BVI News

LETTER: BVI should be careful of expats allowed to enter

Dear Editor, 

I recently experienced something that is troubling to me.

I took a taxi from the Waterfront in Road Town going to a destination last Thursday.

When the taxi got to Crafts Alive, a young Hispanic gentleman stopped the taxi driver and said he would like to be taken to the Immigration department.

The driver told him he wasn’t going that route but if he takes him there, it will be $5. The young man said ‘yes’ and came into the taxi.

I was sitting in the back of the taxi van behind the driver so the gentleman turned around and he said good morning to me and I said good morning back to him and we went on our way.

When the taxi got to the Immigration area and stopped for him to get out, I noticed he had some papers. By the looks of the papers, it seems he was just coming into to the territory. He was pushing the papers he had towards the driver and I guess the money was underneath.

When the taxi driver picked up the money, it was only $1. The driver shouted: ‘What is this? What is this?’ But the gentleman continued going towards Immigration — he never looked back.

That dishonesty in that young man is telling me something. It’s telling me there is more to it and I’m very concerned.

At a time like this when the BVI is vulnerable because it is still in the recovery phase, I think Immigration, Customs, police and all the local law enforcement agencies need to heighten their mechanisms in the way they screen applicants coming into the territory.

I am not being racist or biased but we have enough of our own criminals to deal with and I think contractors and other businesses should be very careful of who they are recruiting an importing into this territory to work.

There are some friends and families who will be referring others to come into the territory and they know full well they are troublemakers.

I know we have to rebuild and I am not against importing labour into the territory because we don’t have enough people here to work but this is a time where I am seeing social ills will be on the rise.

I would like everybody in the territory to be more alert because I don’t have a good feeling and there are others who are in the same situation and we don’t need it. We are too small for that.

What if the taxi driver had come out and gone after the young man? Who knows what would have happened.

There are other situations that will come about simply because there are different cultures coming into the BVI and not everybody is going to be alike and it is troubling.

I don’t think its the first and I don’t think it will be the last.

Yours Truly,
Really Concerned

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  1. Rockers says:

    So this one incident merits a heavy handed response to immigration? Change your name from concerned to Xenophobe. Not condoning the guy’s actions at all, but your assertion that this merits a deep look at immigration is ridiculous. Another thing you assume because he was Hispanic and going to immigration he was an immigrant. That’s too strong of an assumption to reach this sort of conclusion. You are acting just like 45 and his ilk.

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    • Oli says:

      Yes it does. A lot of idle people are now granted easy access to the bvi claiming they have special skills when they were at home not lifting a straw. I went to a house the other day and the owner of the house was complaining about workmen not finishing jobs around her house after receiving a hefty deposit. I looked at the windiws they put in and every single one is crocked and could barely close. I learned now that someone else came to her rescue and had to actually remove 3 of the windows and put them back back in. People are charging $150 a day and do not have a single piece of tool, not even a level. I agree that the authorities need to do my compliance.

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    • redstorm says:

      I think, the taxi driver should change the method of how he collected his money. I would collect as soon as he gets in my taxi. I would stop, come around the taxi, open the door, let him know the fare and collect the fare as he sits down. At this time I have a chance to get the correct fare and if its incorrect he has a choice to correct it or he gets another taxi.

      Every situation does not warrant immigration and police and customs and whoever is in charge. As a people there are tons of methods, ways, and ideas to do things. Taxi drivers perhaps need a crash course in how they deal with their clients.

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      • Blue storm says:

        While it teaches taxi drivers a lesson, it still does not change the fact that this character is dishonest and his intention is to swindle anyone he gets the opportunity to. From a child, my mother maintained that when you are dishonest, it can lead to a life if crime. I agree that we need to put stringent measures in place along with back ground checks (google them) to find out who we are letting in. We have enough criminals of our own thank you. Character is everything!!!

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    • Actually says:

      It is not one incidence. There are many instance of criminal behaviour daily and chronically ,perpetrated by expats on the VI in the VI just in case you haven”t noticed this convenient truth.

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  2. Freepass says:

    Workers coming in from the Caribbean islands can be disrespectful and worst yet criminal offenses or gross misconduct some so stealing, dishonesty. The local employer have a lot to deal with because some employers turnaround and hire them and the cycle continue.

