BVI News

No wait! BVITB decides for Flax-Brutus’ resignation to take immediate effect!

Sharon Flax-Brutus will no longer spend the next six months as Director of Tourism at the BVI Tourist Board (BVITB).

Instead, her last day serving as Tourism Director is today, Wednesday, May 20.

The BVITB made that announcement in a press statement this afternoon, less than a week after Flax-Brutus tendered her resignation six months in advance.

“Mrs Flax-Brutus submitted her resignation to the Board on Friday, 15 May, 2020 to become effective 15 November, 2020,” the BVITB said, adding that its board of directors accepted the resignation and thanked her for her service.

“The Board of Directors made a decision today, however, that her resignation should take place immediately,” the Tourist Board added.

It further said the organisation’s “hierarchy will take effect to ensure continuity in operations”.

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  1. wow says:

    The Premier is essentially running Tourist Board as the Chair is too weak.

    In a time when our tourism product is brought to a complete stop by the COVID-19 virus, the Board should have reconsidered her resignation but that is the problem with the BVI.

    Mrs. Brutus keep your head up maybe they just did you a favour.

    Like 32
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  2. Interesting says:

    What did she do that they want to get rid of her this bad? Isn’t it unlawful to fire someone after they submitted their resignation? BVI just do whatever they feel like.

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  3. Well sah says:

    She’s a local so she’ll be just fine.

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    • Anonymous says:

      @wellsah, If you hear Fahie say that Flax a croak, nah worry dem ah one , one family, so nah get involve, as a foreigner, cockroach nah nothing in a fowl fight, and goat head can’t go pon wedding table, let them all nyam one another but stay in your lane.

  4. Anonymous says:

    What a shame

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  5. Bvi says:

    What a shame

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  6. Observe says:

    Wicked board members like you just couldn’t wait to get rid of her.

  7. sad says:

    Sad day in the BVI when you loose respect on how things are handled. You making us look really bad as a Tourist Board. People come and go but don’t disrespect a person for resigning.

    Like 17
  8. Um says:

    Just out of interest, if you give 6 months notice (which I am guessing was for contact reasons) and they cut you earlier do they have to pay you for the 6 months?

    Like 9
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  9. Vkuv says:

    Oatmeal soak it in a little bit of water then put some water in a pot and let it boil for a little bit then add some brown sugar then ground cinnamon and some ground ginger and then in the bowl that has the soaked oats add it to the pot that is boiling and slow cook it and then when the water has almost dried up add some milk also keep storing and then what’s shall be finished soon and then eat yeah……… . I am going to. Full – stop yeah how do you like my troll I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m trolling still here and voice speaking well this is your serrated for me so he’s not a problem yeah haha OK

  10. Vfgg says:

    She must be t***f something to get kicked out in a hurry

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  11. The Nation says:

    Wow…couldn’t this have been done quietly…Lord…her sister is a Junior Minister…it ain’t looking nice

    Like 9
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    • @ The Nation says:

      That Covid-19 Press Conference the other night as an excuse to bash the Opposition while having we the people like some moo moo waiting for a Covid-19 update didn’t look nice either yet always got God as the scapegoat.

    • Not Really says:

      They actually did her some good. Her notice period was, they will have to pay her off for 6 months

  12. Likenews says:

    Who took the cookie from the cookie jar

    Like 7
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  13. Culprit says:

    Who is to blame?

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  14. No nonsense says:

    Mrs Brutus, hold your head up and keep your ears to the ground. You are a woman of strength and there is power with that;)

    Like 9
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  15. Smart says:

    Smart move by the board. Shouldn’t keep someone around that hadn’t cared and certainly doesn’t now.

    Like 7
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  16. vip heckler says:

    The VIP dealt this lady an injustice. They actually kicked her to the curb. This was planned all along why they had the member for the 6th defected from her party. These people are no good but GREED will be their down fall, MARK MY WORDS!

    Like 15
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  17. thing to talk says:

    Queen shereen got plenty now to sing bout

    Like 12
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  18. Shall we begin says:

    They F**ked the lady. And what’s up with calling 12? What they thought she was about to hold them hostage? Karma doesn’t need an address, zip code or phone number to find……..

