Message from youths: We’re not fooled, we see the political wrongdoing

Trevaughn Todman
The reported political wrongdoings by leaders in the British Virgin Islands are not escaping the notice of the younger generation, religious educator Trevaughn Todman has said.
Todman, who was delivering an address known as ‘The Youths’ Perspective’ at the Territory Day event on Monday said these reports are negatively impacting the youths in the territory.
“In schools, students are to write journals for my religious education class. Many journal entries are written with tears, hopelessness, despair and even thoughts to take one’s life,” he said.
“What is the message? Today, I share some thoughts by us the youths.”
According to Todman, many young people are aware of the ‘political gossip’ circulating in the territory.
“Many of us are aware of monies spent on a wall around Elmore Stoutt High School. Many of us are aware of millions spent on an airline that has since flown away, many of us are aware of the lack of financial transparency, [and] that our territory’s wellbeing is at stake by the very decisions that our leaders make,” said a dauntless Todman.
Young people can’t be fooled
Todman further said the younger generation sees beyond the mask that some leaders tend to use, particularly in light of the looming general election.
The general election is constitutionally due next year. However, from recent indications, it could be earlier than the projected summer of 2019 date.
“Though it may seem that we are not aware, we are vigilant and cannot be fooled. Our leaders feel as [political] campaign time draws near they can wash away the unethical acts and pretend to have a Damascus conversion. We see beyond pretence and superficial acts. We see the lack of love and justice, and integrity and honesty. We see and request better.”
He said the youths are also taking note of how the elected representatives behave in the House of Assembly.
“We see the bad attitudes, we see the egotistical motives, and the list of observations can go on and on … As we press on to greater autonomy, let us stop and reflect on the mistakes that have been made and learn from them. If we don’t, we would be moving around in circles making the same mistakes and never realize,” he reasoned.
The young educator said the decisions leaders make ‘today’ will either be “like streams of living water, or poison.”
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Beware the youths change their minds.
The younger generation need behavioral modification. Too many climbing the ladder of failure and hoodlumism. Look at each other in handcuffs and have a chat with your mommy and daddy first then if you have time to curtail the predictable and common profile
” young black males with ties to.,,
Gossip,political or otherwise is about the gossiper. It is not about you or your country’s best interest. Gossipers are to be placed in file 13 and discarded from your life. Close your ears nose and throat to gossipers.
Heard what your saying! But when you have ratchet parents who support the wrong doings then (what?) – it’s sad the way this generation is heading.
Precisely why they need to have a serious sit down with their parents. They are claiming to be astutemaware and knowledegable about the politicians so then they are smart enough to realize their parental failings,righgs.
I grieve for these children ,no joke. They are claiming that they are wise to the faults of the politicians so then they are smart enough to realize that parents are failing left and right. They will suffer and their country too. A new and different demograhic will shut them out for the survival of the VI. Rise up ,young folks,and pow pow with parents…out of the mouths of babes…might be effective.
Speak youngman without fear! Just hope you are not censored in the interim as elections draw closer each passing day. Spot on assessment by you Mr. Todman. Now I am concerned that you might be victimised for saying that if you are employed by government especially MEC honcho!
Time and place for everything…it was a day to celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of the Territory not to be on a political soap box
Thanks be to God that the young man acknowledged that the youths are seeing and hearing what is going on and that at least one is courageous to say so.
Purell, “there is a time and place for everything” and “now is the day of salvation”. Too many people in this Territory are muffled from speaking and getting corrective actions to the wrongdoings that are going on. Yes, integrity was celebrated and is recognized.
Thanks Youth – hopefully integrity prevails and you are not ostracized for calling a spade a spade.
The man’s speech was spot on…you must be a political cronie…it would have been a day to recognise the accomplishments IF THERE WERE ANY…but our leaders have just left us with problems, problems and more problems…the young man was just speaking the TRUTH…DEAL WITH THAT…it’s something that apparently we don’t get to hear to often in this country
Jamesie in print
He will be ready to replace frazer in the next 4 to 8 years
And it is that mentality which will erode the BVI
They are lauding this young man now until he says he supports a particular party or politician then they will maul him.
This young man has potential and he wants to go places,but this speech was very inappropriate for the occasion.He needs to be taught a thing or two about when and where.He is from my village and I hope the best for him,but I was not impressed by this performance.
I from your village to but u seem to be one of those people who they already brain washed. Sorry for u.
That’s what’s killing ayo..political correctness. OH SHUT THE HECK UP!!!!
The media has given this, a bad twist and not stating the full side of the remarks. I was present and at no time was it malice, but more so stating facts and give solutions on how to utilize what we state in our preamble.
Many hide from these discussions, but God be with us all. Territory Day was this best place.
To the youths, speak! I support you. Glad that you can open your eyes and see. Those doing injustices then think that they fool you once so they can fool you again. Don’t be fooled. You are the future of the territory… Literally!
tek man feh fool
As I’ve said before under a previous article, 2018 and 2019, There are going to be a lot of ‘Young Faces’ doing ‘Big Things’ and ‘Speaking Out’ in our community. Look Out for them, acknowledge them, and shed Love for Them
Their is never such a thing as right time and place when people are hurting , hungry and have hard live and our young generation is crying out
Take a look at the National dress all the main colors are NDP. (RED, WHITE, BLUE)
They make everything since they got power about them. As they would tell people the BE WE AYE only develop when they arrived before that all the BE WE AYE people were dumb A–s