    Continue messing up the BVI by degrading it and harboring criminals. Spend all you own money and hire good people.

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    • james says:

      to be a country we need people a bit f rif raf might come in just like you open a window for breeze to come in after a while mosquito might join too. not that we have our own home bread criminals. criminals are bye products of a failed system/ un equl distribution of work and plenty other reasons. we can’t generalize a situation and castigate a community.

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  3. no doubt that says:

    The BVI is a septic tank where all the schit from the other countries come to settle

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    • @no doubt that says:

      What a pathetic thing to say.

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    • SMH says:

      Wow that’s a horrible thing to say. What would it be then when BVIslanders settle in other countries???

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      • Simalo says:

        But it is the absolute truth. The BVI us the sceptic tank of human cargo from near and from afar. Those who gravitated to the hills are fast becoming troublesome meddlesome and caucasoid. Another Irmalike cleansing is the only solution.

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    • @no doubt says:

      Imagine you actually naming your fellow BVIslanders as septic tanks. Sh-t holders. That’s some honesty from you – actually recognising yourself for what you are.

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    • OH MY LAMB says:

      @ No doubt that- did you really make a statement such as that? There are good and bad people every where! These people were made in the likeness and image of God. Look around you and your love ones. Answer the following questions for me:
      1. Who built the apartment/house you live in?
      2. Who look favorably on you and your love ones to make them husband/wife?
      3. who rents your apartments?
      4. Who are your teachers and law enforcement officers? the list can go on and one. So please, do me and others a favor, stop spewing your venom all over the place and propagating further hostility and acrimony.

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      • Ask yourself says:

        Ask yourself

        a) who PAID for the building to ensure that you have somewhere to live in this country, since we don’t want you living with our family. Who gives incompetent construction works for high pay?

        b) Who look favourably on you and marry you and provide the best lifestyle you ever had. Who con some of us with your hairy bank to achieve what you covet of your fellow country men who you see benefitted through marriage?

        c) Who looked favourably on you and had mercy on you (after your family begged for us to bring you out of your hell) to go through the tediuos process to get your relative here?

        c). Who you come to looking for apartment to rent and find a place to live, then don’t want to pay your rent?

        d) Who provide insurance, pesions and other benefits better than you will ever receive in your country, which is why you come and never want to leave even after retirement?

        And the list goes on.

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      • 5th Generation says:

        Oh MY Lamb wants you to know that I am a Virgin Islander and that’s the position I hold up above. We need to stop this nonsense. When we have the fear and reverence of God in our hearts none of us (neither Local or expat ) would do evil. Let’s get the heart cleansed and transformed and everything else would be nice nice. Until then wickedness would continue to rule.

  4. oh boy says:

    we import the dregs

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  5. Hill says:

    A person who commits an offense when they just reach must leave the islands. Exit!!!!

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  6. So sad. So bad says:

    Indeed. I totally agree. ! It makes one wonder if he does not have money for a taxi then how is he affording a work permit ? I guess one can come in broke and leave with B.V.i money !! Here we go again , one year on and nothing has changed in regards to individuals like this ! So so sad ????

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    • Since When? says:

      The BVI print currency!

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      • who say we print money??? says:

        The BVI don’t print currency. But USD is our legal tender and the truth is that is the reason our little country attract soo many. There are some really good respectable immigrants here who has made the BVI their home, worked hard among us and has contributed to its growth- no trouble at all But frankly speaking there is a recent upsurge of immigrants who are really “trickified” – its their way of life. We need each other and we need to behave and be honest. Most of all we need to screen who we are letting in thoroughly. If they don’t behave get them out of here.

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  7. BLESSED says:

    God Bless Us All.

  8. Shut up says:

    I’ve been an expat here for 10 years. We do more good than bad. We aren’t from here so we work hard and most of us don’t cause any trouble…most expats come here by choice and work hard to maintain their work permits. I’ve seen lazy locals who don’t go to work on time and do a half a*s job. Leave us expats alone.

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    • Bull says:

      @Shutup Where ever you have come from there are expat in that country saying the same thing about the locals in your country in reference to what you are saying now.

