Major fire contained but still burning | Efforts to extinguish continue

This BVI News photo of smoke emitting from the Pockwood Pond waste facility was captured on Tuesday Morning, November 27.
Fire officers and other supporting workers are still on the scene of the massive fire that combusted at the waste facility/incinerator in Pockwood Pond, Tortola less than 24 hours ago.
Large clouds of smoke are still being emitted from the facility. But, Chief Fire Officer Zebalon McLean says the fire has been contained. His officers managed to contain the blaze around 7 pm on Monday.
Speaking with BVI News around 9:30 Tuesday morning, McLean projected that the fire will be completely extinguished within the next two hours, roughly.
“Instead of just trying to put it (the fire) out, they’re actually using heavy equipment to separate the contents of the pile. So, once it is brought outside and it’s threatened, the water goes on it immediately … When they are finished with the operation, there should be no smoke left,” McLean said while noting that workers are treading slowly and cautiously.
“You have to be careful as you manoeuvre into and around the pile,” he noted.
Minimal damage
The fire was inside an indoor facility at the site and was caused by a gas tank explosion.
Chief McLean said, while they were concerned at the start of the fire, their fears are now allayed since the facility was found to have sustained minimal structural damage.
“As it is, we were able to arrest the advancing of the fire so it (the indoor facility where the fire burned) is not going to suffer as much damage as it would have, had the fire been bigger. But there will still have to be an assessment to see exactly what has been damaged and what could be salvaged and how soon it will be up and running,” he told BVI News, adding that the said indoor facility is mostly made of metal walls and glass windows.
“It’s not like it’s a wooden structure that would be compromised,” he said.
Near traffic accidents | Smoke not a big concern now
As for the smoke and any related health impacts, Chief McLean said it should be of little concern to residents in and around the area.
“We’ve managed to contain the fire and we’ve started to put it out so the smoke should not be of any great significance to the surrounding areas nor to the distant area,” he noted.
He, however, encouraged motorists not to get distracted as they pass the burning facility.
This warning follows a series of near-traffic accidents in the area on Monday.
“We had some very near misses yesterday afternoon to last night with persons looking up at the incinerator while they were still moving; slowing down and weaving all over the road … So, as you move along, try not to be too much of a sightseer because you could create another problem,” he said in a statement directed at the motoring public.
The fire chief, in the meantime, has commended the efforts of his officers and the supporting workers from the BVI Electricity Corporation, Tortola Concrete Limited who assisted in providing heavy equipment, as well as the Public Works department and private businesses.
“It (the fire) was quite intense because, as you can image, with a metal structure and a contained fire, you can have temperatures well exceeding 3,000 degrees. So, that in itself can be somewhat draining as we employ efforts to put it out. But those guys did a wonderful job,” he said.
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” As for the smoke and any related health
impact, Chief McLean said it should be of little concern to residents in and around the area”.
Father God, please fogive this man for uttering this alarmingly egregious statement.
He must be of the opinion that because the lungs of the Western End residents have been immersed in toxic emissions produced by the same dumpsite for more than a decade, this lil blast has no additional effect on the cancer cells,birth defects, asthma, emphysema, depression etc that are embedded in their bodies.
Very very tragic and not a peep from the big mouths and big shots in the District who are touting their usefulness and concerns just for votes.
well i tried to leave this one alone but I vex..
I listen to that man at the Zion hill church and he come across as a arrogant jackass and now he come with little no concern…????
Carrot Bay tonight STINK!
If smoking cigarette can affect the lung’s, kidney and the entire body what do you think this will do to those living in the area or in the community. How can you say it should be of little concern to those living in the area. You do not care about life and those with health challenges this is air pollution that needs to be taken into serious consideration. just reading this shows us how important the people are this government. I think Someone needs to be fired or cautioned
Andrew fahie please we need your help your district is covered in smoke and Cheif McLean said it should be of little concern to residents in and around the area. I think I should ask if Mr McLean is human or an Alien because if he his human he should never be saying this. Father lord help mercy
Let’s see what MR.A is going to do to correct this problem. That is test number 1 for the man that some say is the best person to lead the Country. TEST number 1.
Valid point
Our Premier’s legacy.
Our country is on fire and he can’t find a way to put it out. But then again, he couldn’t fix our schools, our roads, our utilities, our slow internet.
I really feel for the landowners on that end of the island……health and also devalued land