BVI News

Penn sounds warning over broken pipes and water failures

Marlon Penn

Eighth District Representative Marlon Penn has warned about the territory’s dire state of water infrastructure, calling attention to an impending crisis if immediate actions are not taken.

He underscored the numerous broken pipes lines across the territory that shoot large quantities of water onto the streets and into communities like a geyser or spring. “Everywhere around this country, there are geysers. I think I’m in Yellowstone Park,” Penn told lawmakers, referencing the famous geysers found in the US National Park.

During a recent House of Assembly sitting, Penn outlined the stark deterioration of the territory’s water mains, compounded by a rapidly depleting pool of skilled personnel necessary to manage and maintain these critical systems. He also drew attention to the dwindling human capital at the Water and Sewerage Department, which he described as nearing a critical point.

“You have a situation where all your senior and experienced human resources at the Water and Sewerage Department have either resigned, retired, or are going to retire,” he stated.

According to Penn, this alarming exodus of expertise leaves a void in institutional knowledge, severely hampering the department’s ability to effectively address and manage ongoing issues. He argued that the gravity of the situation is further amplified by financial neglect, which he claims is evident in the government’s fiscal priorities. “You’re telling me that you give a critical department like this $200,000 to deal with infrastructural issues, yet you can find $1.5 million for a party behind a dilapidated complex? Are we really serious about this country?”

Penn was referring to the controversial government-hosted Music Fest, which was poorly attended and widely criticized by residents. The Eighth District Representative also warned of the catastrophic potential of continued negligence, suggesting that the territory is on the brink of an irreversible crisis.

“I said in this very House that it is going to come to a point where the water situation in this country is going to get so bad that we won’t be able to fix it at all because all the pipes around us are going to collapse,” he asserted.

Leak Detection Contract Signed

Following Penn’s alarming predictions, the Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) has taken a proactive approach. On July 11, the agency signed a contract worth $104,750 with consultancy firm Water Research Centre Limited (WRC) for leak detection services to address critical water issues.

The WRC will work on enhancing local capabilities to detect and manage water leaks within the BVI’s water distribution system. The project is set to run for six weeks, with completion expected by mid-October 2024.

The RDA outlined that the consultancy will pinpoint visible and non-visible leaks and engage with community personnel and the Water and Sewerage Department to improve operational efficiencies. This contract signifies the first phase of a broader Water Optimisation Programme that includes future projects such as supplying and installing water meters across the territory.


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  1. Its been 5 years now says:

    and Kye still can’t get the job done

  2. PT09 says:

    All Kye Rymer is good for is talk talk no action, and if he starts something he doesn’t finish it. What a team.

  3. BuzzBvi says:

    Hard to believe there any human resources that will be missed as the water infrastructure and repaits have been bad for decades. What ia needed is new people with real skills and the will to use them. Some are have bee repaired so often there can ni piecenof pipe ledt longer than 2 ft. Look up by Lambert or pretty much any sectuonbof road with water pipes below. The water department should be ashamed of these witks. We need fresh skilled, willing capable people with materials and resources. Not looking likely with this Government.

    • @BuzzBVii says:

      The honourable member’s presentation is on point so get your head out of the sand. The first thing to proving workers are not capable is to give them the resources to function and based on what the member is saying the resources are very much so scarce at that department. You all sheeple just do not give up but the people are now wide awake

  4. Eagle says:

    Why blame Kyle when it is obviuos that someone at Water and Sewerage Department is collecting a check each month to make sure issues are looked at and is not being productive.

    Too many persons want positions and collecting checks,but are not productive.

    Like 4
    Dislike 2
  5. Governments will always have issues says:

    This is the worst in the history of politics in BVI
    Prices going through roof
    Pensioners did not get a raise
    Raising wages without looking
    At the spiral effect ( I am for the minimum raise)
    Adhoc government

    This government does not have the confidence of the people
    There should be a vote of NO CONFIDENCE against this government.

    They are putting people in position who cannot do the job
    That is why we are collapsing in our infrastructure- roads , schold, businesses etc

  6. Get it done says:

    We need people who
    Can get the job done

  7. Water Systems says:

    Complete water system needs to be government controlled. The more water waste the more water company collects. Sometimes is wrong with that.

  8. My 2 cents says:

    Give resources to proof incompetence.

  9. All a we says:

    @Governments will always have issues

    You are right on point that there are so many people in positions and can’t do the job. I remember there was a lady working at WSD with Penn. There were problems but that lady was effecient and effective. I can’t remember her name but it needs people like her in positions. Its a long time ago but any one know who I am talking about?

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