      Locals are not lazy and that was proven after the hurricane where we had to fend for ourselves.

      But we should show respect to expats who come here work hard and honestly, even those who send all their monies back home.

      By the way it was not only the US Dollar that made the BVI great it was resilience, hard work and commitment.

      The guy should have paid the taxi and with that sought of behavior he was probably a criminal because there is no way he would think of doing something like that in Dominican Republic unless he is a serious criminal.

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  9. hmm says:

    our Leaders don’t care, the bvi is deal Spanish and jamacians done take over this place.

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  10. Anonymous says:

    I just love how you all hate Trump and think he’s a racist but when you have the same issues of illegals in the Territory your quick to yell. At least in the US there is a mechanism to become a citizen. Same in the U.K. How about the BVI? Can expat become a citizen? You are racist and it’s one of the reasons the U.K. will drop you. Does a US citizen need a passport for the USVI or Puerto Rico…..NO!! Does a Brit need to come to their own territory.,…YES!!! Get over yourselves and leave the world alone. Time for you to sink by yourself.

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    • @ANONYMOUS says:

      If you care to ,realize that these expats are coming here because of the overt and endemic racism in their own countries and be it Jamaica,Guiana,DR where the color of their skin,religion ethnicity,srxual orientatiln are deerminants in employment and everyday living and whether they ate murdered.. also their colonising countries systemsof immigration and deportation France,UK,Australia,South Africa,Spain,USA
      In many of our neighboring countries the likes of members of our elected Gov would not even get a job as a teller in a bank ex DominicanRepublic…Soooo referring to the VI as racist has got to be the most ridiculous unaware statement. Frankly the VI would be better off if ,indeed it practised selectivity in the production of building their country.

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    • Hmm says:

      I bet you live here too. Why are you here if you think so lowly of the VI? People like you are part of the reason why expats are so negatively received. Imagine hearing all the worst things about yourself from your critics who still expect the best of you for nothing in return.

      I’ve heard this sentiment that you’ve expressed several times but I wish people who made this argument would read a book or at least learn some history.

      Go read the history of how both the UK territories and the US territories became under these titans. You claim you know xenophobia? If you don’t know the history, you know nothing yet. A passport is not the only proof of acceptance. Go read up on why US territories can’t vote for the US president. It’s not just an issue of federal taxes.

      Flat out their constitution admitted that the people on foreign soil was too different and they didn’t want them tainting their culture with their ‘ways’ but they still wanted the land for their own purposes. The agreement that arose was that the colonial masters would own the land and let the locals rule it in their name. There would be some basic laws to link them to the mainland but the locals would be given enough free reign to be happy with their land and hopefully not come to the mainland but if they did come to the mainand, the locals would have to adopt the ways of the mainland.

      Same story behind the UK colonisation. You think the VI and other UK territories asked for autonomy? It was given to us strategically. Our constitution had to be approved by the UK so they fully well know and understand how things would work out here. They intentionally gave their territories free reign in hopes that the people would be happy enough to let them (the UK) keep the land while not having to deal with the fall out of two different cultures clashing.

      People like say that this is a small place and like to think that it as nothing but even this small place is valuable. It’s another mark that testifies the strength of an empire and it would hurt the UK to lose us or any of it’s territories because that would be the signal to the end of a grand dynasty.

      A lot of people complain about immigration because they have no idea how things got the way they are. They only see the laws as a hurdle (which is actually their purpose) and would selfishmy dismantle them to get whwt they want; reprecussions be damned. I advise people to actually read the immigration policies of various places and not just the US and UK. If you did you’d see that there are several places that are way stricter and we are actually slack on a lot of things.

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  11. Anegada says:

    Our Country is sold out by all Government

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  12. Me says:

    Thanks for raising ur concern.In VG I asks the same question.Right now we have a lot of flyby night contractors namely expats.They are aware who they bring in but their is that it a Govt.head ache to deal with.Govt. has got to be more proactive cause I forese crime on the verge

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  13. trump says:

    the bvi needs to build the wall

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  14. citizen says:

    many of these same spanish people were the ones looting during irma, we need to get them out

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  15. What!!!!!!? says:

    Ok… had be with your concern for screening of individuals entering the territory but then you seem to relate the man being short of money to criminality. That was the first take away you got from the incident? Says more about you really.

