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Penn: I was offered Deputy Premier role after 2023 elections

Leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP), Marlon Penn, claimed that he was offered the post of Deputy Premier following the 2023 general elections but declined it ‘in the interest of the people’.

Penn revealed this during an interview on JTV with Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) Leader Ronnie Skelton. According to Penn, he prioritised unity and service to the territory over political power.

“I could have been in a leadership position since [2023]. I was offered the Deputy Premier then, in 2023 after the elections, before Honourable Lorna Smith was offered. I was offered the Deputy Premier position then. Before she was fired, I was offered it then, and again and again,” Penn stated.

He added, “My focus is the people of this country and doing what is best for the people, not to empower myself.”

His comments followed questions about opposition members joining the government. Immediately after the elections, Smith, who ran as an independent and won, crossed the floor to form a coalition government with the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), causing a power shift. The move was widely viewed as pivotal to the VIP maintaining its hold in the government.

During the interview, Skelton also confirmed that Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley had approached him “several times” to join the government.

“The Premier of the country is trying to do what he thinks is good and right for himself, the country, and his political path… He needs help. He needs lots of help because the country is facing some difficult, difficult things,” Skelton stated.

Skelton stressed that while collaboration is important, his support would always come if it served the interest of the Virgin Islands. “Anytime it’s in the interest of my country and my people, regardless of what side I sit on, that’s what I will support,” he explained.

According to Penn, his past actions support this principle. “I never hesitated when I was the leader of the opposition to join the unity government… The country was in crisis. The country needed a level of stability to transition to the next cycle,” he said.

“It’s never about power. It’s about the country for me,” Penn added.”The reality is that whatever I can do to help the Premier… I will help. I will always help.”

Both Penn and Skelton used the interview to reaffirm their commitment to a unified political front. They confirmed that efforts were underway to merge the NDP and PVIM, saying “the family is back” and promising to engage the public in discussions about the way forward.

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  1. Old news says:

    Everyone and the kitchen sink was offered the deputy premier role. You did not take it because the opposition had the majority votes and you were busy fighting it out between you and Ronnie who should be Premier and who should be deputy. Lorna said she will stay as long as you are premier. You decided to give it to Ronnie without Lorna’s knowledge and she left because she knows more about Ronnie than you and me. You had a chance to unite both parties before the Alliance moved forward, but did not. This sounds like a prelude to the great deception of the people. Power! Power! Power! Never seen more grown folk so desperate for power. It is shameful. Then they gaslight the people with their country over self script. You must stop it!

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    • I Believe Both says:

      I believe what Hon. Penn is saying and what @old news is stating.Even with this new unification we still are waiting to know who is LEADING the party unless its a CO- Leadership. I hope that the premier has learned the lesson of Loyalty.I believe in 2023 he was still insecure and it showed by him offering every Tom ,Dick and Harry just to remain Premier. Hopefully he is more confident now.

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  2. Eldread says:

    You double agent, we will only know of this because you looking sympathy against the alliance, that is what kept you all from forming the government back then when you all won, that cause Lorna to jump ship, each one a you was masterbating over power.

    Like 14
    • @Eldread says:

      You are absolutely correct. I am not giving any sympathy to Marlon and Ronnie against the Alliance team. My mind is already made up, I am sticking with the Alliance team.

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  3. Papa Smurf says:

    Wait is one cut ar$e you gonna get for your de***tive ways and continued lies. You are the NEXT Fraczar and need to be rooted out once and for all!

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  4. ? says:

    What alliance are you referring to? If NDP and PVIM have now officially merged, why do we still have a split? Does this mean the Alliance were lying about wanting to merge? I’m confused.

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  5. Unity says:

    The PVIM and NDP have reunited. Will the Alliance now return since their message centred heavily on reconciliation? Both Alliance and reunited NDP have a lot to contribute and would be stronger together.

  6. Wow says:

    Sowande offered everybody and their grandmother deputy premier position. I The things people do for power is really mind blowing. This country is in a political mess.

  7. Rolling my eyes says:

    Everybody, their cat, their dog, their fowl cock, their donkey, their rats and their cockroaches were offered deputy Premier. They only offered that to weaken the opposition. And with you as deputy to Sl**ande we would have been doomed. Two living dead!

  8. real talk says:

    marlon you cant even run your household much less to run a country. boy go run that threadmill … you nor ronnie cant stop myron wait for the slogan. WE READY !

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  9. Give it a rest dude says:

    Marlon you are not Premier material. Everyone around you know this also. They talk it behind your back but don’t tell you in front of your face. Stop trying to force yourself on the country. You could be a minister and even that I was hearing that you were a waste of time. Stop with the nonsense already

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