BVI News

Not inferior! Local contractors can tackle big projects

Premier Andrew Fahie

Premier Andrew Fahie has suggested that there may be an inferiority complex among Virgin Islanders when it comes to local contractors being compared to international contractors.

This, according to Fahie, is despite the fact that local contractors have shown they can deliver on projects at international standards.

The Premier was speaking at the contractual signing for the procurement, installation and commissioning of a heat, ventilation and air conditioning system at the Multipurpose Sports Complex in Road Town.

Local company Quality Air Condition & Refrigeration, owned by Kelvin Thomas, was awarded the $786,000 contract.

“I will always say that we in the Virgin Islands fail to recognise our strengths in our homegrown assets. As if we sometimes suffer from an inferiority complex because we are always talking about how talented and capable our people are and how resourceful and innovative our ancestors were. But when it comes to walking the walk and even give the demanding jobs and positions to our qualified local service providers and individuals, suddenly we start to doubt ourselves,” Fahie said.

“Suddenly we start to find ourselves in a discourse and negative voices start to seep in. By the time it is over, we have talked ourselves into a state of mind where we believe local is not good enough and good can only come from elsewhere,” the Premier added.

Happy they got the job

Fahie said he was pleased to see that Quality Air Conditioning & Refrigeration was awarded the contract. He also said he was happy that a Virgin Islands service provider was deemed capable of delivering a project of this magnitude.

The Premier further said the company is a licensed and capable local business that has been in operation in the territory since 2010. He noted the company has several qualified experts in the field and is known for providing quality service to its customers.

With that in mind, he said he is expecting the execution of the project to be of the highest standard.

The Premier’s utterances come after local contractors have been receiving major government contracts in the last month. On December 2, the government signed a contract with two local firms for the demolition, site clearance, and design consultancy services at the Elmore Stoutt High School. Trojan Design & Development Limited was awarded the contract for design consultancy services valued at $99,480, while the other contract — valued at $136,079.50 — was signed with Sand Wise Limited for the demolition and debris works clearance.


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  1. BuzzBvi says:

    Do you not drive on our roads?
    Think the tint on your Government Car may need to be removed so you can see the state of the place.
    Go anywhere, anywhere and learn how to make and repair roads please or get someone else who already knows how to do it properly. Look around you!!

    Like 12
  2. History says:

    How many construction projects given to locals have finished on time and on budget? How many local contractors understand liquidated damages? How many have been taken to task for overuns? How many local contractors understand production rates? How many of them can explain how they came up with their prices? How many of them know what it costs them to do be in business? These things can be taught, but in the land of no accountability there is no motivation to learn as long as the govt is going along with a “dat is da price” mentality. Why are we not teaching basic business skills in high school since everyone wants to be an entrepreneur?

  3. For example..... says:

    Just take a look at that Fish Bay Road project. I cannot be the only one who notice that! Sheesh!

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