BVI News

Opposition’s no-confidence motion gets on HOA agenda

Concerns regarding whether the Opposition’s motion of no confidence would be addressed in the House of Assembly (HOA) have been alleviated. The agenda for the 20th sitting of the HOA, scheduled to begin today, October 18, includes the motion. However, it is still uncertain if it will be debated during today’s proceedings.

In an interview earlier this week, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley expressed doubts about whether the no-confidence motion would even make it to the HOA’s order paper.

The Opposition previously accused the Premier of deliberately filling the order paper with non-urgent matters to delay the motion. However, Dr Wheatley countered that claim, noting that the agenda includes essential tasks that must be completed by year-end, such as those related to the Commission of Inquiry.

However, the official agenda, released yesterday, includes the motion presented by the Leader of the Opposition under “Private Members Business” towards the end of the proceedings.

The no-confidence motion raises serious concerns about the government’s performance under Premier Wheatley’s leadership. It highlights issues such as a “bleak economic outlook,” a decline in public confidence, and an estimated $20 million budget miscalculation in public servant salaries.

Additionally, the Opposition motion criticises the lack of a comprehensive economic plan and failure to capitalise on inward investment opportunities, particularly in comparison to neighbouring regions. The lack of a tourism development plan and the dilapidated state of Prospect Reef Hotel are also points of contention.

In the motion, the Opposition claims that under Premier Wheatley’s government, essential sectors such as education and agriculture have been neglected. The motion further argues that resources have been squandered on events and international travel, while critical infrastructure, including public roads, sewerage, and water supply systems, have been ignored.


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  2. Salty Fish says:

    Sadly, we the people have ‘no confidence’ that anything will be done, that anything will change, or that anyone will be held accountable.

    Just another Netflix reality show, with the same old ending, and a Country whose people must suffer through another pointless charade, that’s devoid of hope, laced with predictability; all while ending in the same result of our HOA returning to their ‘business as usual’ practice that’s tailored to benefiting the ‘rulers’ that hide in the ‘shadows’, and the current elected elite.

  3. Forecast says:

    No confidence motion succeeds. HOA is dissolved.

    Order in Council is enforced.

    UK takes over control of BVI from November’24

    No general election. Bench trials of all indicted politicians and former civil servants commence. Breach of trust indictments for all VIP ministers elected in 2023.

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