BVI News

Mather begs gov’t: Just choose one thing and fix it!

Opposition legislator and Deputy Speaker Stacy ‘Buddha’ Mather.

Territorial At-Large Representative Stacy ‘Buddha’ Mather is imploring the government to address the glaring infrastructure issues in the BVI.

Speaking in the House of Assembly yesterday, Mather highlighted the urgency of repairing the territory’s roads, water systems, and other critical infrastructure, questioning the government’s commitment to a long-discussed $100 million loan facility.

Mather called for unity and action, urging the government to prioritise at least one major issue and fix it. “I’m only asking the government to choose one thing and fix it—fix the roads, fix the water, fix something,” Mather said.

His plea reflected a broader sentiment among legislators and the BVI populace, who are increasingly dissatisfied with the state of the territory’s infrastructure and the government’s response. The BVI’s infrastructure has been a persistent issue, exacerbated by limited financial resources and competing priorities among government ministries.

Works Minister Kye Rymer acknowledged that repairing and upgrading the territory’s infrastructure could cost over $200 million, far exceeding available funds. The budget for capital projects often comes from the surplus of recurrent expenditure, which must be increased to cover the extensive needs across all districts.

Pothole-riddled roads

Mather expressed frustration with the slow progress and pointed to the deteriorating roads as a particular concern. “When you watch the roads in town; potholes,” he remarked. He further criticised the lack of maintenance and the absence of necessary upgrades, noting that water is running on roads, causing further degradation. The representative emphasised the need for decisive action, stating, “If the Premier can’t do it, Mather ain’t going to get it done from over here.”

Mather also criticised the government’s allocation of resources, suggesting that funds are often spent on less critical projects, leaving essential infrastructure neglected. He referred to efforts spent on the government’s music fest event and related non-essential constructions while fundamental needs like roads and water remain unmet.

The government has been working to upgrade the water network, including constructing new reservoirs to ensure a consistent 24/7 water supply. However, challenges remain, with many areas still facing inadequate water access.


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  1. Taxpayer says:

    We were offered a 300 million dollar loan to address all these issues. Please explain to us why we never accepted that loan.

    Like 30
    • What!!t says:

      “Taxpayer “
      Because the people offering the loan required transparency as to how the money was spent.So if one can’t thief some of the loan money we don’t want it.

      Like 41
    • Styles. says:

      Because it came with governance requirements. Made defrauding difficult.

      Without possibilities to steal it wasn’t attractive to the politicians.

      Like 34
    • Deh Watcha says:

      The biggest governmental and/or political blunder in these Virgin Islands.

      But guess what, at least we have secured our great, great grand Virgin Islands kids future.

  2. hmm says:

    It seem like they trying to secure this loan for an eternity now.

    Like 12
    • Deh Watcha says:

      Just imagine for a moment if the NDP had not gotten that +60mil loan from CDB.

      They would have accomplished absolutely nothing.

      • SMH! says:

        That 60M from CDB was to replace the stolen funds from the “EMERGENCY FUND” created in the 90’s which a previous Gov exposed the missing funds in 2017 despite audited financials. Remember the borrowing from SSB was all to replace those unaccounted funds!

        • Deh Watcha says:

          @SMH Thanks for the history lesson.

          If you are saying it was stolen under an NDP government administration, just say that.

          But the facts still remain, that had they not borrowed these CDB funds, even for “putting back”, this and the last “half-way” VIP administrations would have accomplished absolutely nothing.

          At this point, they can’t even seem to be able to borrow $6mil.

          • SMH! says:

            @ Deh Watcha – I did not say it was NDP that stole money. That money dwindled over numerous administrations from 2000 come forward.

  3. Loan says:

    is borrowed money that has to be paid back to the mortgagee. So the BVI government must prove it has the ability to pay back the loan amount plus interest which it cannot prove anymore!

    Like 11
  4. Resident says:

    yes lets see if we can fix the Roads, Clinics, Schools among other things before wasting energy on trying to expand a Airport. Get the small things right then move on to the Crime, Drug Running and Corruption.

