BVI News

PHOTOS: OneVI Poker Run 2024

Scenes from this year’s OneVI Poker Run capture by BVI News photographer, Andre ‘Shadow’ Dawson.

The One VI Music Festival concluded its festivities with the One VI Poker Run on Sunday, June 30, when BVI native Jordan Romney won the best hand in the competition and ultimately gained first place.

He was awarded an $8,000 cash prize along with a cooler and a case of Corona beer after emerging as the victor.

The One VI Poker Run is an annual competition among registered players who play poker and draw cards using boats at various checkpoints. Whoever returns to the first stop with the best hand wins.

This year, the first stop was Cane Garden Bay at the Paradise Beach Club, followed by Peter Island, the Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park, Trellis Bay, and Jost Van Dyke before the competitors returned to the starting point. Upon returning to Cane Garden Bay, there was a short fashion show while awaiting all players to turn in their hands.

Romney said he felt he had a good hand from the beginning.

“I had a 10 of hearts, then an ace of spades, then I got another ace of diamonds and then another ten,” he explained.

Romney added that the event was good fun although the sea was a bit rough.

Romney placed third in last year’s poker run and exclaimed he is looking forward to his continuing stroke of luck at next year’s run.

Deyling Castro placed second, earning himself a $4,000 cash prize and a cooler, while Carlos Castro placed third for a $2,000 cash prize and a cooler.

The afterparty began promptly with a performance by VIBE.



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  1. omg says:

    the lady in the middle wearing the dink shirt, why show off legs that look like that

    Like 5
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  2. Oh yeahhhh says:

    The white guy in bottom picture holding the bag of ice in his left hand he is really handsome.

  3. KIKIIIIIII says:

    Now that they are getting called out, the one in purple on the boat with the white ski cap and the string bikini or to small bikini bottom, NAWWWWWW, WRINKLE CENTRAL GIRLLLLLLL.

  4. She is a hater says:

    Two pictures with the crazy girl from zr** well sah

  5. Nice Event. says:

    Dr. Turnbull and his crew done it very well. It was fun, Need more visible security doing traffic and parking control for next time that was a mess. Hope Govt is convinced that this is the event of the BVI. The event the BVI needs and work with it…If the Govt wants to do there own thing May is to close to June, do there fest on the holiday weekend in October.

    Like 2
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  6. Will Clapp says:

    all them looking good

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  7. VI Gal says:

    Look at the sexy mama with the red hair, misson. Beautiful

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