BVI News

People can’t do much with their land

Opposition legislator and Deputy Speaker Stacy ‘Buddha’ Mather.

Territorial At-Large Representative Stacy Mather recently expressed deep concern in the House of Assembly (HOA) regarding the ineffective use of land in the territory.

“It’s a segment of our country that has land. People in our country that have land and they can’t do much with it,” Mather stated, highlighting the frustration and helplessness of many locals who own land but face significant hurdles restricting its use.

Mather questioned the effectiveness of existing policies, emphasising the psychological importance of permanence and ownership. He criticised the high costs associated with land development, stating: “Rent is through the roof, whether it’s residential or commercial. To build a building in this country or a home in this country is astronomical.”

The first-term lawmaker argued that the issue was further compounded by family-owned lands entangled in legal and administrative complexities.

During his address, Mather also pointed out the inefficiencies in the legislative process, suggesting that the policies often need more clarity and precision. He drew attention to the lack of concrete plans for land held by Social Security, which could be utilised to alleviate some of the housing crises.

“Social Security has land. Our people want land. How are we going to give it to them? How are we going to figure it out?” he asked.

Mather emphasised the historical challenges related to land ownership, referencing the frustrations with the Anegada Lands Advisory Development Committee and unfulfilled promises. “The people of Anegada have been waiting for over a hundred years,” he argued.


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  1. maria louisa varlack says:

    something has gone drastically wrong since slavery ended and now in the year 2024 something is drastically going wrong in the British Virgin Islands.

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  2. Registered Land says:

    This old English system of freehold land with or without covenants does not appear to operate efficiently in the BVI. There is no distinction between private residential land and private commercial land in many areas of the BVI. The Land Registry and Town & Country Planning offices are weak and corrupt. The result is locals only buy developed land. Undeveloped land just stays undeveloped.

  3. I will say this says:

    I voted for Stacy Mather this past Election and I will vote for him next Election if he decides to run again. I also voted for Aaron from D3 and I am going to vote for him next Election if he decides to run again. Don’t know about anyone else but those two I know for sure will be getting my vote.

    Like 10
  4. I second that says:


  5. Jesus says:

    You encouraging a rapist and took picture with him with VW shame IN YOU and give him a computer to prey for n more girls

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