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    • Koo says:

      Short of money or not,contracting for a price and paying deviously forless is criminal.
      The difference culturally of what constitutes a crime what is crminal,what is dishonest is a problem.
      More than once in amazement,I have dealt with such in the VI…trespassing,stealing, are the biggies that are interpreted differently in the updeislun population Vs the other parts of the world where I have resided.

  16. One Love says:

    That young man as you described is very dishonest. And I would also like to see better or more scrutiny of those entering the territory and being allowed to stay.
    I am for people being allowed to travel but everything must be done according to the law and anyone where there is suspicion of their papers or how they entered the territory should be remanded until things are verified and if found to be illegal should be immediately deported to country of origin.

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  17. Retired says:

    Dear Really Concerned

    Before your next letter please spend some time(months) in a nearby Latin American country, learn some Spanish and acquaint yourself with the ‘Publico’ transportation system in those countries. For $1US a public car will take a person from Puerta Plata, DR to Cabarete any day of the week. A $5 taxi fare from Crafts Alive Village to the Immigration Dept. in Road Town is too high.

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    • oh please says:

      they agreed on the fee before the man got in the car, took the taxi man off his usual route aswell.

      the taxi man was scammed.

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    • Realky says:

      So you dont take the taxi and refuse to pay when you were told the price in advance. I wonder what would happen if a stranger did that in DR or Haiti? That stranger would probably dissappear.

    • Really? says:

      The price was states before he got in the car. If he were short on cash he could have said so or just not take the taxi. The taxi man has bills to pay and gas isn’t cheap. He is running a business, not a charity. Skipping out on a bill for a service you received is theft which is a crime. Just because you might be having a hard time doesn’t give you the right to take from others.

      P.S. Walking on your own two legs is free.

  18. jack says:

    The gates are already open to late shall be the cry

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  19. bvislander says:

    Well i think we need various levels of taxi service. (1) hired taxi which would be private
    (2) bus service for the public (3) taxi for tours
    Which category did the taxi driver fit in?? The taxi driver sounded like he was on a private run and took the opportunity to make a quick hustle and in the long run got screwed doing this. The hispanic was very wrong in misleading the taxi driver but if the taxi driver had kept his private route and denied the hispanic then this probably could have being avoided. Dude I can catch the bus from west end to town for just $3.00. the hispanic was charged $5.00 from craft alive to immigration department. RIP OFF!!!!

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  20. Expat says:

    What if as you say he is Spanish aND maybe just maybe it was a language barrier mistake. Culture my lady you admit is different yet you conclude criminality when it may just be a language barierr

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    • Liddy says:

      If he cannot speak English then his work permit should be denied.

      He was able to ask the taxi to take him where he wanted to go in English, so there was no damn language barrier.

  21. BVI to blame says:

    Don’t forget the looters them down right disrespectful and show the caliber people Immigration letting through.

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  22. Taxi Men says:

    do the same thing, especially to the students attending HLSCC. The fee for students is US$2.00 to and from the college. However, when they give the bus drivers US$5, 10 or 20 then give them back change for a 3.00 charge.

  23. Seer says:

    I don’t think you’re being “racist” or “biased” but, you are being factious. This is a simple matter, if it’s true, that could have been dealt with by calling the police, and you and the taxi driver going to immigration to identify the thief. Because what he did, if true as I said, is a crime but, no, you chose to write this awful, second-grade letter BVI News to be published. The BVI is far from being the Garden of Eden, so I am still trying to figure out what your point of this little ‘I am a street psychiatrist, so I evaluate the situation to cover things that may or may not occur’, and added attributions to people who may come into the territory. The fact that you and the taxi driver did not do the right thing and report this “person” is laughable.

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  24. Opinion says:

    I am in no way against expatriates, and I do understand all of the points raised here. While it is a possibility that the passenger did not have enough money to pay, the taxi driver made it clear to him how much it would cost before he got in the bus. Thus, saying that the fare was “too high”, is in my opinion a bit unfair. If it was too high, he should not have taken the ride in the first place. Because he knew the cost before jumping in the bus, he does indeed come off as being dishonest-whether he had enough money or not.

