Online petition launched | Calls for Willock to be revoked as HOA Speaker

There is an online petition calling for businessman Julian Willock’s appointment as Speaker of the House of Assembly to be revoked.
The petition — which had nearly 50 signatures up to press time — was launched on Friday, March 29 by an online user by the name, ‘Devon Daniels’.
A statement on the reason for the petition describes Willock’s two-week-old tenure as Speaker of the House as one that has been “controversial from the start” and an “embarrassment to democracy and neutrality”.
“He has demonstrated that he has no impartiality, holds personal grudges and will use his position and power as Speaker to exact bias, take revenge and cause confusion. Therefore we call on the Governor and Premier of the British Virgin Islands to revoke his appointment with immediate effect,” the organisers of the petition claim.
Petition doesn’t affect me, says Willock
When BVI News contacted Speaker Willock for comment Friday afternoon, he said he is aware of the petition but is not bothered.
“It is irrelevant to me,” the Speaker said. “It has no bearing. It is null and void. It doesn’t affect me.”
He further told BVI News: “The only person who can revoke [my post], I think, is the Premier, so I will refer you to him on that.”
However, when our news centre contacted Premier Andrew Fahie, he said he was currently ‘making a presentation’ in the Central American nation of Nicaragua.
“Let’s talk about it later,” he said in WhatsApp message to BVI News.
The petition, in the meantime, comes amid a controversy surrounding whether Mark Vanterpool should be sworn in as Representative of the Fourth District.
Vanterpool had submitted what he and the governor believe to be a ‘constitutionally invalid’ letter or resignation. Vanterpool — who has since changed his mind about resigning — now wants to be sworn in but Willock, the Speaker, refuses. Willock’s refusal comes despite the governor’s position on the matter.
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Already signed that thing, lets get this ar——-t f–l out of this office, some ppl should never have power!
I didn’t see the one that was done when Ingrid was there. She was just as bad.
When the Former Speaker refused to swear in the Governor in the House, where was the petition then?
This is how we lost respect for the NDP. They have divided this country and continue to do so to this day.
Let the courts decide this matter.
This Daniels person, whoever that is, must have a personal beef with the speaker.
Refusing the follow the advice of the Attorney General on a matter of law – that is a pretty serious thing. And why? No sensible reason has been given. He is just engaging in partisan political point scoring.
Its not “advice” its an opinion. Let the Courts Decide.
Vanterpool didn’t resign his position as Minister as he had yet to be sworn in!
He is not a Minister. He is a Member of Her Majesty’s Opposition in the House of Assembly
Sign the papers to get him out. He seems to have that cocky attitude that he is so darn secure in Speaker seat.Dude, the people can run you out that seat. People in the BVI is finally standing up. Where do I sign. I want you gone. Go back to your laptop where you are use to causing drama on the d**n l*w.
Wont happen…no need to get personal. We are in support of good governance.
Yes, he should be removed as speaker; as a constitutional crisis is in the making,due to his
The Governor gave a legal opinion,and Mr.Willock is contradicting it with duplicity. He is going back to the same area (legal minds), where the Governor sought already.
LMAO. Ladies and gentlemen, this isn’t news. Only 10 people have added their names to this online petition and the 10 are not confirmed voters or even confirmed residents.
We need to follow our constitutional procedures which are silent on this issue and our common sense.
Vanterpool didn’t resign his position as Minister as he had yet to be sworn in!
The Hon Speaker recognizes that Vanterpool announced in public and in writing to the government that he would not accept a role to which he was elected. At that point he was disqualified from the race and the role of Minister should now go to the person finishing second in the contest.
Common sense prevails.
Ya. Like the Olympics. If the runner wins the 100metor run and he be caught with the dope then the runner in second play is da winner
‘We need to follow our constitutional procedures which are silent on this issue and our common sense’.
If the constitution is silent on an issue then you just don’t interpret what you think should be there. You have to make amendments through the proper process. The law states that the resignation letter must be addressed to the Speaker of the day. There is nothing in the law that provides that in lieu of the speaker you address it to the clerk. Which brings me to your other flawed statement:
‘Vanterpool didn’t resign his position as Minister as he had yet to be sworn in!’
