BVI News

I was threatened after calling out local Magistrate

Cindy Rosan-Jones

Talk show host and political commentator Cindy Rosan has stated that she received threats after sharing her opinion on the matter involving Commissioner of Customs Wade Smith, Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards and the Commissioner of Police.

It was recently announced that Commissioner Smith emerged victorious in a judicial review case against Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards and the Commissioner of Police. The court found that the actions of the Senior Magistrate in granting a search warrant against Smith were unreasonable, unjustified and lacked substance.

After that announcement, Rosan used the Morning Ride radio show to express disappointment in Magistrate Richards’ handling of the matter. Rosan also called for persons who hold high offices to do better and added that Magistrate Richards would have probably lost her job if this matter occurred in another jurisdiction.

But on the April 29 airing of the Morning Ride show, Rosan said some people have tried to silence her by highlighting her personal issues and saying she needs to know her place.

“There are feathers that have been ruffled and people have been flustered but when you want to indirectly or directly threaten people, that part doesn’t fly with me and it never will,” Rosan stated. “People have a right to discuss what’s going on with the government and when you have grave errors like the one last week, people have a right to be concerned because anyone can end up in front of the court system and we hear all the stories of people who feel like the system cheated them and that shouldn’t be the case.”

Rosan added that she has no personal issues with Magistrate Richards but will continue speaking on matters of national interest. She also added that she will not be silenced by those who mention her personal affairs to shame her.

“Talk about the debt I have? People create debt every day, millionaires and billionaires have debt. So a threat to me about my debt and who I owe – do you want to pay it for me? I would be grateful! Don’t think you can throw anything in my face because it’s neither here nor there for me,” Rosan stated.

The outspoken commentator also revealed that over the years, she as well as her children, have received many threats including death threats and poison attempts, since she started speaking on political issues in the BVI.  


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  1. Hot one says:

    Who does she owe money to? Surely nobody in their right mind would lend her money.

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    • @Hot one says:


      Like 21
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    • @Hot one says:

      That is none of your business. Why don’t you stay in a child’s place hot one. I’m quite sure you owe someone. F….ng Island idiotaka retard.

      Like 12
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    • Really? says:

      Just shut up already you inb**d piece of d**ty t**sh. Learn how to mind your damn business.

      Like 7
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    • @Hot one says:

      Let’s keep it real. Worry about how much money you owe. Please do everyone a favor and go find some water and detol and give yourself a nice long bath because you are reeking worse than a SKUNK AND THE RAW SEWAGE RUNNING ON THE STREETS IN ROAD TOWN. 100% PUN INTENDED AND SARCASM ON MY PART!!!!!. BOBO!!!!!

      Like 2
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  2. serious note says:

    on Saturday serious note the senior magistrate seems to think that she is the law unto herself. she seems to tell herself that she’s above the law.bur every dog has its day

    Like 25
  3. honey says:

    She’s like a honey pot but the authorities will never go after the criminals who harass her.

    Waste of time authorities because those same people will end up feeling as if they run the country when no one voted for them & never will.

  4. Cindy STFU says:

    Just hush your *****

    Like 2
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  5. Crazy or not says:

    People are saying that Cindi is crazy, but ai think she is not, she is a smart asxx, she is using the popularity tactics and the reverse psychology in order to get people on her side, I DONT THINK SHE IS CRAZY, I do think that she needs a Boyfriend urgently, I also think that she needs to take her medication twice a day, every day, who in they right mind will waste their time with Crazy asxx Cindi ??? ,, Girl get yourself a man and go travel somewhere, when last you went to a Romantic Dinner?? Come on crazy Cindi , get a life …

    Like 3
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  6. From the outside says:

    The Senior Magistrate needs to step down. She seems to think that she can do whatever she pleases because of her position. We call it abuse of power.How many innocent people sitting in the BVI prison because of her incompetence. She is one of the reasons the US judicial system don’t and will never trust the BVI JUDICIAL SYSTEM. Time to remove the rotten egg. Because she is local does not mean S. She is bad for business. No one is above the law missy.

    Like 19
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    • HIP TO THE F HORAY says:

      Time to remove the rotten egg that is funking up the hen house. She needs to be gone or demoted to janitorial services.

      Like 4
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    • And I can almost bet says:

      If Andrew had gotten clip in the BVI for all the horrible things he was doing and mixed up in, she would have slide all his dirt under the rug and set him free to continue business as usual. Down to the dumb a.. jurors would have gotten paid off to…….

  7. "Poppy Show." says:

    BVI gone to the petty non grown up dogs.

    They are now on the level “Poppy Show.”

    No substance; No intellect; No soul.

    Gone to the dogs!!