    Now, as I stated previously, I have no personal grievances with expatriates. In fact, one of my parents is one. I do agree that they have benefited us in many ways with the work that they do. My concern however, is the large number of expatriates the BVI allows to come in on a monthly (not yearly), basis. There needs to be a balance. It is wrong for many Virgin Islanders to be home jobless (and yes, some of them DO want to work), and for expatriates to be out working most of the jobs. The typical excuse is that “Virgin Islanders don’t want to work.” This is not the case for ALL. There are many educated Virgin Islanders who come home to find jobs and end up leaving the BVI because there is “no work”. Take into consideration places like Barbados, or Bermuda that hardly issue work permits to outsiders. They put their people first. They ensure that they are taken care of, and that resources are split between them before they go about hiring people from outside. They hire outsiders when only absolutely NECESSARY.

    BVIlanders cannot go into other countries as outsiders and be given the same treatment we give to expatriates. While we do need them in some areas, we should not be forced to tolerate their misdeeds (in this particular situation), nor should our people (those who want to work) find it difficult to obtain jobs (while the expatriates are holding them).

    It hurts too, that every time a BVIlander speaks up against this, expatriates automatically assume that we are against them or labelling them as being “bad” to our country. That is not always the case. There are some of us who do in fact appreciate you. But you KNOW that in your country, we as BVIlanders will never be as privileged. It is unfair.

    But like I said, there needs to be a balance.

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  25. faithful says:

    The taxi man was trying to rip off the man, but instead the table was turned on his backside. $5 from Crafts Alive to Immigration is ridiculous. Nuff said

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    • Lilly says:

      The taxi man was not trying anything. That dude got 2 for one. He had no clue where immigration is or he would have walked his backside and saved his dollar he could not afford. This is not the first time i have heard a passrnger did that to a taxi driver. If you are driving a safari you have to collect in advance or they jump off and run. If you see the condition some of these people coming in are living in you would puke. Everybody now has a construction company some dont know how to hold a hammer so they have no clue if the work you hire them to do is done correctly. I need some tiling done and a guy said he could do it and could not tell me who he tiled for in the bvi before. He could go long because i cannot afford for him to ruin my tiles. All the good workmen are so busy but i will wait.

    • hmmm too... says:

      maybe the Hispanic guy new the real cost was a $1.00 and not $5.00 because he may have gotten a taxi from that point before to take him to immigration.

      however, if the taxi driver told him it is $5 then he should have not gotten into the taxi if he only had $1.

      on another note, at ” really concerned” …i do not see why this incident was extended to the expat community. what you and the taxi driver should have done is call the police and have the guy arrested.

    • ? says:

      I thought i miss read the news but it was so

  26. Simalo says:

    The horse has already left the gate. The VI must take full responsibility for the social degradation which permeates these islands, and to the extent of becoming the majority of the population is inexcusable. Prison,policemen and court has gotto be the largest expenditure for the VI as aresult. Certainly the expenditure far exceeds the contribution. I do not hate expats of the VI. I simply hate what their presence and the criminal aspect of their culture has done to the character and culture of the VI.

  27. Lawyer says:

    The concern citizen should have stated his name. There are policies in place within the processing of immigrant workers to prevent known criminals from entering the country. However, the possibility of forgery etc could allow them to enter. Why would any migrant worker wants to come to the BVI to make trouble anyways? They are seeking a means for making a living like anyone else. People usually take their bad habits with them, but they will quickly learn that the BVI is different. Don’t forget that the influx of migrant workers is by invitation to help rebuild the country. I am sure most of them will return home once the work is done.

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  28. Such a stupidity says:

    So one incident of an expat paying too little makes all expats suspects?

    I have seen one BVIslander who was lazy. Does that make all BVIslanders lazy?

    You are just a xenophobe. No xenophobic regime ever was successful. You can read a lot about it in history books.

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    • Koo says:

      Short of money or not,contracting for a price and paying deviously forless is criminal.
      The difference culturally of what constitutes a crime what is crminal,what is dishonest is a problem.
      More than once in amazement,I have dealt with such in the VI…trespassing,stealing, are the biggies that are interpreted differently in the updeislun population Vs the other parts of the world where I have resided.

