BVI News

Persons who attended Bregado Flax graduation told to isolate

The following is an announcement from the Ministry of Health & Social Development:

The Public Health Unit is notifying the community that a positive COVID-19 case was in attendance at the Bregado Flax Educational Centre’s graduation ceremony today, June 29. 

All persons who attended the graduation are asked to make contact at 468-4936 or 468- 2285 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Fully vaccinated persons will not be required to isolate, however, all unvaccinated and partially vaccinated persons are required to immediately self-isolate. 

Testing for all individuals will be scheduled in 10 to 14 days. Persons who develop any symptoms of COVID-19 should contact the Public Health Unit or the Medical Hotline at 852-7650 for any necessary advice.

The public is encouraged to do their part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by adhering to the established public health protocols.

BVI’s active COVID-19 cases spike to 13!

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  1. Sickening says:

    You all ridiculous! How is it that right after the graduation finished you all ALREADY found a positive case?

    Yes, we know the vaccines expiring soon. You all keep it up with your wicked agenda. GOD DO NOT SLEEP!

    Like 16
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    • X says:

      Could it be that the person had already taken the test and was waiting for the results? They may have taken the test for travel purposes.

      Like 2
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  2. Liess says:

    How is it that exactly right after the event you all found a positive case?

    Keep it up with you all wicked agenda!

    Like 9
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  3. Correct me if I'm wrong says:

    So fully vaccinated persons can move around freely throughout the Territory even if they test positive for Covid-19.

    We know the vaccine does not give you immunity but decreases your chance of severe Covid but vaccinated persons can still transmit the virus.

    So I don’t understand why vaccinated persons dont have to isolate too. Can someone in the medical field please explain?

    I’m fully vaccinated and really want to know!

    Like 18
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    • ok says:

      fully vaccinated people shed far less of the virus if they have covid-19 than unvaccinated. You will still need to be tested to see if you have contracted the virus.

      Like 5
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  4. U all need to get vaccinated.. says:

    Dont listen to these Civil Servants their bread is butter, their salary is sure, lock down or no lock down, they getting pay,,, We need the country to fully open up and move forward, we need Jobs, most of us are not fortunate enough to be working for government…

    Like 11
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  5. Doh says:

    Hey idiots!

    Get vaccinated

    Like 8
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  6. Nonsensical says:

    It is ridiculous that normal, supposedly sane people can believe that the vaccine is going to inject a chip into your body through one of the tiniest needles use in medicine. It is estimated that during the great Crusade as much as 8 million people were murdered by religious zealots in the name of GOD. Its a little different today where people are still hiding behind religion and refusing to take a simple medication. If joseph has stubbornly refuse to participate in a very distressing government policy then Jesus would never have been born in Bethlehem.

    Like 4
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  7. Nonsensical says:

    It is very ridiculous that normal human being can think that there is a chip can be injected through one of the tiniest set of needles that are used in medicine.

    Like 3
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  8. Akon says:

    Vip y’all can’t get none of my votes next election.not even by mistake.

    Like 5
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  9. Facts says:

    These idiots have the wrong school. It was ROMPS graduation the positive case was

  10. PC says:

    Don’t trust the government on vaccine advice?

    Read this:

  11. SMH says:

    At this Rate the BVI is not likely to be opening anytime soon. ???

  12. KLM says:

    @Sickening, Ok doctor NO you know it all.

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