    Like 11
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  5. you says:

    you should of chosen not to fight the bill that brought accountability and transparency.

    so i dont wan hear anything from you.

    u playing both sides at this point

    Like 13
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    • Listen b4 you comment pleb says:

      @you: did you listen to the entirety of his statements; or you got a h@rd** for Hon. Mather? Dude, c’mon man! All Hon. Mather said was we need to not just ‘rubber stamp’ whatever Natalie push on us, but rather contemplate on the long-term implications both good and bad.

      Your analysis of his statements are not in alignment with what he said as this article is a summary. Hope you are not in any position where you are required to perform (you).

      Like 3
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  6. cough says:

    Choose 1? How about that medical cannabis fixed.

    Like 2
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  7. Reality Check says:

    No current audit, no loans!!

    Government is still at the limit of the “Financial Protocols” and has to present a plan for repayment of the loan (and then stick to it), which will require current audits and a drastic reduction in expenses, which is only possible with a drastic reduction in government employment!!

    Like 10
  8. WTF says:

    They can’t fix these things with one of the highest per-capita government budgets in the region. What makes you believe they won’t squander the loan without fixing anything in the same way?

    The loan isn’t about fixing things, it’s about further stealing from the taxpayer and lining their pockets. The reason they didn’t accept the one from the UK was that it came with conditions which disallowed exactly that.

    Like 11
  9. BuzzBvi says:

    Trying to find a loan arrangement where they can get a kick back. Not easy.

    Like 11
  10. Big Richard says:

    How about buying another asphalt that doesn’t work

  11. Busy Bee says:

    Thank you Stacy –

  12. hmmm says:

    I know the road need fixing but lord I’m afraid it will become a circuit if they fix it.

  13. WELL FINALLY says:


  14. BuzzBvi says:

    What is the point of a loan if the money has to be spent on the infrastructure. We legislators would rather not have it if they can’t get their hands on the money for themselves and their friends and family.

  15. Sense. says:

    Common sense approach. I have to agree.

  16. Congratulations says:

    I am enjoying how these Slave Masters have us fighting among ourselves we can’t even comprehend the magnitude of what is taking place.
    The UK is in worse condition financially than us but we still crying over a loan contingency of 300 Million from 2017/18
    We are really blind,the whole world is in turmoil but we here still trying to put all of our eggs in one basket.
    Free your minds from these oppressive views and let us start building together towards a brighter future
    One Love

    Like 1
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  17. Truth Be Told. says:

    In listening to The Deputy Premier and The Deputy Speaker in the HOA Yesterday, I think it should be a clear signal from the people of the Territory that our Incompetent present Premier need to either step aside from being Premier or release the Ministry of Finance to someone else. The Same Energy that is required for all 13 Members and the rest of our Population to fight against Crime should be the same Energy used to convince the Present Premier, for the good of all 40 plus Citizens to forgo his seat as Premier. Not Yesterday, But NOW!!! Clearly everyone can see where the downfall of this Territory lies. All I can compare him to is a little Boy who wakes up every Morning after rubbing his Eyes with his nuckles asking “Mommy where are my Marbles?” The people of this Territory needs to really get serious and admit A Mistake was made and correct it before it is too late or NOTHING else will make sense in this Territory. Crimes will continue to skyrocket, the Infrastructure will continue to erode. Everything will remain stagnant. Who among them is willing to lead the Charge? And the funny thing, ALL of them knows its true.

  18. Citizen says:

    Finally I see a good man in politics working for people

  19. Jah Know says:

    “Works Minister Kye Rymer acknowledged that repairing and upgrading the territory’s infrastructure could cost over $200 million, far exceeding available funds.”

    We are in 2024, the fact that it would cost that much just goes to show that we haven’t been fixing or upgrading none of our infrastructure, so now it will come like everything have to be start from scratch when upgrading our infrastructure reason being it would cost that much. Only necessity that really got an upgrade was Electricity and now our internet service (which isn’t Gov.)

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