A matter of fact noone was sworn in as there was no House that makes his resignation null and void. Even the Clerk position may well be invalid as there is no House for him to work in.
‘At that point he was disqualified from the race and the role of Minister should now go to the person finishing second in the contest.’
Wow and 23 people actually liked what you said? Sorry it does not work that way. The people elected Mark and therefore the people alone can elect his successor so it must go back to the polls for a bi-election which i already established is not necessary as Mark’s resignation letter was invalid.
What Mark did was ridiculously selfish and there must be more to it but history will tell his story. However Willock is compounding the ridiculousness by allowing it to be drawn out and now wasting taxpayers monies on a law suit that the government WILL not win. 20 million is what they said that the last administration dished out in legal losses. We really do not learn from our past mistakes.
We have work to be done but instead we are being distracted by this petty nonsense. I supported VIP but their decision to select Willock as Speaker is a poor decision and may well come back to haunt them. Andrew needs to step in and tell his Speaker to stand down and swear in Mark and move on.
You are absolutely correct. It’s no use taking this matter to court because the courts are still bound by the current laws in place in the books. I’ve maintained from the beginning that the correct and only right thing to do is take the personalities out of this issue, swear in Mark and move on with the business of the people. VIP and everyone for that matter should chalk this up as a learning experience and make the necessary changes to the current law/constitution that this situation or none like it would repeat itself again in the future.
I will be signing this petition for sure! I feel like the foolishness must stop now. Willock is letting his pride/ bias rule him, rather than thinking about moving forward with matters that is more important for the BVI. The foolishness must stop now.
Willock is so a——–t. Him and Trump could have the same genes
LOL they wanna get rid of Jabba the hut….I wish v I p knew what a huge mistake they were making
I am with Willock. We don’t like anything sensible. We knew these types of people would have been empowered with the VIP and we still voted for them. What an embarrassment. Willock all the way!
I am 100% in agreement with the petition. And if he stays he needs to disclose the names of his staff members for the yellow site at the time of his appointment. There needs to be a clear seperation between parliament and the media.
Totally agree.
Let’s make a go at it. Along side of that petition let’s have one that says we side with the Hon speaker and see which will garner the most vote and put this petition where it belongs in the garbage. I said all along let the courts decide. A petition will not move the speaker. You dont think he has the backing of members of the HoA.
@ Interested
…and I Totally disagree!!
This matter should be handled in the proper way.
If Wilcock does not want to swear in Vanterpool then he should convey his reasons to the Governor. If they are personal then he either swears in Vanterpool or he resigns.
The current coverage on BBC America of the Brexit debate in the House of Commons in the UK Parlement demonstrates the importance of a neutral Speaker in the House and in our Assembly.
Our House of Assembly is the core of our Territory’s democracy.
The Speaker must be neutral at ALL times.
You all really dont get it. The speaker already gave his reasons. He said he accepted the resignation. He has been advised that he is on solid ground. Let the court decide. He doesn’t have to explain squat to the Governor.
Okay fine…go to Court…but still remove him as Speaker. He is just too much of a loose cannon…VIP doing so good so far and this fiasco with him is just putting a blight on the whole VIP team that shining right now.
you are kind of stupid
I truly agree. He is doing great!
@ Michael Helm, you forgot one little minute detail: we have a deputy speaker so if Speaker Willock refuse to swear in Mr. Vanterpool then let Honourable Neville Smith do it.
Loving the thought of Hon Neville Smith replacing willock. Let’s put our attention there and move for that to happen. Hon Neville Smith is a humble, respectable gentleman and would be perfect for that position!! VIP make that move and let your Party shine! We know v–o will lambast you but not to worry, we will all know it would be w——k seeking revenge like he always does. Get him out!
It does not work like that though. The Deputy Speaker is only allowed to preside in the absence of the Speaker who is all present at this time
I am ready to sign because I really think we need to move on in unity. This guy doesn’t have any intention of unifying. He div—— and sep——.
