BVI News

No place in gov’t! So-called ‘liberator’ slams VIP’s poor record

Third District Representative and Chairman of the Progressives United, Julian Fraser.

The incumbent Virgin Islands Party (VIP) government has been denounced as the proverbial head of the snake by Progressives United (PU) party leader, Julian Fraser.

Fraser, who recently announced the formation of a soft alliance between his party and the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM), is currently seeking re-election for a seventh consecutive term as the Third District Representative.

Fraser, often referred to during his launch as the ‘liberator’, told residents that he communicated with leaders of both the PVIM and National Democratic Party (NDP) to make his intentions clear about ousting the current government.

“I have called the leaders of [PVIM] and the other party, [the NDP], to let them know in no uncertain terms, there’s one enemy out there — that’s the Virgin Islands Party,” Fraser stated at his campaign launch over the weekend. “We got to cut the head off that snake.” 

He assured persons that the only reason he didn’t have the visible support of the NDP during his campaign launch was that they, too, had a contender in the Third District; Aaron Parillon — an opponent Fraser promised to ‘take care of’ at the polls.

In the meantime, Fraser flayed the VIP government over their reported neglect of his district, heaping blame and ridicule on them for the myriad of derelict vessels scattered across the Sea Cows Bay harbour nearly six years after two category-five hurricanes struck the territory in 2017.

“These people, they have absolutely no place in government. None. And that’s why I said to you, this election is so important to me,” Fraser told residents.

He pointed to the continued poor state of water distribution in the district and the open burning of garbage, which continues at the Pockwood Pond landfill site and which residents have endured for years coupled with thick, black plumes of smoke flowing through the air.

“This country is in so much trouble. You cannot afford not to send me back to the House of Assembly. Mark my words, you cannot afford not to. This is not a game. It’s not a joke,” Fraser pleaded.

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  1. 4 MORE YEARS says:


    Like 10
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  2. Elec a sober head says:

    Hon Fraser is a respectable man…You wont find him hanging out in bars getting drunk or having the waitresses sitting in his lap…You can find him in his office or at home with his lovely wife…Talk that!

    Like 7
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  3. Cut the head off that jumbie snake says:


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  4. Witchcraft/Green cloth/Corruption says:

    This new version of the VIP is no good

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  5. Truth says:

    If Fraser is such a respectable man, then why is he under investigation for the Sea Cow’s Bay Harbour Project? What did he do with the money from the project that was made payable to Fraser Inc? Read about his interview with the Commission of Inquiry which can still be found online. He pretends a lot of things to people but there is a lot he is hiding under the bushel which will come to light one day.

    Like 19
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  6. FYI says:

    Fraser was never arrested or placed on bail for anything so wheel and come again.

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  7. Independent Fraser says:

    We don’t want the extra baggage of PVIMP nor NDP, we want an Independent Fraser.

    We appreciate our good leader in the VIP lead party, it’s just that the ticket was not well put together. However we prefer you Mr Fraser make peace with VIP leadership and be in a position to support a preferred VIP government.

    With your tried and tested leadership you can bring much improvement to your district. The votes you need will come from your old VIP supporters, so don’t knock our premier, he will lead us to a new and greater Virgin Islands.

    Like 2
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  8. Fraser is bad news for PVIM says:

    Julian will be hearing from the Auditor General soon enough. The Sea Cows Bay Harbour Project right there in the COI just like the Myron high school wall corruption. If Fraser get arrested and charged that would be two candidates in the House of Assembly being investigated. For PVIM Fraser is bad news. You already losing votes.

    Like 11
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  9. Caribbean politics says:

    myron is the only one arrested and charge for corruption and must face jail time.. Opp I forget he and andrew

    Like 5
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    The VIP is a Party which thrive on corruption.
    Their 9th District Rep. is allegedly also being investigated just like Frazer. Remember The VIP Cabinet Members stood before the COI and agreed to wanting to give a criminal Rapist the sacred gift of Belonger status? Having Belonger status can qualify you for a UK Passport. Where was the protection for Females in the Territory? All of them have Wives, Sisters, Daughters and Side Chicks. Thank God for Mrs. Rosalie Adams, Acting Governor at the time. Let Zoey say BAM! to that. Don’t forget also it was the Minister for Lands under VIP who said that in order for our Youth to acquire Crown Lands they had to produce a Bank Statement? Is that caring about our Youth? Who owns the Land, Owns the wealth! VIP MUST GO!!! Anyone with credibility could have NEVER join a VIP Team. That speaks volume to the level of corruption in our Territory. The BVI people deserves BETTER!!!

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  11. Talk that says:

    The VIP is the only party with an Excon running for office so which party is worst?…Oh I almost forget that the candidate for the 9th is being investigated for some kind of land matter.

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  12. Talk that too says:

    It wasnt Fraser who sold the land across from the Hospital by the helicopter pad and it wasnt Fraser who sold the land up Pasea by the seaside. It wasnt Fraser who give away 45 million dollars.

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  13. Fraczar says:

    If there were any evidence as you all allude to; why has the been charged like the others? 20 days out and a lot can still happen but why wait until the 11th hour to cause disruption in the electoral process? If no additional charges are brought on anyone seeking election after this week, all this chatter is moot.

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  14. @ Chatter is Moot. says:

    Chatter is Moot? Anytime a VIP Gov’t is re-elected into power, NDP. PVIM.PU. and others will be marching through Road Town staving off the UK take over. The only difference this time, there will be no negotiation. If the people of the BVI like to gamble just try it and see. The VIP smells trouble for the future of this Territory and people. The World is watching and so is the UK. This is the one time not to truss GOV.

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  15. Voter says:

    Stop light at roundabout – thousands wasted. Whose pig – headed idea was that?

    Like 4
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  16. Talk that says:

    It was him who installed those that are now working too

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  17. Rubber Duck says:


  18. @ TALK THAT says:

    and if was you who stabbed him in the back , when you joined forces wit saint andrew , but the BIG youth dropped kicked you out of the HOA ,which you thought you owned , and was allowed to sQuander our taxpayers money playing idi amin , so the 3rd ain’t looking for snakes as pets , so you can join the coach

  19. LOL says:

    Your rich white friends told you that? lol

  20. Yes! says:

    @ voter. He was with the VIP administration Ralph O’Niel was Chief Minister then…and Fraser is still a VIP by heart please don’t fool yourself

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