    • Brad Boynes says:

      A lot of you think all Virgin Islanders are stupid n lazy. Talk that. Chat that ignorance.

  29. Jill says:

    People come to the BVI from all over the globe, they dont have a clue who people are but they are on the road side sticking out their thumbs for a ride. Where else on earth this happens. I travel quite frequently and do not see this anywhere else

  30. Facts says:

    The man action was not right but that does not mean people who are not bvi citizens or belongers should be label in the black book like they have no freedom of speech or rights. this has been happening for too long. There are bvi citizens who have us passport and other Caribbean islands passport when they travel to other countries I wonder if they are treated the same way they treat others here The level pride and ignorance is just to obvious Very soon leaders from other Caribbean islands are going to pay attention to this issue
    of how their people are treated with no respect. England is watching. there are people from here who treat those who are not from here like dogs and they look down on people like they are worthless. I would also say not all bvi citizens are like that we have few good ones too. I heard of someone who reported to immigration about the boss not paying their social security because the person is not from here the person was sent home. Most of the companies owned by locals do not pay their workers social security and yet they take the money from their pay so let us brings all facts and put them on the table and we will see what we need to see and hear

    • Officer says:

      You must understand that when travelling your passport is your calling card. Fair or not,it announces a yea or a nay depending on that country’s reputation in different areas.
      A BVI passsort illicits a positive as opposed to most of the other Caribbean Islands.

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  31. Seriously says:

    This ‘really concerned’ individual need to take his/her concern elsewhere. You seriously wrote to the editor about a taxi man being underpaid, but I am 100% sure you never took time to write about the unmannerly taxi drivers. Taxi drivers who pick and chose who they want to transport.Mind you,I am not in no way condoning the actions the young man allegedly did, because one needs to be respected for the work they did. I do feel however this article was written to discriminate.

    On another note, aren’t you not ‘really concerned’ about the overruns and wastage taking place in our beloved British Virgin Islands. Aren’t you not ‘really concerned’ that after almost one year schools are yet to be built, ports are yet to be built, the Admin Complex still in need of renovation. Aren’t you not ‘really concerned’? The fishing industry, the farmers that are crying out for help. Aren’t you?

    Please try not use this incident to stir up feelings of xenophobia among our people. We have much bigger situations to be ‘really concerned’ about.

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  32. Truth says:

    Expatriates in any country represents their home country and thus,their actions a reflection of not only the individual,but their country as a whole.
    Personally,if as a BVIslander,given the good grace of a country to earn a living and to reside,have a family etc, and other BVIslanders there and elsewhere were being arrested,suspected,committed and deported I would be too embarrassed and humiliated to raise a finger of defense no matter how exemplary my stay. If at all,I eould cry put against such behaviour.
    The differnce is that crime and criminal behavior is key to living and being from some neighboring countries. It is life. It is their birthright. The BVI cannot change that. It can only change the policies and laws to better restrictentries of this pervasive culture of criminality.

  33. Son of the Soyal says:

    wait, he tried to pay considerably less than what was expected? Sounds like he is a local to me.

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  34. Taxi says:

    This is a daily something that happens even with the bus runs to and from east End. They know the cost of the bus ride is $3.00 but they give the driver $2.00 and exit the bus. Once you are 16 years you pay full price according to the government tariff. The government tariff also states the cost to take anyone around the town is $5.00. The driver did not try to rip the man off but charged according to the government documents.

  35. Get mad, then who cares says:

    The BVI is infested with Jamaicans and Dominicans. Those Countries exports the worst of the worst.Go down Sea Cows Bay, you will be culture shock. All they do is sit around looking to see who they can get over on or rob.

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  36. Is it true? says:

    Someone just want to fan the embers of hate but creating a scenario, giving the impression that it was an event. Lets stop this discussion, most likely based on falsehood

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  37. CAPTAIN HOOK says:

    I could leave a story too…. I came back from the states and was catching taxi when the taximan told me $30 from flow to one mart. I told him I never paid that and then he laughed and said “You is a local then… alright” ….. you can give the most horrible expat stories in the world, but I can give all kinds of horror stories with locals as well.

