BVI News

Premier claps back at Opposition for criticisms on Prospect Reef

What remains of the Prospect Reef Resort on Tortola. (BVI News photo)

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has responded to criticisms from members of the parliamentary Opposition regarding the stalled restoration of the state-owned Prospect Reef Hotel, which has been in disrepair for several years.

He pointed out that the hotel’s condition stems from the previous National Democratic Party government, of which all current Opposition legislators were members, except for Third District Representative Julian Fraser.

During a House of Assembly session on September 20, Premier Wheatley remarked that these members have little basis for criticism, as they had “every opportunity before to make Prospect Reef a reality.”

“If I was the one who was in government and I had the opportunity to do it, I would just be quiet because all I would be doing is bring attention to my own inability to make it happen,” the Premier said, reaffirming his commitment to advancing the restoration project.

Wheatley blasted the Opposition’s tactics, stating, “And then we’re going to criticise someone else for not completing a project halfway through a term?”

At a press conference on September 16, he discussed potential projects on Tortola and the outer islands. He emphasised that the board members of the Prospect Reef Hotel are making significant progress and that an expression of interest for the property will soon be issued.


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  1. HERE WE GO AGAIN says:

    boys will be boys / well at least , the UK & THE GOVERNOR WON’T BE A SCAPEGOAT IN THIS RODEO

  2. with no vision!!!!! says:

    the people will perish…. fix up the damn place beautify the damn place have something tourist or locals could look forward to have fun doing, good places to go, good roads to drive on, look at neighboring islands just as small or smaller their airport could land 747’s, jetskis not illegal, motorcycles not illegal.. all i got from living in the bvi is y’all will go all out to stop growth

  3. Yes Premier says:

    Call em out

  4. SMH says:


  5. Well well says:

    That’s all his l**y self good for. Talk talk and no action. And when he is clapping back I hope he know that he is actually clapping back at his deputy’s husband. He was the Premier and Minister of Tourism with the NDP. Delilah sit down right there while Natalio chastise her husband. What a woman!

  6. Styles. says:

    All Natalio can do is complain.

    Get to work little boy, or step aside for some adults to do it for you.

  7. USE IT WISELY says:

    Best suggestion I have heard yet:
    Turn it into an educational facility. Hospitality, marine biology, sailing and marine studies, swimming and water safety.

    OR just rebuild and let it become a failed, ugly hotel and conference centre that no one will want to use.

    Education is the investment onto our future. All you politicians do is ignore our future and race for the money and the quick moments of glory.

  8. Nature says:

    will solve this problem before any BVI politician or party.

  9. Jokes says:

    Let us be realistic here. It does not matter which government is in power, reality is reality. The reality with Prospect Reef is that it will take minimum $50mil to turn it into something useful to boost our tourism product. The reality is, Government should NOT be in the hotel or most businesses that the private sector is usually involved with. The reality is, any investor spending $50mil or more will want certain things in return.

    The reality is, a few clueless BVIslanders with nothing to lose will start the usual invaders, white man this and that attacks and nothing will happen. The same people will then complain that nothing is happening. Life is REAL. Nobody of substance wants to invest in the BVI with the stupid mentality that we have towards investments. Look at the other Caribbean islands over the past 20 years. St. Kitts, Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia. Look around the BVI and ask yourself where all the Caribbean Nationals that used to live here and work in hospitality and gave good service? Most of them have gone back home because the tourism sector is booming with development. Meanwhile we sit here happy with rundown Vi**age C, overpriced M***as and ‘never open’ Treasure Isle. The BVI is a f**king s**t show.

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