BVI News

PHOTO OF THE DAY: Cruise ‘double dock’

Photo by Kamal Haynes/BVI News staff

As the territory rolls into the new year, BVI News captured these two cruise ships docked simultaneously at the Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park in Road Town on Friday, January 3.

Pictured are Norwegian Epic and the Azura cruise ship.

Visitors can be seen in the distance returning to the vessels after presumably touring sections of the territory.

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  1. Nick says:

    You should have capture the smoke coming out of these ships going over roadtown.

    Like 19
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    • Not to worry says:

      Keep this photo. Soon the dock will be empty for very long periods of time. The cruise ship companies hate the BVI. It’s a “filler port” as there are so many ships traveling through the Caribbean that prime locations are often filled. As time goes by the prime locations will expand and there will be no need to come to the BVI. By the way the smoke for a few hours is nothing compared to what you people burn in your dump and the toxic gasses being dispersed. That operates 24/7, 365 days a year. Have a Happy New Year

      Like 9
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    • Thoughtful Sailor says:

      Actually, pollution from ships’ smoke is a major global polluter, caused by the very low quality of fuel used. This is about to change, but for years, governments have inflicted this, perhaps unknowingly, on their citizenry, in the chase for the small amounts spent by passengers. Sad, but true. Has anyone ever bothered to test the air in roadtown?

  2. I don’t get it.. says:

    The dock has 2 ships docked quite often so I don’t see why this is a photo of the day..

    Like 20
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  3. mary says:

    How do the people get off the Azura?

    Like 2
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    • Really!! says:

      This is such a Dumb question…

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    • VG Resident says:

      They jump off.

      Like 9
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    • Get off says:

      You think boats only exit from one side? Wow. Another product of the BVI school system. Must have been an honor student

      Like 3
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    • The pier is between them says:

      The ships aren’t tied up together they are on either side of a slender pier.

      I have been in a situation where two ships were docked side by side with pontoons between them. To get on the outside ship you had to board the inside ship..walk across it then down a gangway to the pontoon then up another gangway from the pontoon to the outer vessel. The height from the gangways to the pontoon was about 2 decks. So if you were on the outer ship it was a pain in the ass going ashore and coming back.

  4. Scandal says:

    This news site really struggling man, they have staff?

  5. Judy says:

    Whats the big deal? Cruise ships do this all the time?

  6. Ausar says:

    Dont mind the noise, BVINEWS!

    Keep posting these types of photos!

    For it was not too long ago, that there was sooooo much naysayers against this project!

    These types of vistas almost didn’t happen!

    Thank goodness, former Premier Dr. Smith, OBE, refused to pay attention to the noise and gave this country such a momentous product in the Pier Park project!

    Ausar, too, is almost teary-eyed when seeing these types of vistas, that have brought and will continue to bring millions to these shores.

    Continue the good work, BVINEWS!

    Ausar is counting on YOUR kind of journalism!

    Like 3
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  7. Ok says:

    They really enjoy these 600cc bikes. Noise complaints at 3am already. Thanks premier.

  8. @Ausar says:

    No one was against the project. What we were against and still against is the questionable millions of dollars missing from the project up to now.

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