BVI News

Inmate discharges noxious substance in prison guard’s face

An inmate at Her Majesty’s Prison in Balsam Ghut has been accused of assaulting a prison officer, BVI News has been told.

It is said that the inmate in question expelled a noxious substance in the prison guard’s face.

Details are not clear but it is understood that the incident happened last week.

The prison officer has since been treated and discharged from hospital.

It is said that the substance used in the assault was a pesticide.

It is reported that police have been made aware of the incident but it is not known whether the inmate has been or will be charged.

Over the years, there have been previous reports of inmates assaulting prison officers.

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  1. Tola says:

    Double his time or send him to St.Lucia right now.

  2. Hmmm says:

    Wait, WHAT?

  3. Sigh says:

    Fecal matter is pesticide now?

  4. Hmm says:

    People like to talk bad about those prisoners, but those guards are not easy to deal with dread. They abuse them power and harass those inmate to the fullest.

    • moco says:

      Seems like you was a prisoner.. what do you think prison is for, its to punish people for being a criminal…. everywhere in the world prisoners are subhuman… the government here is really making you guys feel prison is a nice place to go

  5. @hmmmm says:

    Guards ‘not easy to deal with’? These prisoners have money, cell phones, TV. Wuh they want, the guards to wipe their bums? Would that make them ‘easier to deal with’?

    • To hmmm says:

      That’s not a prison,it’s a vacation home. There’s this one pedo up the prison who is constantly updating his WhatsApp profile picture and enjoying the freedom of social media and when I bring attention to this matter everyone turns a blind eye. How can prisoners serve time and be punished for their crimes rather than be rewarded behind bars??

      • Smile says:

        Good luck with that. No one cares. One crazy guy who has made prison his rebolving door has pictures on his social media of him in his cell with handfuls of cash and huge bags of weed. The police officers looked at it and laughed. It’s about time changes are made to make prison a deterrent. No one should enjoy their time there. Time to stop trying to make everyone happy and avoiding stepping on toes. Do what is right for the country and future generations to come. Enforce laws!!!

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