BVI News

Miss BVI pageant committee apologises to VIP patrons

The Miss BVI Committee has issued an apology to patrons who purchased VIP tickets to its pageant last Sunday evening, July 21.

The show was held at the Multipurpose Sports Complex and some persons paid as much as $160 to be seated in tier one of the VIP section. Many took to social media and other outlets to express outrage about not being fed and not receiving value for their money.

A message posted on July 22 on the Miss BVI pageant committee’s official Facebook page expressed regret for the inconvenience and promised to investigate the circumstances of the complaints.

“We were made aware of logistical issues affecting the Platinum VIP experience at the Miss BVI Pageant, hosted on 21 July 2024 at the Multipurpose Sports Complex,” the Committee said.

It added: “On behalf of the chairman and committee, we sincerely and whole-heartedly apologise for any inconvenience caused.”

The Committee said it was working expeditiously to ascertain the facts and is liaising with producers and its logistics team to determine the gravity of the situation.

“We are deeply saddened that your expectations were not met with the highest experience and service,” the Committee added. “Please allow us some time to review, reflect, and properly respond to various concerns we have received.”

Some patrons expressed scepticism about the outcome of the Committee’s planned review, with one social media user speculating that they would not be refunded as expected.


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  1. The Usurper says:

    All you big show offs flaunting your liquidity TIS GOOD! Always want to act like you all better because you got more than others. TEK THAT! Its a teenager pageant MS.

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    • @ the usurper says:

      Sounds like you got issues. People pay what they want for their experience. Why you hating on the people for that. It’s there money not yours. I just hate this kind of jealousy nonsense. People do what they can afford. If you can afford it shut up.

      Like 47
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      • The Usurper says:

        Sounds like you need to wash up under you properly. Scratch and sniff right now let us see something.

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        • @The Usurper says:

          What’s with the filthy rant. Its uncalled for. Is it that your vocabulary is limited, therefore you resort to being so uncouth. Please be mindful its not necessary to speak to others like that. You are showing there’s some type of deep mental issue and your lack of empathy to others. No need to behave this way. What would your parents think or say if they read your opinion, or should i say what you wrote. Calling somebody out of their names or cussing when its not warranted, isn’t an opinion. Its disgraceful. BVINews should never have afforded you the space to spew this type of venom. Shame on them. I think you should apologise (doubt you would) then sit in the corner and ponder how you can do better in this type of spqce. God bless you and may he continue to bless these beautiful Virgin Islands and all who call it home. Only peace and love to you.

    • Belac says:

      Jealous bum

      Like 10
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    • Mr Shovels says:

      Other people being able to afford things makes you really angry, eh? lmao

      Like 13
  2. DISGRUNTLED says:


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  3. honestly says:

    Don’t put that girl in charge again.

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  4. SMH says:

    Yes! Partial refund will be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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  5. strupps says:

    The only solution would be to refund the people. why it seems like everything in this place is going backwards.

    I could never understand dressing up to sit down for hours to watch this foolishness. struppps….next

    Like 19
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  6. Refund!! says:

    Really? Refund because you did not get sufficient finger food? You would be opening a can of worms, as no tier of VIP received sufficient finger foods and drinks. Suck it up!!!! You saw the show from a prime location. The rest of us are not complaining.

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    • @Refund says:

      False advertising – tek yuh licks and pay the ppl back for a sub-par experiment set a fakers and actors who can’t run a lemonade stand trying to produce shows….wankers…

    • Piddle says:

      Obviously you got something. What about those of us who didnt even get a glass of water and had to go outside and purchase food and drinks

  7. Resident says:

    You were made aware???? So weren’t you there and saw and heard. That was not one person’s responsibility. There’s a committee. Plus the whole of tourist board who has oversight. Communication fell down somewhere. Who was responsible for printing tickets? Why were hundreds printed and catering was only done for maybe 100. Who suggested the seating arrangement? This apology should have been done on the night or by the next morning. A lot of work needs to be done to get the public back on board otherwise the next one will be poorly attended. Time to start working on the next one

    Like 14
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  8. P*ss up in a brewery says:

    The VIP’s “experience” just about sums up everyone’s experience in the BVI these days. Inadequate planning; poor execution and no value for money.

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  9. responsibility says:

    I was not at the show. However, if the VIP tickets were advertised and sold to enjoy a certain level of atmosphere at the show, and it was not done at all or fell short by miles, those affected need to be refunded to the cost of a regular priced ticket. Anyone who pays for a Benz cannot be satisfied with getting a Toyota. Not that anything is wrong with a Toyota, but people want value for money and want what they expected based on what was promised.

    Things are not looking good for us. Interestingly enough, the chairperson did not state her name nor take responsibility for the downfall. My sister, in other parts of the world, when you fail so miserably, whether it was you personally or your subordinates, you accept responsibility. Then you remove yourself and resign from the position. This is called accountability. The blame game will go on, but if one person screwed up, you as the head in command must take responsibility. So do the honorable thing and step aside, plus all of the leading people in the committee should step down with you. This is not BVI reality because we not moving from that position. Notice what happen after Trump near get shot the other day? The poor woman director of secret service had to take the wrap. Was it her at the event? No, but her staff who she directed. Do the right thing and gracefully step down and leave all the accounting records on your desk.

    Like 20
  10. hmm says:

    Apologize by giving a refund.

  11. Truth Be Told says:

    The Miss BVI Pageant 2024 is now behind us but it leaves an insipid taste in the mouths of many. Whilst an apology was given it still does not suffice for the disappointment and stress that was caused due to the lack of poor leadership and poor organizational skills. It is obvious that the objectives of the show was not clearly outlined hence resulting in the chaos and confusion from the beginning to end. This is an event that many persons look forward to attend year after year and the quality of the show MUST be restored. History must NOT repeat itself so those in authority should say thank you to JJL and her committee for their efforts and move on to appoint a new committee for the future.

  12. @Truth says:

    If you all are being honest and not trying to stir up s**t you would admit that the ENTIRE 70TH Festivities is filled with pure chaos! This is not a committee issue but rather an overarching issue of the BVITB being imvolved with festival. I have NEVER EVER IN MY LIFE seen a festival lead up so DEADDDDD and everything is last minute. Let us put the blame where it belongs! Festival should NOT be under BVITB!

  13. stop throwing drinks says:

    start holding votes. fkn joke. bunch a naked emperors leading all off cliff.

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