I support Willock on this. The letter is not invalid to me as a voter in district 4. If this was someone else you haters will be quick to keep that person out. Mark must not do as he pleases when it comes to representing people.
Let the court decide where the law set presidence.
What a surprise, this is not a breaking news story on his a***l site.
Funny how he suddenly knows the words “Null and Void” on a letter because its pertains to him this time LMAO
S@$/”er must be cracked, must have been that SCB Council advising, and probably both get information from reruns of Night Court!
The digital revolution has just began-
CHANGE is hard to deal with-
Look what we in the BVI come to. No one want to hold Mark responsible for his disrespectful actions but prefer to blame the Speaker.
I totally agree with you. These people keep forgetting that this is Mark’s mess. Period. He brought this on. Not Willock.
I support Willock. Let the courts have a say!
A mess that the speaker started. Who IS going to pick up the court fees for the nonsense, the tax payers of course.It will be much cheaper to let JW go and pick another speaker.
I agree with u. Only in Tola. Mark who created the problem is out of the story now. He didn’t want to work for D4. He turn his back on them.
Now they fighting for him and killing the Speaker who just want to ensure that when this is all over, he can sleep at night amd know he was fair in his ruling. U could believe this sh-t…
Speaker we still with u. This is not about party. We need to sign one in support of the Speaker.
Wrong is still right for some people. That is the same reason we didn’t send anyone to jail for stealing our tax money.
@ Well sah
Your post makes sense. Mark Vanterpool bis responsible for this mess, and we the people refuse to hold him accountable. Instead, we prefer to hate on Willock who has done nothing wrong. Mark originally said he was not even running, he was probably nudged into the race. He won,and one week later he resigned. This is not a mistake. This is what Mark wanted to do. His heart is not in it. He should do himself and the people a favor and stay GONE. It’s the respectable thing to do. Thanks Mark.
I stand with Willock on this one. He’s not my friend but if we let the Governor run the HOA he will forever try to run it. But OAN. When my NDP government was in and all that money was spent no one sent out a Petition to remove the then government of the day. Think to talk as my friend Andy would say. That should hold ayo. When its time to speak the people of the BVI lips and numbed. When its time to be silent about things the people of the BVI want to speak. Mind yo the UK coming for us.
They are coming and the a**ishness of the speaker will bring them here faster.
And to clarify, the Governor does not nor did he signal an intention to try to run the HOA. He said quite clearly (or maybe plain spoken well written and grammatically correct english is hard for you) that according to the advise given by the AG and the requirements set out in the constitution, the letter was invalid, therefore there is no vacancy in the house and it is left to the HOA to decide when they wish to swear him in. He never told them they had to do it. He simply stated his position on the legal opinion rendered on the constitution.
When did the speaker become a higher authority than the Governor on the matter of his (governor’s) role in the constitution to tell the good gentleman that his is wrong for exercising his authority according to the rule of law?
this is the part i cant understand.
.. and what about the A**nishness of Mark??? He started all of this mess to begin with. Will someone please create a petition in support of the Speaker? I am sick and tired of this mess.
The people of the 4th District voted for Hon Mark Vanterpool to represent the District. He had a moment, for whatever reason, when he thought he couldn’t, that was quickly sorted out and the people of the 4th District want their representative to be sworn in. Enough of this nonsense!
As much as Mark started all of this mess it is not being handled properly and that’s because everyone is seeing Mark and Julian. Take the personalities out of this and look at it for what it is…an issue that needs to be corrected. It has to be corrected going forward on the books. That is to say, you can’t change a law midstream to convict someone of an offense because what they did was wrong. It might have been wrong but it wasn’t illegal and that’s the key there.
I have to say that in the UK this would have been over long time ago. For one thing MPs would fave already stepped down/or aside if the Commissioner of police was holding a file on them and having them under investigation for breach of protocols and tax-payers moneys. Same with the case of the Scandalous over-run at TTP and unresolved Auditors Report;…and I totally agree
Not about a Governor, a Speaker, or an Elected Representative, it IS about the CONSTITUTION…Do we as individuals wish for the Constitution of the Virgin Islands to be respected and enforced as the law of the land…take it to the Courts if our AG is unable to clarify or resolve to the satisfaction of the Speaker. The onus is on Willock to abide with the direction / interpretation made by the AG or sue as an individual to seek a court ordered reversal on the matter.
