BVI News

Ludicrous! Premier denies signing MOU to allow cruise ships back

Premier Andrew Fahie

Premier Andrew Fahie has firmly refuted suggestions that he signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) when he met with cruise industry representatives in Florida earlier this year.

“I want to hit this one straight at the head because the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever heard in my life is that I went to Miami and signed an MOU with the cruise ship, giving them full authority to come out without being vaccinated,” the Premier said at a press conference late last week.

The Premier said when he met with industry representatives earlier this year, it was a courtesy visit paid out of pocket. 

“I was in Miami on my own personal time to my daughter’s graduation and took it on myself and my own funds to ask the Pier Park to schedule visits. Just courtesy calls, helping the country on my own time – family time — at the expense of my wife getting angry and just letting the cruise industry know that we’re still there,” the Premier stated.

He described his encounters with officials as simply ‘casual conversations’.

Back in June, Premier Fahie received an endorsement from the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) of the BVI as a travel destination for cruise passengers, underlining the strong partnership it holds with the BVI; particularly the territory’s leadership.

At the time, Premier Fahie announced in a Facebook post that he had hosted a series of meetings with United States cruise lines to discuss the restart of local cruise calls for fully vaccinated passengers.

In the same social media post, the Premier was seen photographed with the head of another stakeholder in the industry — the Senior Vice President of Commercial Development at Norwegian Cruise Line, Steve Moeller.


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  1. East End Man says:

    Waste of time cindie pushing this foolishness. Don’t let them side track us.

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    • Yawn says:

      She done lost her job, … She need to run for election since she have all the answers and I hope she wins because she need to see for herself that it’s all good when you on the outside looking in but once elected people expect you to turn water into wine and when it dont happen they will tear you apart. Dr Smith went into politics as a saint to most people when he left he had about 3 negative nicknames.

      Like 3
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  2. Wow says:

    The kind of lies some of you from the eastern end of Tortola telling the people while trying to get Marlon to become Premier is now past ridiculous. I fed up of some of you now every minute on the Premier about some nonsense.

    Like 7
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  3. I know you says:

    Mr. Premier, whenever you open your mouth I cannot believe the words coming out because of my experience with you. When you say something, the truth is most times the completely opposite of what you say. I do believe that you signed that MOU alone in Florida with the FCCA and now roped in everybody in so that if it goes bad you are not the one to shoulder the blame. This has your terrible ways written all over it. You can continue to fool those who don’t know you but those of us who know you know you.

    Like 31
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  4. Now now now says:

    This newsite intentionally selected this photo of the Premier to try to do their daily usual of trying to paint the Premier in the worng light in the image of the public. Clearly this newsite hates the Premier and does not print anything good about the Premier and Government. This is wrong. These attempts will fail.

    Like 4
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    • Big AL says:

      @Now now now
      Wtf are you talking about? That picture is Andrew Fahie. If you have a photo of him to show that he is a different person to who he is here then publish it. This Premier has crippled this territory with his b**lying and authoritarian behavior, and his cronies don’t want the media to publish the truth about this l**ng unethical person. So to be truthful about Andrew Fahie Leadership once it’s not what his co**upt allies want to hear, the rallying cry is “they hate the Premier “. How simple and juvenile.

      Like 11
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  5. Thanks Premier says:

    Prrmier, the majority of the people of the Virgin Islands know we are going through the worse pandemic in 100 years where evey country is facing financial challenges. So we appreciate the efforts of our government knowing the tough decisions you all have to make daily. Don’t mind the few naysayers.

    Like 6
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  6. Enough says:

    I love the “Go Green” initiative as well as others this Government has done. I also agree with how they dealt with the cruise industry. Let’s give them a chance. They have the best interest of the people at heart.

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  7. And so... says:

    Even if the Premier signed an MOU with the Cruise Industry what is the issue? I don’t buy that the Premier and his team will sign anything to the detriment of the people of the V.I. (Note: I am not a full 100% supporter of Fahie but he is a hard worker and have the best interest of the people of the V.I.)

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  8. Ok says:

    Should you be doing official business when you are on personal leave.

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  9. heckler says:

    King laird back at it again

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  10. john public says:


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  11. MV says:

    My sources told me otherwise. Nonetheless, I would give you that one if that is the case in the interest of family.

    When I had to relocate my own family for threats you scolded me and spread wrong information of me wanting to become Premier. It was obvious that I want to become the next Premier because that is what I was voted in as President of the party for.

    I will continue to observe your moves to see what’s next.

    This is not on my Facebook page so don’t go looking.

    Like 8
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  12. Duh says:

    F*t Albert just done forgot what the truth is…

    Like 7
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  13. here we go again says:

    This guy definitely has a problem with the truth. I don’t know wha the truth do he?

    Like 14
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  14. Lodger says:

    This is no guarantee the ships will come

  15. Tired of the fables says:

    I could just see the untruths flying out his mouth in this picture. Anyone who by now have not realized that our Premier cannot speak the truth deserves to be fooled.

    Like 15
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  16. Anonymous says:

    Premier Andrew Fahie, The boys are back in town start telling the truth.

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  17. Anonymous says:

    Premier Andrew Fahie The COI is back in town you have to start telling the truth.

    Like 11
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  18. Tired says:

    … Tired of the cussing back and forth nuh man.

  19. West says:

    As a resident and registerd voter since HL STOUTT, I refuse to be fooled by this party and it’s hinched men again. Albert you are just decieving to the core. I would encourage any and everyone NOT to elect you next time around as there is NOT enough space on this blog to list them! Sheep in wolf’s clothing you are!

    Like 13
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  20. F*t Albert says:

    Welsah this man could L**!!!! Untruths, deceit, unethical behavior, bend the truth. You just can’t make this stuff up!

    Like 6
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  21. LOL says:

    Same set of people blogging the same lies about the Premier.

    Like 1
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  22. @ LOL says:

    you confessing only blondie blogs like that ( stick to your own site ,you just love to decieve & dictate

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