BVI News

Power restoration ongoing! Water supply hinges on BVIEC progress

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The BVI Electrical Corporation (BVIEC) is actively working to fully restore electricity across the territory following the passage of Tropical Storm Ernesto. However, the public is advised that water supply will be affected by the progress of the power restoration efforts.

Currently, electricity has been restored in all of Road Town and many other areas. The BVIEC continues to provide updates to the community as they work to restore power in pending areas such as Ridge Road, Joes Hill, Harrigan, Sage Mountain, sections of Cane Garden Bay, Long Swamp to Hope Hill, and Carrot Bay to Capoons Bay.

The BVIEC has explained that they are focusing on restoring the main feeder lines before attending to individual homes. This is why some residences in the same areas have power while others do not.

In their latest update, the BVIEC informed the public that they are currently working in District 1, which includes Carrot Bay and the wider West End area.

Additionally, the Acting Director of the BVI Water & Sewerage Department, Brian Davis, has notified the public that some areas are without water due to pending electricity restoration in these regions.

He also advised those who already have water restored to store it, as further rationing may occur to conserve water for daytime consumption until all systems return to normal capacity.


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  1. Let them do their job says:

    Those workers is out here doing their best to restore the power back on. The workers is out here in the heat and elements Damn at least offer them a bottle water and stop complaining so F ing much. Invest in a F ing generator in the event things like this happens.

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    • Resident says:

      not everybody got generator money

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      • @Resident says:

        That’s the main reason you need to keep of social media and kick up a plan to buy a generator.

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      • @Resident says:

        Stop using the not everyone got generator money S. You all can find the money to to buy IPhones, be at every darn pan knock and find money to do all kind of nonsense but you can’t find the money to buy a generator? I agree with the bloggers comment, go and offer the workers that is working in the hot sun and the heat trying to restore the electricity a bottle of water.

        Like 13
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    • True Thing says:

      The complaining does not bother me it’s the lack of humanity for the working man is these conditions right after a storm that was considered dangerous. These things happen just be patient my ppl.

    • @ let them do their job says:

      i’ll keep complaining until the government / the minister for transportation works and utilities can do better. nobody is even upset with the corporation workers. two things could be true at once, we could be grateful for the workers while being frustrated at the situation. ain’t no reason a TROPICAL STORM, not a hurricane, should cause people to be without power for over 24 hours idc! a generator should not be a must, the same way we know storms come and go the government knows too! they responsible for coming up with a plan to mitigate against the risks and control the damages! people out here having to empty their whole fridge/freezer how long the power been off, its not right and its not fair especially when food prices sky fetching high cause we dont have price controls. government government government it all comes back to the government idc!

      Like 18
      • Oh Hush says:

        Oh hush loss of power happens every where when there are natural disasters. Every Caribbean country non is with out fault, even in the USA. Y’ll to damn entitled! my power has been out since Tuesday, crosswords, reading and sleep passed the time. Be thankful you have life

        In Texas folks where with out power for more than 2 weeks, some even longer, same as Florida. Give them a break, go read a book, learn to sew and come off the people internet chatting piss.

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        • @hush says:

          People who are comfortable with mediocrity are dangerous. And those that oppose foresight and accountability are deadly.

    • real says:


  2. Curds says:

    Thank you electricity workers for a job well done your hard work will not go unnoticed i appreciate the work you guys doing

  3. Carrot Bay says:

    Last on the list ? 48 hours later and we are still waiting for the orange men to arrive !

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  5. Hmm says:

    They need hurry up reach West End!

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  6. Electricity worker says:

    so I am told that the problem is all the real professional workers have left the company and they are waiting for workers to come in from overseas!!!. Come on man!!! Ludicrous. For a simple storm?. If they had treat those workers better they would have been right there with you right now. So I’m told.

  7. Wellllllll says:

    Black people don’t like to read. Now is the time to pick up a good book and do some reading or get some cross word or word find puzzle books while you wait for the lights to go back on. I would like to thank the electric crews that is working around the clock to correct the problem. You are appreciated. LOL, people is complaining because they can’t charge their phones. LOL, SOME OF THEM GOT THE CELL PHONE SHAKES AKA PHONEITIS. MEEEE, I GOT MY GENERATORRRRRR MY PHONE AND LAP TOP IS FULLY CHARGED. STOP BEING CHEAP AND INVEST IN A GENERATOR.

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  8. @Resident & HMM says:

    LMAO, perhaps next week. That is what Y’ALL get for being CHEAP. Y’ALL can find money to spend on stupidness but can’t find money to invest in a generator that is important to your household. What are you waiting for Resident & Hmm? Waiting for the Government to hand out free generators?

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  9. Hard to say says:

    That is straight up punishment on you evil minded people living on the Island. You all continue to do and uphold evil and badminded things against each other and not expect to be punished? Karma is a No electric, no water. Think about that.

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  10. You know says:

    You know why vibrators run on batteries? So when the power is out and you here complaining, you can go **ck yourself. There. I said it. Whining population we got here.

  11. Just saying says:

    Not the whole of town at all,I am living sugar mill/ lower estate and there is no electricity there.

  12. lmao says:

    It is so funny to see so many people on edge like crack heads stress out about not being able to charge their cell phones. I have a generator and a full cistern. There are two of my neighbors that is really nice people and they can charge their electronics at my house, get as much water they need and store their meats in my freezer until their electricity comes back on. The rest they can kick rocks. See? It is always nice to be kind and treat each other kind because the one you treat unkind is always the one that you will need at the end of the day.

  13. Carrot Bay says:

    Thank you BVIEC!

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