How is it that this petition is not n the yellow site?This boy w—–k is acting like a h—o.Wasting time tax payers money with this sh-t.If he have issues with mark that’s between them don’t intertwine it with the BVI business.I think Fahie made a big mistake.I voted wrong.The boy surely is a waste.The AG too is a waste to have Wilcock refer to him as such.He refer to UK,Local,east caribbean for advice from attorneys what ir job mr AG.
Your one vote would not have made a difference in the outcome of the elections, so go siddung.
Everybody on here talking nonsense about let the courts decide, do you understand that this thing can cost the tax payer hundreds of thousands of dollars or more in legal fees. For what? foolishness. If this newly elected govt can’t even employ common sense and respect the order of law even when we don’t like it, we are in for a long and very unfair four years. The govt chose this man as the speaker, if you hire someone and watch them do wrong you are just as guilty. Hon Mark is a nuisance and he should be kicked out of the HOA but the law does not make that possible at this time. ALL THAT IS NECESSARY FOR EVIL TO PREVAIL IS FOR GOOD MEN AND WOMEN (other elected officials) TO STAND SILENT. Time will tell.
JW, do the Country a favor and get to stepping. Myron is a Saint compare to the speaker. The speaker is an em——–t to the Country. — is not about what is best for the Country,– is about division and unfairness. How the H*ll you decide to hold the Country hostage over your petty personal S**t and think this is ok.
you must have quit.
Please M, do the territory a favour and publicly, once more, re-resign. For years you’ve been expressing your intention to retire. However, you jumped back into the general elections for whatever reasons, won your bid; within weeks, “Hit us with a SHOCKER!” But you could not leave it there, came back yet again to destabilize us even more, with a second round. Your weak excuse(s) did not and does not hold weight nor water. Your first public intention revealed how you truly feel.
STOP the yo-yo games and allow others (with a by-election) whose heart maybe well intended to help the district and the territory on a whole- get an opportunity to do so. The DISTRICT NEEDS FULL ATTENTION, not back and forth, up and down, yo-yo interest, to move it forward and make it look like a Capital.
“Where does the buck stops. If we, the people of the territory, don’t stand for something, we will fall for anything.” STANDARDS must be set in-place and uphold.
Again we reiterate to M, if your heart is not in it, please do us all a favour and give up the political tricks. Stop the IMPASSE!
I support the speaker 100%. Mr Vanterpool shows clearly he was not ready to represent the people of district 4. This is not a poppy show story. I consider him very irresponsible and unreliable.
The matter need to be handled in way that will send a message across to everyone both NDP and VIP. These people are elected in office to represent the country and its people so they need to show respect and take there position seriously.
We cannot encourage corruption and expect good governance. Let us as a people stand for what is right and not to show partiality to any given party.
M, we trying to put it to you nicely. Step aside and allow others to help do their part for the district and territory.
If not, we will be forced to publicly announce what we know, and let the whole da..n thing blow-up.
No hearsay.
Some of our people just believe in maintaining the status-quo that has been imploring for some time now.
Chances and Chances being extended. Enough said. No more talk.
Go sit down.
You have something to say, say it.
The cloak and dagger nonsense is what got us here in the first bloody place.
@Please. We rarely response to comments like these.
Just so you and anothers of your kind are aware, by now M should know who we are. Not only Our IP addresses have been tampered with and attacked, but other realms as well. This is no joke. My fight is for change and progress for the other generations, so stay in your lane. That’s all we have to say.
@Please- we rarely respond to comments like these.
Just so you and anothers of your kind are aware, by now M should know who we are. Not only Our IP addresses have been tampered with and attacked, but other realms as well. This is no joke. There are levels to this. My fight is for change and progress for the other generations, so stay in your lane. That’s all we have to say.
@Please- we rarely respond to comments like these.
