What the heck is going on. Multiple Assassination threats. You all get to close, his security is going to take you all out. That security guy look like how the secret services guys look.
This is the Time Police should have been on high alert and send a Team to Protect the Premier and his Family. I hope this is not because they Lose.
How will you be able to protect one from guns with batons. Police what. Y’all serious? Getting your own security is the way to go. Things and people have changed. Time to get serious.
Seriously, Boss go run for cover because if we find you out, we cleaning you. Don’t make that mistake and threaten our Premier. Seriously not in the BVI.
Oh my goodness. This man talks all and i believe if this was the case we would have known as it happened. However, i believe the guards are necessary to keep people away from him and all the unwarranted solicitation and begging etc. But no one wants to kill him unless he is indebted to the wrong people.
One of the mistakes past premiers made was not to have security. People had too much access and were always in his face talking nonsense.
Don’t mock God
The Delta Associate has bodyguards?
Those might be his boy toys
I believe this is a lie but if this is true, it have to be he owe a few people money?.
How many promises have he made to people to get him in office?…
How many money he borrowed to help campaign ? …
A private armed security guard ! Not a police officer ! Under what law are they allowed to carry fire arms and under what law are they allowed to use lethal force? The police of the BVI are not allowed to do this so what the F are you talking about and what have the police not arrested you and brought you in to be questioned over your comments . YOU and NOBODY is above the law
Politics is a very dangerious thing.My husband said he is going into politics and if he does,I am going to leave him because I don’t want the stress and I am not willing to give up my personal life or be under the spot light. Mr. Premier, good luck to you and your family hope everything goes Well.
Give me a d**n break! What d**n assassination threats? Please go sit down, no one even studying you! This is so laughable, it’s ridiculous!
I’m happy to see Fahie showing his true colors, I hope you all watching. Pay close attention everyone!
Q. Who the h**l goes to VG in a jacket on Carnival day?
A. Only an Big A** will do so!
This was the most intense election season ever. Just look at some of the comments on these blogs since 2018. Look at negativity on the articles since VIP won. Any article with Willock, Skelton Cline and Fahie is filled with high number of comments full of pessimism, propaganda, hate and negativity. In a few hrs this one too will be reflecting the opinions of a few from the darker side of society.
Are you serious? You guys are mad crazy with your thoughts!! CRAZYY!!!!!
It really pains me how desperate of a politician this man has become. Willing to say and do whatever it takes. No I do not believe a word of this or any other words that come from this man’s mouth and we should all be cautious when listening to anything, ANYTHING he says.
Truly sad times from my beloved BVI.
….too many people looking for $98k handouts?
Andrew have some of the best security detail. And from what I hear, those guys will do some serious damage to anyone trying to harm Andrew and his family.
If you p** who you o** then you wouldn’t need body guard.
Deep down in the pit of your gut you hope that this is a sick joke. Nonetheless, if true, it is a troubling moment in Nature’s Little Secret. Assuming that this is true, the VI moved quickly from a little sleepy hollow and one of the safest place on earth to this barbarism. True, the good, the bad and ugly come with growth and development but this is beyond the pale.
This mind set will set the country back economically, socially……etc for decades. External investment is the lifeblood of the BVI serviced-based economy. Investment is a function of rule of law, safety…….etc. The BVI cannot let a few bad apples spoil the whole barrel.
The BVI is representative democracy and a majority of voters voted their choice on Election Day for whom they wanted to represent them. Though we may not like the outcome, we must respect the choice of a majority of fellow voters. This is not about PU or PVIM or NDP or VIP but about the BVI.
The VIP was duly elected and it should be allowed to govern; the ballot box is the tool used to settle political issues, not criminal behaviour. The BVI must come together regardless of political philosophy and arrest this raging cancer. The survival of the territory depends on it. The BVI is better than this.
He said shoot to kill. So they are carrying so does this mean other security firms can now carry? Or are they still gonna shoot robbers with flashlights????????
Why would people want to harm Andrew. Dr.Smith and the Premier before him never had private security.
He is looking SYMPATHY, now that everyone upset at him for placing Will and Cl!ne contract. SMART persons can’t be fooled !
Why security for our Premier was never pursued until most recently is questionable.
However sad this story might seem, the Premier of this country now having security, is great!
I am still baffled as to why would anyone want to harm our Premier?
He won the election, FAIR AND SQUARE!
Security for ALL of our representatives is long overdue, and should become a major rule of thumb, going forward!
the bodyguard dress like the premier.
I hope no one mistake the bodyguard for the premier and Andrew for the bodyguard.
Maybe Claude and JW is going to get their personal security next. Why would people be after Andrew,for what reason.H*ll, I’m confused. Maybe he is telling the truth but, something about this is just odd. I don’t know.
I’m sorry but everytime I read your blog, I am cracking up.Maybe I had to much wine.
He instructed his security to shoot and kill anyone if they try to make a move on him. You all better listen up.
If Dr Smith never need security after all that careless spending,how comes Andrew need security in that short space of time.according to how you make your bed you have to lie in it.
Its a crock of s**t Andrew is talking. He is just trying to justify his asine behavior. Who in the world wants to assassinate him?! Really!!!
It would be interesting to see if the premier can be honourable and say when these threats were made on his life.
Those reliable school children and social media videos/pictures will tell you that this was during the time that we had a Premier named Dr Daniel Orlando Smith, OBE. A time when he was just a man on the street. But now this premier is trying to make us believe that since the people voted him in the boogie big mean are threatened and want to bring harm to him and his family.
The ease in which some of these things roll off his tongue should make all of us shiver.
Whole thing seems quite strange. Who is after him and why. Well Andrew, your life has changed if this is true.
…. Wah Tola have that would warrant his assassination.
During campaign Tola was the safest thing now he at the helm and somebody want his neck. WHYYYYYYYYY
Common sense tells me that he has a BIG bill and don’t want to pay it.
Donald aint getting assassination threats tis Andrew. STRUPES
No fireworks at Towers.
That mean that the obeah man was fired?
People or Tresary is in Trouble.Some people don’t have to wait outside the door now they sitting high and writing checks..God Save us From the Asassin who want to kill the Treasury..
With 3 Asassins walking around Town we need the Royal Milatary not Pink Man and crew Or Prophet Can to pray them off the island..
After reading on this the premier said greed was a factor? Why would it, in a new administration? Unless their was prior dealings with whoever because his statement seems to establish some kind of link!
Its a shame that people have so much outrage for Skelton Cline receiving a contract but the Premier of the BVI announces that he received assassination threats and is met with ridicule and slander. What more proof do you need to show that the negativity towards him is real. The verbal attacks on our Premier is real as evidenced by the comments on every article. We didn’t have 10 comments congratulating our athletes after an excellent performance in the Carifta games but yet another Article with Fahie with over 50 comments and most are disgusting. What possible good reason would the Premier have to falsify threats just to hire a body guard?
To put money in people’s pocket.
I don’t believe the Brown Bomber.
If someone wants to harm you are they going to tell you first?
He made so any promises that he cant fulfill that’s why he had to get those bodyguards in order to prevent those same people getting close to him
Where are his body guards from?
This sounds like something Olivia Pope would do! I guess VIP PR person is a Scandal fan!!! lol
Be careful of the trend you setting. For easy come easy go
Why the people come down so hard on the premier for his comments
People, threats are made everyday to any number of political persons. However, it is the job of what ever security service to decide whether the threats are credible. If they are what course of action to take.
If Richard Branson can walk around with no security who is you Fahie to think u need armed guards