Porn videos of young girls with older men in BVI is alarming, support group needed

Newly-inducted member into the governing Virgin Islands Party, Alvera Maduro-Caines is calling for a support system to be developed for young girls who have been captured in pornographic videos performing sexual acts with older men in the British Virgin Islands.
Maduro-Caines made the appeal at the press conference on Monday when she announced her resignation from the National Democratic Party — one of the Opposition parties within the House of Assembly.
She said: “I call upon mothers and single parents to form a group, some kind of help group for the young ladies because the pornography is at a sky-high. I received some videos the other day, and I was really appalled by the boldness of our young ladies to think that this is good.”
“And, they are performing these acts with men, older men and the boldness frightens me. I have been called by a few ladies, to get some form of a group set up — some form of a forum. It is not something the legislation probably can fix but if it is proven that these men are a lot older than these ladies, then legislation can fix it. But, it is rampant, and it has gone sky high, and I have never seen it like this.”
Commenting on the issue, Premier Andrew Fahie said he believes the issue could be rectified with legislation.
“Our legislation with the Cyber Crime, which we are waiting for it to be ascended [by the Governor] can help fix [it]. Because when you help share those videos, you will get fined,and you will go to jail,” he remarked.
The issue of pornographic videos and other materials is nothing new to the Virgin Islands. However, under the proposed amendments to the Computer Misuse and Cyber Crime Amendment Act, persons can face stiff fines and many years behind bars for sharing these types of videos.
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i think she mean Fan Club needed
You bring rappers to the Territory calling these “young ladies” hoes and such. The rappers which you idolize rap criminal crap and now your concerned. You get what you ask for. You are not a Christian island people that you and your fake reverends tout. Stop the bulls**t and sit down.
Sex in all forms whether it be considered deviant or acceptable by societal standards has been carried out in secrecy from the beginning of time. Christian times, old times new times these behaviors have existed. The exploitation of women young or old predates the bible, was an epidemic during biblical times and after. Technology and the prevalence of these acts being public knowledge to this degree is the only thing new to the situation.
Where there are horny men and willing women sex will always occur, we should be careful and courageous enough to divine which of these instances truly produce victims! Statutory rape produces a victim for example, prosecution in these instances should be automatic if the evidence permits. The shame of a young female nor the graphic nature of an act caught on tape should never circumvent the validity of her consent to the act. If she is was not of the legal age to consent then the meat of the matter is statutory rape, the videotape then being evidence!
How does this hold weight if a 17 year old college student has consensual sex with a man in his 30’s, the sex act would be above board according to the law but if its Video taped the man is liable….even if its her phone and her kinky idea to tape the act…Im sorry but as cringey as the age difference may seem, that 17 year old female is the one with all the power in this sexual exchange, short of saying NO or being legally unable to consent, I don’t see how this works…the statutory rape laws should suffice or be beefed up to give more deterrent…and still I believe sadly the innate urges of those sickos will prevail at least sometimes
This has been going on for the longest. These dirty funky old men need to be taught a good lesson like I did to the one that is walking around with half of his mountain oyster bit off.
This feels a little victim blame-y. How is it that the young ladies are the only ones that need to warned that this isn’t okay? What about the big tough turbit OLDER ADULT Man in the video? Women make me sick sometimes.
Dem sa the older women teaching the young girls
Ting to talk
Here’s an idea, stop pushing the idea that being sexy and porn style is hot and cool. Maybe have some local performers that don’t sing about strippers and back shots and going down! Maybe just maybe stop having side chicks and side guys in front of your kids. Legalise abortion’s so those that get pregnant to early can get rid of it. Make it so that you only get child support if the other parent signs to say they agree to being that parent, so young ladies can’t trap guys with multiple children. Make the pill and other contraception free. Have a walk in, no NHI needed free sexual health clinic.
Maybe the prudes could get their head out the sand and realise that sex is a major part of the culture – whether they want it to be or not and it needs better role modals to show that you can be attractive without selling yourself cheap.