Just so you and anothers of your kind are aware, by now M should know who we are. Not only Our IP addresses have been tampered with and attacked, but other realms as well. This is no joke. There are levels to this. Our fight is for change and progress for the other generations, so stay in your lane. That’s all we have to say.
Again, stay in your lane. There are people who know certain people on their way up. Have done somethings wrong in their life and today at their age, have looked in the mirror. They are trying to pay it forward, but ungrateful and bad-minded people like you is why they don’t want to spend time in jail for. Yes! They at one time have taken kickbacks. ENOUGH SAID! DROP IT PLEASE!
What happen to Keith Flax…is there any reason Keith Flax can’t be the Speaker… If I am not mistaken, he was Speaker before and from my recollection did a good job.
Best news for the week. He needs to READ the CONSTITUTION & then re think his position. He has a big Vendetta against the previous Government!!
Big mistake Premier, You should have chosen someone else to be speaker. Big mistake You made. Premier, I give you my vote bécasse I thought You were about doing the right thing. You are now allowing someone to disrespect the Govenor with the foolish childhood games. JW needed to be removed from the Speakers position as of Monday past. JW, as they say,no justice no peace. Typical modern day U**y BIAS D***he bag.
…anyone have a link to the petition?
Most of the people fighting for Mark are not doing it because they believe in the right of law or the right thing to do. They are only doing so because it is Mark. Mark is popular that’s why he wins elections. If this was a case of let’s say someone unlikeable or unfavorable like W*****k winning the seat then doing a video stating that he retired would have been a totally different story. They would say he retired point blank and would try their best to keep him from swearing in just like we have happening right now.
My only fault with the situation is that we need to move on. It would be worth the fight if this affected the forming of the new government. Mark does deserve a public scolding for his indecisiveness especially given the time that he had to decide whether he was serious about representing the people of the 4th district.
Ask your yourself if a VIP candidate had won his seat and resigned would Mr Willock had done or insisted that the matter be brought before the courts?
Listen to them , the former speaker of the house did not allow the current governor to be sweared in as she said her house and not one of these NDP supporters said one thing about the embarrassment that it caused us here in the BVI and abroad but now the the people has spoken they can find all sorts of people to be the speaker for the people’s house well Willock stand your ground we got your back and we going forward ever backwards never and whoever wants to stay behind but we are not looking back we going full speed ahead for the betterment of the people of these Virgin Islands and the Virgin Islands as a whole for all that they have done to destroy our way of life they still think it ok to determine our future but they are so wrong we are moving forward hand in hand United we stand devised we fall
The former Speaker was one of the best speaker we have had so far. This speaker is hardheaded, stubborn,eg———-al and s—-ful. I agrée,he needs to go.
confusion started by mark who cannot decide what he wanted lol.
If all you’ll know how foolish you all sound you will put this to rest and let that man stay where he is@!!!#$/
Mark decision is very irresponsible he should not be allowed in the house of assembly. The house of assembly needs ppl who are unwavering in their thoughts. The constitution needs changing.
Sweet little Lucy patiently waiting to strike. Well ma boy.
Mark right now is a confused individual and if he is sworn in he will be investigated just like the other senator for all that missing money and no work to show for it.???
The s*****r mother should have used a c****m instead,dam useless
Listen, Vanterpool should be sworn in. Let the people in the 4th district deal with him. And besides, don’t we want a previous member of cabinet in the house to provide ‘clarity’ on some particular questions that must be asked?
And adding my two cents, all constitutions must be tested and amended where necessary, so although painful, let the process play out. But yes, this Speaker must go, too bias.
There was never true clarity in the House when he was a sitting member. Unreasonable to expect more now.
A change in environment sometimes works miracles. Keep the faith.
to Jah Guide. Support part of your comment; however, this dilemma has gone far beyond the D4.
Mar. was sent back to protect some folks in high places.
Before and during the general election, and to present, there are some grand lodges, who support the former gov’t, working overtime to make sure he is sworn back in.
Their only hiccups are that they have been challenging some of us with no fear, who know how to deal within higher and lower energies. In the end, some lessons will be learnt.