  8. Ausar says:

    The nerve of “Hot One” to inquire about the debt-financial and otherwise, of a talk show host, and to whom!

    ALL, has debt!

    Some personal,financial, relational, political, and in many cases, spiritual, to include Juju practices!

    To use such tactics to silence an oponent-I say, Cindy,it’s obvious, you’re on the right track..

    Don’t you give in!

    This is the type of challenge needed- a type of pushback necessary, to stimulate the types of discourse, to warrant the desired changes, that the country so desires!

    Like 5
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  9. Shame says:

    They want to silence truth because the Pastor says the BVI is not corrupt
    So again my country is in serous trouble
    Even in the churches they silence the truth . Dont be intimidated

    Like 11
  10. Deh Watcha says:

    This is how top management in the BVI government system wants to operate.

    They want the high position, the high salary, the big office. They want all these things without any form of criticism.

    Don’t dare ask about their track record or what they achieved during “their reign”. You are labelled as jealous or a “hater”.

  11. More importantly says:

    …and the dish ran away with the spoon.

  12. Concerned says:

    If they are attacking you, you are ruffling feathers. In the COI those who were shouting loudest had more to hide. There have been many cases which passed through the court which were not sucessful.

    We have some high profile cases still to go through the courts so lets see how they pan out. I look forward to your reporting on this.

  13. Now you are beginning to……. says:

    Now I am really beginning to see why most of the people that went to the USA and the UK to study do not want to come back to this crazy land of make believe place. Many people have said the USA and the UK have their problems but they would prefer to live in the USA or the UK.

    Like 2
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    • Country Living says:

      They can’t get jobs here more like. Even though they trained in the UK, the professional jobs go to UK nationals far too often. Labour doesn’t look after locals at all.

  14. B....h says:

    …is the only word to describe this person. She and her fellow “friends” are gossipers who have nothing to do but sit, mind people business and talk. ONe must always be careful of Karma is all I will say. careful what you say around whom as it is a common practice of hers and she wont like the outcome.

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  15. @Now you are beginning to……. says:

    I confirm and agree 100%

    My greatest mistake ever in life was to come back home.

    I wanted to contribute to my country, its people and development.

    But my people were the worst thing that ever happens to me.

    Though i stuck it out, my career was a living hellhole.

    In my time and tenure, there is only two words to describe the administrators at BFEC, ESHS and within the administrative wing department of education, evil Satan’s.

    Thank God for an angel like Ms. Connie George being in the right office at the right time, i was barely able to salvage a few pennies for retirement and old age pension.

    My case is still languishing on the Deputy Governor’s desk for lack of attention.

    Next i will petition the Governor. If no progress, well, further drastic steps will have to be taken.

    It is never a pleasant thing to sue one’s government, but in this my case, it is fully warranted.

    I am suffering immensely as a result of their illegal and unconscionable actions, but I a remain in faith and hopeful

    We are our own worst nightmare.

    • I as well says:

      I also went to the US and spend four years in College and came back home thinking I would be able to make a difference and help my Country. However, after submitting tons of applications I never receive as much as one call back. I will be packing my bags and heading back to the US. I am so over and done with this dysfunctional place, one step forward, 20 foot backwards.

    • We are indeed says:


  16. USA says:

    No matter if you like someone or not, you DONT THREATEN THEIR CHILDREN. Just be careful when you threaten someone’s children, bad karma is going to fall on yours. Cindy said something you wusses knew and was afraid to say. The only thing you wusses is good at is hiding behind drawn blinds talking BS about everyone and humping each other like Jack rabbits on crack and inbreeding.

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  17. Crazy says:

    You too like to be in thing. You need to STFU and clean your damm house.

  18. Talk about Lorna too says:

    My problem with Cindy. She picking and choosing who to attack. If she was fair across the board. She would get more respect and lot more people would come to her defense. We like her courage and she brings good information. She can’t expect to be giving Hon Lorna a pass and making excuses for her for all her unfulfilled promises and failures..

    Like 1
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  19. GIRL says:

    That dark canary from the yello site , really got it in for you , and his yello site isn’t enough he is doing it on this site also , the boss of the opposition , has said that the COI has left some people with the side effects of retardation / this dude’s overgrown EGO is making it look like SKELLIE’s research is correct


    is saying )> hey boy , blondie is you ah mean , don’t hate me ,it’s my natural hair ,so don’t be jealous , your fake wig looks good on you , you should wear it full time ,I
    ain’t mad at you , but am going to bring the truth to the people ,somebody
    has to do it . ah yo done kill me dog already , so do whatever ah yo evil minds tell ah yo to do

  21. CIA says:

    Poison? Putin must be in on it

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