BVI News

No independence without democracy, Skelton says

Opposition Leader Ronnie Skelton said that although he supports a push for BVI independence, it must be accompanied by a robust democratic framework.

Skelton emphasised that while self-determination is a goal, the territory must first ensure a solid foundation of democracy before embarking on the path to independence.

During a recent Opposition-held forum, Skelton made his position clear. “I am for total internal self-government, but I am not for it with a Premier who is going to make sure that the democratic process does not happen,” Skelton said.

Skelton’s remarks reflect growing concerns over how the government, led by Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley, has handled the issue of independence, specifically regarding the reported suppression of democratic processes. “You cannot have a democracy where a premier feels that he can manipulate the whole system to make sure democracy doesn’t happen,” he argued.

Skelton expressed frustration at the Premier’s alleged efforts to prevent a vote of no confidence, which is scheduled to be discussed in the House of Assembly. “The democratic process must happen… It is all over the place, with the Premier telling people he is going to do everything in his power to make sure the vote of no confidence does not happen,” Skelton said. He accused government members of following the Premier’s tactics, describing their posture as ‘crazy’.

According to Skelton, other countries facilitate no-confidence motions to “make sure that these things go away”. However, he lamented the measures taken by the government to ensure the Opposition’s motion was not heard.

The Opposition Leader also questioned the Premier’s intentions, stating that it would be difficult to support a push for independence if democracy itself is being stifled. “He expects me to walk down the road with him for self-determination? No, I would have to rethink my thinking,” Skelton expressed. The Opposition Leader stressed that self-governance must come hand-in-hand with democratic accountability.

Meanwhile, Dr Wheatley said in a recent interview that while the Opposition has the right to bring the motion forward, he believes it would be in the best interest of the territory to delay the action. “I think in the interest of the people of the Virgin Islands, it should not have gone forward at this time,” he said.

The Opposition has accused the Premier of deliberately filling the order paper for this week’s sitting with non-urgent matters to delay the motion. However, Dr Wheatley countered this claim, noting that the current agenda includes essential tasks that must be completed by year-end.


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  1. Translation says:

    “I only believe it’s possible with ME as Premier of the BVI!”….

    Like 9
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  2. Democracy? says:

    My boi said we must have democracy first. I thought we had it all along. I thought when y’all was fighting up with the UK that word was being thrown around.

    I think what y’all need is a good record of transparency and accountability which is non existent right now

    Then y’all really need to improve the country and work for the people.

    But all and all even you guys do Start working on these things I will still be terrified to see our group of politicians get their way with independence because y’all have a terrible history of pure greed at the expense of the country. Seeing that most Caribbean countries don’t benefit from independence and their residents flee to other countries for a better life bvi might be on that path sigh

    Like 16
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  3. Juanico Francis says:

    An independent country is like an independent home, the difference is that the country has a large family, divided by surnames and red blood but mixed, they never find out. Something serious is happening and the DPP is a mess if it does not have quality now under the magnifying glass and what the CIO found we will be worse off

  4. Our King Can Do No Wrong says:

    Is my understanding correct, that the Opposition has filed a motion for debate and that the Premier can legally frustrate his efforts? That is as DUMB as Putin being called in question before the UN for his aggression towards Ukraine, and he having a right to veto or knock out the effort to make him accountable. I know the Devil is very active in alot of our people, but Christ is this world’s only solution. We can’t be on the bank and in the river at the same time. CONSECRATION IS A MUST.

  5. Ship will sink says:

    After independence there will be no more economy in the BVI just closed business, empty marinas, unpaid civil servants, no tourists, decline in property values, no more US dollar currency, no imports, etc. and eventually emigration to other islands or continents.

    Like 21
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  6. YES TO UK says:


    Like 9
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  7. Wtf says:

    Well, I thought that we were a Democracy all the time until now. When people have children they take care of them until they can independently take care of themselves. Our leaders are touting Independence for this territory which is made of us citizens. In totalitarian fashion they are deciding our fate like we are invisible and non existant. Like other countries that have Dictatorial totalitarian governments, the majority of the people eat crumbs while the dictators their families and croonies eat the best and live luxurious lives. Wanna be dictators don’t build the people, they weaken them so that they have full control. They will not open the territory for foregn business of any kind. The only thing we have is Sun, Sand and Sea. Many other places have these same assets some not as good as ours some better. But we need more than these natural God given beautiful assets. We need a sound infrastructure with a good Healthcare, Education and Environmental systems. We can’t feed ourselves, and we can’t protect ourselves. Iur leaders are backward thinkers and can’t move this territory forward. So there is mych to do to prepare the foundation before thinking about Independence. BVI go Independent we lose Tourism, and the Financial Sector, but we will still be left with the Sun, Sand and Sea. Lol.

  8. Mr. Skelton says:

    Good day Mr. Skelton, Hru today I wish you can read this post.
    Please sir have some common sense about the current situations affecting the BVI and its environs and stop acting like a monkey who has never seen banana before. The people of this territory adores you but you have to act like you have brains sometimes and stop talking rubbish on air and in newspaper.. Thank you Sir.

    Like 1
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    • @Mr Skelton says:

      Your post is the only one that sounds like absolute rubbish with absolutely no point or rational! You sound like a mo**ey!

  9. Captain the sails are sinking says:

    Power hungry Ronnie, Fraser and Turnbull had the country in this predicament.

    Myron and Marlon will stand down for the good of the country
    Mather is new
    But not them 3
    Lorna deflected because Those three were fighting amongst themselves

    They cannot be trusted that is why the people in the country are not involved as they should . We are not foolish people we have lost ! Lost! Confidence in our leaders who put self interest over the good of the country . Set of crooks

    That is why people do not show up to the Marches and protest. We are fed up with the bureaucracy and false hope of our leaders

    Like 3
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  10. Common sense says:

    If the government “inclusive” of the opposition want to address independence and it’s timing, do a referendum “now”

  11. Man says:

    Sowande, the delay nonsense. Is it that you don’t have the votes to survive a Vote of No Confidence? The Opposition has the right to file a Vote of No Confidence, so let it be and get on with the people business.,

  12. You want independence says:

    1. You all cannot agree on basic concepts of common sense good to move forward the country if one’s idea is not carried out over the othet
    2. The country is not food security efficient
    Were are the farms and farmlands
    3. No proper water system to provide for the farmers who
    Are planting
    4. Where is the national security plan .
    A strong police force
    5. A military base
    6. How is tourism able to sustain and support the economy

    7. Where are the small stable , sustainable small businesses to drive the economy

    Just a bunch of egotistical leadets who seeing who is more intelligent than the other with no

    Let us see who will show up in protest at HOA tomorrow. If 100 show up kudos

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