Change can be unpleasant and uncomfortable for some, but in the long run the younger generations will benefit and embrace their own innate power to effect positive change.
Mr full of yourself, you said the only person who could get rid of you is the premier, the governor could melt you in seconds my boy, you feel you is the monarch of all that you survey, lets see how far your arrogance will get you.
Hey you little p***k you hide behind letters of hate.
Myron is out and Willock is in as the Speaker so put that in your pipe and smoke or find tall b** t** b** and take a trip to san juan to continue the bogga man business ayo in to.
@bvi, JW have something on the Premier. Is that why JW is so d**n cocky about the only person that can remove him from the seat is the Premier? Something is up with the two of them. I am going to sit back and enjoy a glass of my favorite red wine and see how the Premier is going to handle this one.
Run that ******,******,B****,f**** P** out of the Speaker Seat. I dont care if Mami him and Papi was born YA like they speak, that land T**tle have to go. To darn rude and BIAS. The worst speaker in the house of cards. Can’t stand his U**y A**. He is going to be the downward spiral of the VIP.
The whole d**n VIP Government is weak.JW and the fake pastor is running this Government. A**rew, I thought you were way smarter than that. Down to my 75 year old grandmother is saying anything the VIP Government say or do, she believe JW and the fake pastor is is calling the shot,what a mess.The s-*****t need to step down ASAP.
Tortola British Island is looking so bad right now. After one of the worse cut throat, mudslinging elections that looked so bad and embrassing to the Country, now another embrassing sautation is brewing. No one is going to stake you people seriousley. You have to be on the outside looking in to realy see how things is working. Wish you guys the best but, you are looking so bad as a Country. To many Chiefs and no Indians to tell you to please do better.
@outsider looking in. We are charting the present and future of the OECS in this situation.
Everyone interested in the OECS regions are looking forward to a court decision so we can refer to “a case study” – if ever this situation in the future occurs again- Case Study: MR. MARK VANTERTOOL vs.THE SPEAKER OF HOA- in the VIRGIN ISLaNDS- that can be referred to for any other rogue elected candidate.
The only disappointment is with the Attorney General who continually exhibit signs of being so comfortable to maintain his lifestyle in the British Virgin Islands to the detriment of a thorough fulfillment of true democracy.
A change there should also be looked into in OUR progression in moving our territory forward. Time to step our “requirements-up” for the next generation of qualified attorney generals.
There was never true clarity in the House when he was a sitting member. Unreasonable to expect more now.
I was in shock when i heard he was appointed speaker my first thought was just what everyone is saying arr****t and full of himself….i wonder what h is holding over the premier that he feels that he can’t remove him. HON.Fahie if start going bad against the people you know how the next election will go.I am with you all the way but make the right choice for the people
I felt the same way You did, mine was more a sense of sadness like, why Andrew why. A lot of people out here had your back and elected you in office but they never thought you would slap them in the face by giving that man the Speaker position. He is all wrong for that position.Big Mistake.
This petition is democracy at it’s best!
And the government would be wise to HEED to the wishes of the people!
Now if we could only get ten thousand signatures…
The governor probably remembered that Mark was one of the mere five members of the HOA that attended his swearing in ceremony while the others allegedly were absent due to a boycott. Before the current governor was sworn in a speaker of the house made a decision that affected his swearing in as well so the governor knows first hand of politics of the BVI on both sides.
While I am not a VIP supporter I think they have made a reasonable start in office with the exception of the choice of Speaker. This is a huge blunder by Andrew and will give him endless problems. The speaker is beyond a***gant and comes with so much baggage he should neve have been picked. I am sure they will eventually be very sorry they gave this appointment.
Only the government by way of the Premier can revoke the speaker’s appointment. The petition will be a waste of time if it is not signed by people of the BVI and if the people don’t have the guts to use their real names. Why would the Premier take the petition seriously when it is signed by people using dead people’s names and even Donald Trump’s name. You might as well delete the petition as the signees are not serious.
