BVI News

Paradox? Residents trusted to stay quarantined but can’t drive themselves home

Melvin ‘Mitch’ Turnbull

The question of whether quarantined persons entering the BVI are being effectively monitored is expected to be raised when the House of Assembly (HOA) resumes tomorrow for its next sitting.

According to the order paper for the sitting, Opposition legislator Melvin Turnbull will ask Health Minister Carvin Malone why residents are trusted to stay home during a quarantine period but returning residents are prohibited from driving themselves home to quarantine.

Turnbull will further ask why returning residents aren’t given the same trust to drive themselves to a testing site to be assessed for COVID-19 on day-4 of their arrival into the territory.

Designated taxi and livery operators were hired to transport arriving travellers. Those taxi-men were equipped  with a detailed commute logging system to perform the task.

It is unclear whether persons are prohibited from using their family members to drive them to their designated quarantine location instead of taxi drivers who have the requisite logging system in place.

Late last year, Premier Andrew Fahie pushed for fines to be raised to as much as $20,000 for persons who breach existing quarantine rules.

Back then, the Premier scolded the actions of a visitor who put the territory at risk by venturing out of their quarantine area. He said the visitor’s actions could have easily reversed the many months of progress made by residents who have complied with the COVID-19 measures.

“Everyone has been here working hard, adhering to everything and then in comes somebody and decides that they’re just going to leave the quarantine area, and they’re positive. It’s nothing to hide under the bush,” Premier Fahie stated at the time.

A few weeks ago, the BVI experienced an enormous surge in new COVID-19 cases in the territory. This resulted in a community spread that saw more than 1,600 new positive cases and 37 deaths all happened within a month.

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  1. Rude self says:

    I don’t want to hear anything from this disrespectful young man.

    Like 5
    Dislike 14
  2. Tracking Device says:

    This is because the devices are flawed! They are an illusion that doesnt work.

    Like 16
  3. Stupid rule says:

    So if I drive myself to the airport, I can’t drive myself home when I return? What stupidness is that? Just tag me and send me on my way.

    Like 12
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    • Tagger man says:

      Can’t tag you, the devices are not working ….yet it is alleged that Bev&$ is receiving money for his share in the company that makes the bracelets.

      Like 12
  4. Lol says:

    If they drive themselves how the Taximan will eat?

    Like 5
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  5. @mitch says:

    Always majoring in the minor as they like to say.

  6. ??? says:


  7. Concerned says:

    Well, lets put it thhis way: a while back i arrived from traveling. I was advised to pay a designated cab( which was very expensive for the 7 minutes drive). At day 4 he rang my phone and came to pick me up to take the test. When he came to pick me up, there was anpther person in the car and he picked up another 2 from diferent locations. The problem is that if any of those persons tested positive, the rest of us would have to be quarantined and retested. Also, when it comes to dropping off the tracking device to the police station, the police have no idea of how to handle it and is a very inconvenient situation. I had to drive to the airport to drope such device any time i return to the territory. Another problem is that when you get tested, they take days to give you the results. If you don’t find a way to call someone within the heath departmen, you might never get the results

  8. hmm says:

    I came home couple weeks ago and have yet to recieved the results from my first covid test.. retested after my quarantine period and got that result back. Still no result from my 1st test taken when i entered the territory… communication is poor on their end.

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