BVI News

One person killed, another emerges wounded after shooting in RT

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One person is dead and another wounded following a shooting incident in Road Town early Sunday morning, February 12.

The police confirmed the incident noting that the person fatally shot is male while the other gunshot victim who was only wounded is female.

The Royal Virgin Islands Police Force’s (RVIPF) Information Unit reported that the male was shot and killed near the House of Assembly (HOA) building in the territory’s capital.

“A female reported to the Dr D Orlando Smith Hospital also with a gunshot wound to the leg,” the police added. “The two incidents have not been linked so far. No other information is available at this time.”

Neither identities of the victims nor the circumstances that led to them getting shot was disclosed.

In the meantime, the RVIPF said vehicular traffic is being diverted from the area of the HOA and UPs Cineplex because of this morning’s shooting. Motorists are asked to use an alternative route.

This the second recorded murder in the BVI since the start of the year. Less than a week ago on Tuesday, February 7, a man was fatally shot while seated outside a bar in Parham Town, East End around 6 pm.

BVI News will provide more information when it becomes available.

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  1. Resident says:

    When is enough, Enough.
    bring out a large UK task force. Get the guns confiscated, put the criminals in jail. its a small percentage that ruins our community with the drugs and the weapons.
    When it is cleaned up have UK police here on 6 month rotation.
    BVI is a small place, like a small town, it can be done. but the people that are involved have to face the consequences or nothing happens and BVI ends up like St Croix…..Goodbye Tourism.

    Like 53
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  2. Action needed says:

    Thoughts and prayers are not working. We need an elite police hit squad to arrest all those involved in the drug trade, including all those government workers who are enabling them. We need a root and branch clean out of corruption in our society, otherwise the tourists and financial services will disappear.

    Like 51
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  3. Gf says:

    I had a good night sleep ☺️ I feel so refreshed! Think I might go make some coffee and relax on this beautiful Sunday.
    What about you guys? Well take care ???

    Like 19
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  4. The Rabbit says:

    The cage Rabbit aint joking about his missing money. This Rabbit is serious, Tortola dont need no more blood in the Streets. Pls stop. Let it go Rabbit I am plea in with you. Pls.

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  5. @Police says:

    Look into if it not someone who has been in any of these fights that they been having of late. In the schools they need to let the police investigate the fights on campus because those are the same people who sometimes off campus creating more harm.

  6. @Resident says:

    Sounds like a good idea, but then you’ll hear that the UK is taking over cause that’s all some locals focus on.

    Like 19
  7. Justice is Blind says:

    Sins of the father. Time longer than twine. Nobody forgets these days much less forgive. The cycle had to be completed.
    To all these wanna be bad man dem that think them could keep doing man thing and get away with it. Keep thinking man soft. This generation ain’t taking no constant assault/battery or extortion.

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  8. @Gf says:

    One good @^#%!&# hard thump is what you need.

    Like 2
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  9. Lala says:

    What Uk task force al u see them white man solve any murders yet. THEY
    Just coming here to collect a xheck.Foolishness. Only them could survive in this country.

    Like 3
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  10. Truth says:

    This island is too small for this S**t. They gonna keep killing until they kill their own family members. We don’t need more policing that’s reactive. We need programmes geared at reducing criminality. That is what has proven to work in other places.

    Like 12
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  11. Fairy says:

    Confirmation that these VI should be placed in the status of Police State and without delay . The new proposed and revised Police Bill is on point.
    The UK must do by law and morally what is the best of the VI safety and security of the people of the VI.
    The duly elected of the VI over time has created the killing fields and the shift in the morals by importing and installing a new and in excessive and dominant numbers a known population culturally predisposed to disruption and criminality in all forms.Like a cancer it can only be monitored and dealt with in anticipation ,suspect, aggressively for the possibility of some semblance of tortured normality and survival.

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  12. Rag mouth says:

    Wow, some of you love to chat people business so much and yall coming on here talking about the identity of the victim and y’all WRONG!! LOL tola people

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  13. Purge Tortola. says:

    Nice when the killers killing each other. We are safer. The man had a mask on when he got shot, he was on his way to doing something bad.

    Like 7
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  14. @The Rabbit says:

    The rumours some of ayo make up and recklessly spread sounding ridiculous now dreaddd. Just a few months ago the talk was “if yuh owe pay because so and so want back dem money”. Now all of a sudden it’s about “missing money”; how “millions gone missing”. Ayo does rush on here to comment all kinda crazy stories. Wa really next? Police need to start tracking the VPN of some of these comments and pull half of ayo in for questioning dreaddd since ayo have all da facts, or possibly just deflecting blame from ayo self. Time will tell but there’s definitely more players responsible in all wa going on in this place, just easier to pin it all on 1 scapegoat. Time will tell. By the way, the victim ain’t who ayo saying it is, so how the true victim fit into the missing money story?

    Like 10
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  15. Wtf says:

    @ Fairy
    Wtf are you talking about? It might have been a good narrative if your sentences were nit so disconnected. Please read it over and resubmit with revised connected sentences.

  16. @ RAGADY TRAP says:

    Does it matter if it was his daughter , the point nis another person got gunned down in cold blood , if it was your brother , would you be ( LOL

  17. Rush More says:

    Sick of all these ill bred and unbridled foreign extractions resembling monkeys and donkeys with mad dog behavior so allyo continue with the brotherhood extermination. Do the VI a favor.

    Like 1
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  18. PassIt says:

    Like it or not,the UK will implement that new Police law. They have no other choice.

    Like 3
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  19. HMM says:

    until now no names??

    Like 4
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  20. Gf says:

    @Gf are you mad bro

  21. jah says:



    The BVI has nothing to offer that would be considered to be “elite.”

  22. . says:

    Someone is secretly going to go to that island do some things like what (James spader) do and you all will be safe again.

  23. Hmmm says:

    It already have 25 UK officers here.

  24. Kweenie says:

    The UK task force needs to sort themselves (UK) first. But then again the COP is incompetent.

  25. Gadaman. says:

    Tola is officially a sh!thole.

    Like 4
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  26. Rex FeRaL says:

    Leave it. I challenge you.

  27. Gadaman says:

    @ Rex FeRal Lol, I don’t live there dumba$$.

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