People of the BVI can never seriously stand up for what they believe in. They complain about Biwater 2 people show up to protest. They complain about insurance 2 people show up to the meeting. They say Tortola boring nothing to do but when there is something to do 2 people show up. They’re quick to blog multiple times but when it’s time for action they fold quickly like wet toilet paper.
H— parents should have used birth protection.
I agree 100% that this man needs to be removed. He is nothing more than a high school b***y. However, the fear of victimization is very real here to whomever signs their name to this document. You better believe it will be noted and remembered! The reality is a lot more would sign the online petition if that were not the case (or fear).
The UK is sitting back just watching the behaviour that is going on. When they get tired of babysitting you guys, they will decide what to do about the sautation. Keep on acting the fool guys, you all will always have to be told how to do things.
Deputy Speaker, let us see what you are made of, swear Mark in because you will be caught up in it sooner than later. Not two months and all this F***ery going on. The rebuilding of the Country is most important. JW need to put aside the vendetta he has and focus on doing the right thing. He don’t care about Country,he cares about himself only.
The Deputy Speaker cannot act while the Speaker is functioning.Please do not drag him in this. The Deputy acts in the absence of the Speaker.
@clarity; Exactly, sometimes I wonder who does be liking some of these comments. People just commenting foolishness because they have Internet data and a little free time and some people just as dumb to like the comment.
Young people will witness how democracy works in the wash. They will learn how to embrace their own power to bring about positive change.
As a woman, I would love to see a group of Women form a political party and run in the next elections. I believe a Woman will be running the Country very soon. There is enough intelligent Women in the BVI that can handle the job and will be good at it. A all Women cabinet will be awesome. Women of the BVI,go for it. The BVI need a huge change in Government. It can be done.
What we need is a woman premier. Give a woman a shot at it. For sure we know there won’t be any deals under the table. Reshuffling in the making.
That would be something else. You say big change,I say big shake up. But for real, I believe a Woman is going to be running the Country soon. This comment is comming from a Male.
That would go down in BVI History if there is a all Woman Political Party and one of the Women becomes the Leader. That would be something. I say go for it ladies. It is time for a Woman to take this Country in the direction that is needed. You have four years to get this off the ground ladies.
As granny say, wha don’t start right, don’t end right. Plain and simple. Premier, this has already overshadowed any good you have done so far and you likely will have to answer to this forever if nothing is done. Remove this astrix from your legacy as a Premier. Raise the standards of the Speakeriship, do not lower it with this bad decision. Admitting a mistake is soo powerful. Think about it.
Don’t allow this man to destroy your legacy. When you step down from the Premiership you don’t want this following you. He is not good for the position. This is a business, not a vendettas paradise.
Please don’t allow the S————-r to tarnish you and your Cabinet. He is the odd man. I don’t care if you and him are friends, he have to understand this is not about his personal vendetta. Kitchen Table talk is you the Premier created a Monster when you decide to give JW the s——————- position.
Only 80 Signatures (11:43am 31/4/19
Where is the Petition for Mark’s childish behavior. Guess it’s Constitutional to do what he deems fit to his peronal agenda! People we trying to make Progress, but some of you all just like Mayhem!
Ok. How many us hiding behind fake names have the courage to list their real names to petition to remove a Speaker that we don’t like or didn’t say how high when the Governor, the Crown Rep, say how high? Few. By the way, who or what was the genesis of this royal mess? Did Mark intend to resign? Did he behave like he resigned? And if yes, what damn diffrent does it make if he sent his resignation letter to Clerk of the HOA, given that the Speaker position was vacant?
What was Baba Aziz rationale on this issue? This issue aside, I’m not impressed with the AG’s office? Slow as molasses on simple issues. Is the new trend going to be removing people from office by a few blogs that are not reliable scientific polling? What is the process for removing a Speaker from office?
And You all thought Myron was the bad one. In my best late Vincent Price laughter, Ah ha ha haaa. JW is the b** one. He had you all fooled big time. He played the nice game untill he got what he wanted.
People are afraid, the island small and vindictiveness is extremely high.
That would be something else. You say big change,I say big shake up. But for real, I believe a Woman is going to be running the Country soon. This comment is comming from a Male.