BVI News

I was shocked at budget error but I have confidence in the Premier

Deputy Premier and Labour Minister Lorna Smith

Deputy Premier Lorna Smith has expressed her surprise and disappointment over a $20 million budget miscalculation surrounding the new salary structure for public servants in the territory but said she strongly supports Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley’s response to the issue.

Smith noted that the miscalculation was only discovered in April 2024, months after the budget passed in December 2023. The Premier and the Ministry of Finance discovered then that the amount required for the new salary structure was significantly higher than what had been budgeted.

Premier Wheatley outlined the details of the miscalculation, explaining that the budget allocation was based on a compensation review led by the Deputy Governor’s Office and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). However, he related that “problematic assumptions” in the review led to a significant variance between the budgeted amount and the actual funds required.

“The Premier was very specific about it. He said that he heard or it came to his attention that this excess amount of $20 million for salaries was identified in April of this year,” Smith explained. “I, myself, was shocked, outraged, and disappointed, to put it mildly, when I heard about it.”

The original budget had allocated approximately $11.7 million for the new salary structure. However, an analysis by the Ministry of Finance revealed that more than $25 million was needed.

“I have full confidence in the Premier and the way in which he has handled this matter once it came to his attention,” Smith said. She noted that the Premier had called for an investigation into the miscalculation, and she was present when he expressed his “shock” and “horror” to the governor over the discovery.

Smith stressed the importance of accountability within the government, particularly in the ministries responsible for public service and finance. “We cannot, as senior public servants, be making that kind of grave mistake,” she said. “The financial implications, as has been said, are significant, and we must find a way to come up with a solution in terms of making up for this $20 million deficit.”

“It is a very serious matter, and as I’ve said before, we have to deal with it expeditiously. We cannot sweep it under the rug; we cannot kick any can down the road. We simply have to deal with it head-on,” the Deputy Premier added.


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  1. Hear lie says:

    This woman campaigned against the VIP. She called them incompetent and now she has confidence in the Premier? She knows what she is saying is false yet just to keep her position she is prepared to purge her conscience. Lorna is in her own corner. A selfish, self Centred, power hungry woman. I regret voting for her and will not do that again.

    Like 16
    • Just Sayin says:

      Has he told you in detail how the government will make up the deficit? How it will earn more to cover the discrepancy? If not, STFU go home eat your oat meal and take a nap

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  2. SMH says:

    Since April 2024! But yet none in the Administration was aware! WOW!!!

  3. Joker says:

    Look Delila! Or is it Jane since she does be swinging on the push up Mcmara. lol

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  4. Oh yea says:

    I bet yall wasn’t shocked when you politicians gave yourself a big pay raise..

    I guess it had look normal and right

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  5. Me says:

    I hope the BVI Beacon get a copy of whole thing .According to radio personel it’s public knowledge cauze I want to see these criminals salary

  6. O says:

    The $20 million was caught in April, but we went ahead with a May music fest to lose more money and now in August revealing all this mess. We had visiting guests in the August parade so we should be told who paid for them. Where is the accountability in all this? We in a never ending bragadam. Premier step down and Mrs corner follow him

  7. Madea says:

    Who prepared the budget? Where are the accounts for the other years? Do they have the same error?

  8. Madea says:

    Who is paid all this money?

    We need figures. A breakdown of all salaries and how many earn them. From the top to the bottom.

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