  38. An expat who left says:

    I was in the bVI and worked there for many years and I find it just amazing to see and hear the people of Tortola blame expats for their down fall.
    I was not a criminal I worked for over 15 years and always saw thr expats get blamed.
    It boils down to this..the people are intimidated by expats…most expats i know are intelligent and had a degree and confident…most BVI islands i associated with we’re down right uneducated…imagine being more educated than your CEO or your manager..imagine being in a meeting and listening to the petty talks that they display all of the time..and yes..I listened and I could nothing because no matter what my opinion ion ne er counted because of insecurities…that is what it boils down to….
    Not all expats are criminals.

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    • Stupes says:

      the CEO and managers where you work were also expats. Stop tell lies. BVI belongers rarely get those jobs.

      There are expats in the BVI now digging people’s eyes out of their heads and they do not want to pay rent. It is interesting that even those who claim to be professionals on their jobs has a scam in mind for the landlords. I do not hate anyone, but I am sometimes honestly shock by the experiences from outsiders. I find a lot to be very self-centered and will do anything to get what they want and to save a nickel. Tenants what land lords to taxi them, give them free this and free that. I often wonder if I can go to Jamaica or Santo Domingo and get the same treatment they expect. BVI has the best people in the world. Who the hell in Jamaica will give me a ride from Kingston to Tralani for “Thanks”? To much is expected of BVI belongers by people who come here to live.

  39. wassap? says:

    just get out and tell the immigration officer what he did… if we have bad expats here, get rid. Doesn’t mean you look badly on all expats. The good ones don’t want the shady ones here any more than belongers do.

  40. Here for the comments says:

    Knowing these Spanish they rather walk and the distance from craft alive is not so far. If he’s just getting here as you say based on his papers you were well caught up in his business that you noticed his papers that much. Now what if the drivers reply sounded as $1 it is sir for your charge. Most ppl here from the bvi speaks real deep sometimes you have to ask them to repeat what they said before. What you could have done was call to him and explained that the fare is not $1 but $5. You all just hate expats with a passion. At the end of the day we are all one no matter where you’re from.

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    • The wise. says:

      BVilanders were part of the looting after hurricane Irma. I witness it first hand on the West End of the Island. When asked why? It is a matter of survival my boy. We are all from Earth. We here in the BVI are not better than other islands or countries because of the USD. We are on the road to total destruction. We are guilty of doing expats wrong daily. May God be with us all!!!!!!

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  41. jack kevorkian says:

    interesting that the website would choose to publish this “letter”, seems like a slow news day

  42. The wise. says:

    BVilanders were part of the looting after hurricane Irma. I witness it first hand on the West End of the Island. When asked why? It is a matter of survival my boy. We are all from Earth. We here in the BVI are not better than other islands or countries because of the USD. We are on the road to total destruction. We are guilty of doing expats wrong daily. May God be with us all!!!!!!

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  43. Concern expact says:

    Agreed 1000%

  44. Not good but says:

    Some of these Taxi guys are robbers too.
    I took one from town to fish bay and he charged me $10. I simply paid him and marked his face. The week before my wife took one who charge her $5 so I did not ask the cost until I was at fish bay. I went to the taxi stand across from Bobby’s twice after that and he was the only one there and I simply refuse to travel with him.

  45. work permit resident says:

    this news is so true..since irma i’ve notice a lot of criminals from my country. person i no committed crimes and was deported from Canada and now working in the BVI… as a st visitants resident living here 5 years i wont and don’t try to get mix up with any.

  46. Interested says:

    I have always had my concern about this so called imported labour.This opens the door for any and all to enter.Who is vetting these people.Are we importing the dregs of society to live among us ..?

  47. CW says:

    If the author isn’t being racist, WHY DOES IT MATTER IF THE MAN WAS HISPANIC?


  48. 2 grand says:

    All of us are messed up born here expat race color creed or other. The problem is lack of respect for law and order tolerance and love for each other. Ever country has good bad and ugly. The question is what we allow and accept from each other. an evil mind leads to destruction hate murder etc. a good heart leads to respect joy peace prosperity and life in abundance. chance our wicked hearts and minds and the right balance will be achieved. Who dislike this u are wicked and evil.

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