    Like 11
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  19. Diaspora says:

    Is something rotten in the state of Denmark? Interest peeking, there has to be more in the mortar other than the pestle. Is it that the BVITB lost confidence in Ms. Flax-Brutus’ ability to effectively lead the TB and it was in the best interest of the territory for her yo hit the bricks sooner than later? Or was Ms. Flax-Brutus was on borrowed time and the TB was looking for a reason, any reason, to kick her to curb? Was her urgent dismissal politically driven? Did the TB act in good faith and in a professional manner? Did Ms.Flax-Brutus’ performance and behaviour warrant her being apparently unceremoniously shown the door? Was her urgent departure a bilateral and amicable decision?

    Further, was there some critical, urgent and important issue that required the action of a permanent TB chairperson be on board as soon as possible? And if no, didn’t Ms. Flax-Brutus’ proposed resignation in November provide the TB with the lead time to recruit and bring on board her replacement, providing the opportunity for a face-to-face hand off?

    Moreover, is this action emblematic of TB culture? Under which ministry does the BVITB fall? Is the minister going to provide the territory with an update on the sudden departure of Ms. Flax-Brutus or it is just another day in paradise? Is the Boards and Committees systems dysfunctional and in turmoil? Is politics ruining the day-to-day operations and the effectiveness of the organizations? Who is next out the door?

    Like 11
  20. Board says:

    Can someone state who the board members are?

    Like 4
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    • @ Board says:

      BVITB Members for a period of three (3) years with effect from 1st August 2019 to 31st July 2022

      Kenisha Sprauve – Chair
      Gloria Fahie
      Arleen Parsons
      Keshia Davis-Barnes
      Julia Dawson-Marshall
      Dereck E. Marshall
      Sasha Shimora Hodge
      Kelvin Christopher,
      Leroy Moses
      John Samuel (HLSCC Chair)
      Bevis Sylvester (BVI Airport Authority Chair)
      Nathaniel Isaac (BVI Port Authority Chair)
      Director of Tourism, Permanent Secretary/Premier’s Office
      and the Financial Secretary are ex-Officio Members.

    • @Board says:

      In addition to Kenisha Sprauve, who is a member and Chair of the Board, the other appointees were Gloria Fahie, Arleen Parsons, Keshia Davis-Barnes, Julia Dawson-Marsha, Sasha Shimora Hodge, Dereck E. Marshal, Mr. Kelvin Christopher, Leroy Moses, John Samuel (HLSCC – Chairman), Bevis Sylvester (BVI Airports Authority – Chairman), Nathaniel Isaac (BVI Ports Authority – Chairman). Director of Tourism, Permanent Secretary/Premier’s Office and the Financial Secretary are ex-Officio Members.

    • Board says:

      Kelvin Christopher
      Dereck Marshall
      Sasha Hodge
      Kenesha Sprauve
      Arlene Parson
      Julia Dawson Marshall
      Gloria Fahie
      Bevis Sylvester
      Keisha Davis Barnes
      John Samuel
      Leroy Moses
      Financial Secretary
      PS Premier’s Office

      Finance/Marketing Sub Committee chair
      Sasha Hodge

      Human Resources Sub Committee Chair

      Gloria Fahie

  21. ? says:

    Diaspora your story long

    • @? says:

      @?, if have nothing useful to contribute, you have the opinion of staying silent. Now, you remove all doubt. Secondly, your comment is like a misplaced modifier. Easy on the keyboard.

  22. @Board says:

    A bunch of old hags AKA greedy coots.

    Like 4
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  23. Ausar says:

    I’m not surprised!

    There seems to have been a vendetta against those Flax girls, and their varying positions in Tourism!

    What happened to Sharon, paralled exactly, what happened to Shereen!

    In the state of the new normal, we should have had a strong leader, to guide us back into a “soft” reopening.

    Now it seems that we’re behind the eight ball, on this matter!

    Sharon,you performed admirably in this position, and I know that whatever future endeavors you may choose, you will be successful!

    Like 4
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  24. Concern says:

    Wait for it, another headline story with Mrs. Sharon will be coming.

  25. BuzzBvi says:

    6 Months with Governemnt pay to get her new business operational. Nice work if you can get it.

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  26. No nonsense says:

    The old people had a saying “close your door and lick your child” the world is watching!!!

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