You reek of educated ignorance, but I agree with the last part of your statement.
Our youth are now exposed to the wider world more than ever so there’s nothing you can do about it. The only thing that can be done is parents need to BE PARENTS! Folks that are 35 years or older didn’t have the luxury of being able to log on to a device and see what’s happening globally with each click, when they were younger. The new aged youth have a lot against them and need as much support as they can. It doesn’t help when the parents that are meant to guide them are caught up in the same s**t. They give the kids these devices with internet access as a means to babysit them and keep them quiet/happy and what you think the end result is? When older folks were growing up we had all these same things happening except that we weren’t able to access them freely like the kids now. In America for example everything is about sex and posting stupidness to be ‘cool’ and with the ease of access our youth are adopting all the nonsense. It starts AT HOME point, blank, period!
Are these young women under the age of consent? If they are, then the tapes should be turned over to the police. If not then this is just another social issue. It is not illegal to wear a dirty pants down main street but some people don’t like to see that.
Who want to her anything from delilah ?
It’s surely isn’t us
Hon Caines you are on point.
mehhnn these young girls too fast, fraction of prevention is better than pounds of cure. punish those men and keep a tighter lock on your children
No one is looking at old women, So dem angry
What about older women with young men? But at this time Delilah should keep quiet.
So thats why you went over to the other side. Lame excuse besides that was not a venue to vent that kind of topic. We have the education Minister who can deal with the school aged girls and the other four at large ministers. Whats your role!
her role is being a spare tire
With economic growth comes the good, bad and ugly. Fixing the bad and ugly will take the community/village and legislation. There is already legislation on books for adults having sexual relations with minors and the legislation must be vigorously enforced. The Village, whole village, not just a few warriors, the community must get engaged, not looking the other way and taking a no nonsense attitude towards abuse and exploitation of young boys and girls. In the past, Village was self policing, setting and enforcing standards. Further, let’s be real. Instantaneously, on a desktop, laptop, smartphone, tablet, IPad……etc, porn is widespread and is readily and easily available. Is it not already a crime for one partner to publish a sex act with another without the permission of the other party? If no, it should be and the victim should have a means to be made whole.
Today, many don’t know who their neighbors are and many could give a rat’s ass who their neighbors are. Cry for the Village. To the hard t…e men, leave the people gayl chiren alone; similarly, homos, leave the people young underage boys alone. The Village is back and watching you.
From the inside-out. Stop looking on the outside for the problems; the problems and their solutions are all right there.
As “Diaspora” rightfully stated, paraphrasing, “when the village was part of raising the child, everyone looked out for each other.”
Today no one gives a rat’sa$$ if their neighbors are doing well or not, and those in position to change the dysfunctions are too busy securing their own bags and living the high life by selling out their own for their little trinkets. The care for each other is at an all time zero.
All these laws will not change anything because the root of the problems starts with all that is unspoken within religion, cultural dysfunctions, and politics. That which is being modeled from the dominant society.
Do the research.
Statistics have revealed that the most rapists, pedophiles, adulterers, etc., have been found in the churches, and not in the streets. What really need closing down is some of those high-science churches, who continue to exploited the minds of our people.
We have a society professing Christianity but are as fake and wicked as they come. They look down on others all in pretence to hide their own misgivings. Nothing will change until we are truly ready to tackle the root of our problems in this society.
Yes, all these dysfunctions have their roots from the dark ages of western cultures and teachings in which we have adopted. Again, do the research. Don’t be distracted by those who see it differently. They haven’t done enough research on their own culture to talk with any authority on our problems. They are just practicing “Distraction Conflict Theory.”
Truly, ignorance is bliss, but that is only half the story.
1st its not alarming because BVI hard back and other older men having been pile driving minors crevice for years. You haven’t seen it like this because recording phones just came along. Video come out and all kind of females(using the term very loosely) liking and waiting for their turn. Not one female was alarmed because ALL of them was taking big rooster from time they was 13 14. Undercover wh***s who you left to marry and going still take man on you it’s in their home training.