Premier comes under fire over recent non-Belongers hired by gov’t
Media personality Cindy Rosan this morning pressed Premier Natalio Wheatley to confirm whether the government abided by all local laws in the recent hiring of at least three non-belongers.
The non-belongers are reportedly working with the Government Information Service (GIS) which falls under the Premier’s Office.
According to Rosan who questioned Premier Wheatley during a press conference on Friday, the two non-belongers were working in the private sector before they were hired by the government. According to local laws, expatriates who end their contracts with local companies must leave the territory for a certain period before they can join another company in the territory.
However, Rosan said she was certain the persons didn’t leave the territory for the stipulated time before they were hired by the government. She added that she sought these answers from the appropriate government departments but they failed to give her answers.
“Do you find it appropriate as the Premier to break the labour laws to hire persons who prefer to live in the BVI and not return home after it didn’t work out with the local companies they were hired through while qualified Virgin Islanders and Belongers sit at home unemployed?” Rosan pressed the Premier.
Vacancies advertised?
In response, the Premier as well as Chief Information Officer Desiree Smith said the jobs were formally advertised and were not taken up by any Virgin Islanders or Belongers. The Premier also mentioned that it is generally difficult to find locals with expertise and training in media and communications, adding that even private media companies have to seek expatriate workers to fill these posts.
The Premier also said salaries for technical posts are often an issue for many locals and added that the government is working to improve these conditions to entice locals to enter these fields.
Seemingly dissatisfied with the answers given, Rosan referred to the recent Commission of Inquiry and its recommendations for good governance before adding that, “we know that there are qualified Virgin Islanders that can do the job these persons were hired to do…”
In response, the Premier said he is unaware of any local laws that were violated and asked Rosan to show proof of locals who applied but were overlooked for the media roles in government.
At this point, a non-aggressive back-and-forth ensued between Rosan and the Premier before Rosan was asked to proceed with her questions.
Alleged inappropriate relations
That’s when Rosan asked: “You are accused by members of the public of having inappropriate relations with at least two of the persons listed and that you continue the trend of abuse of power with the office you hold. Can you put these accusations to rest?”
In response, Premier Wheatley said: “Let me just respond. I think it’s a completely inappropriate question. I think people need to stop putting forward reckless rumours as though they have some kind of facts to them. I think it’s reckless and completely inappropriate.”
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That was not the only non belonger they hired on survey and she is not too bright
Whoever could sort him out with what he likes get …
Cindy bucked them up
Keep the pressure on his fake backside. Fake Noel Lloyd. Had his mouth blazing like some freedom fighter and he turned out to be nothing but a donkey for the UK. All he wanted was a job. Just to get in government to improve his life style. The man was driving a broken down old car before. Lived in his mother’s basement. BVI look what we have become.
Once you … you can get a job
The public service is under the Governor and not the Premier. Again, we have been brainwashed to attack the wrong people.
Cindy just dashed away any spec of a chance for his re-election?
Cindy for Premier 2023!!!!
oh how he fall f…..he should have known they were always planning for him but he like to do what he wants. The lady there stuttering too, dear laws………….is how much shame sooooooo
tek dat……..leave and don’t let the door slam you on your way out of office.
Thank you Cindy, you are the best but we still not voting for you though
What a big disgrace………………..this is so embarrassing
How can you rule a nation if you refuse to rule your flesh?
How much should the people suffer so, it Andrew now its you …….
Why do they even go on that show? There is zero benefit for an elected official to go on that show! You can’t win!
They both could not even answer Cindy. This is the same thing he did with the 80k contract.
Everytime you hear this man speak something ask yourself where he going with it. He there talking about media because he knew why…it is the same approach he was for the other lady…
Abuse of position what heck the guvna doing about this?
he need to pack he bags and I hope he have another job lined up. I
I haer playboy mansion hiring
… is [it] a requirement for work?????????
Were [they] hired?
Now we all know Cindy got offices at the Airport and the Ferry Docks. She knows who comes and who goes. would love to see her arrival and departure records that she is depending on to spread her message.
He say it reckless and inappropriate but is the f**king thing true?
check in the 7th district you gone find out more …
but he want proof, what an expat doing in the premier office who have little to know real experience and skill and the you want people to lie and support your bs when you can’t answer Cindy . Them need to get rid of you quickly , get this man out of office please
kiss that office goodbye, your days in office done, you understand they done.
Yes, but she didnt have to expose me publicly
side chick in the office …? …
Is this some degree of demonic possession … your pastors friends them know how to cast out demons?
Dont let them scare you. You are the real deal. Keep them honest
It is one thing to bash the government or the premier himself on this matter. Reality still is more pressure and emphasis needs to be placed on education and ensuring graduates are prepared for the local job market now and more importantly in the future.
What is the benefit of hiring an uneducated and trained local over an educated and trained non-local????
Our only defense cannot be ‘born here’ You have to be born here and know how to do the job.
He’s going right back in power. Watch and see.
But the one woman from right here. That isn’t the police reporter daughter? Not expat she local.
I hope the two woman them Cindy mention sue her a$$!. How you going to slander people so with no evidence. The woman them apply through the proper process but you here talking pi** about them … Woman go find a job and get the * help you need from harassing people. And we ain electing you. Go siddung!
Belonger or not, what is important is that the person is NOT attached to any drug related activities.
Cindy may have been onto something but she is unable to phrase a proper question and blew her chance.
Whether the man live and grow up has nothing to do with where education has placed him . People come from mansion and dumb like fish, retarded , mentally sick and what ever . If this is your mind set you need help .
However, he needs to step
Up …. If they do not have the qualified locals you let the position suffer ? The majority of locals migrate to greener pasture . Being a local shoukd not be the criteria for putting a person in position this is crazy . That is why the bVI is in such a sad state .
Do not blame Slowada on this one
Do all the politicians have side women and cheating on their wives?? . See how many of them carry their wives to social functions . Some men in the place have no regard for the sanctity of marriage . Everyone looks the other way ..: sick set of people and if you push back as a wife the society including the abuse women vex with you . Husband swearing fu*.. and mother sc… in their home on their wives and pretend in public like all is well .
So he is one of the cheaters so he would hire non belongers?? .. they duck away in speed boat, on the beach , in the bar wives fraid to open their mouths
I hope she realizes that once she digressed from the issue of hiring outsiders and got personal she lost all credibility AGAIN. Yeah, she’s definitely not of our soil. BVI women don’t conduct themselves like her.
The officers training the new recuits are new recuits themselves they should no interest in law enforcement but all yheir interest is in belongership so they can say and bring there families while getting paid it is so pityyful how everyone can use our government and maken us look like fools whiple our people suffer
if she born ya , then she is entitled , whether she can do the job or not ,it doesn’t matter ,so whoever wants to holler or scream it don’t mean too sh*t , not even CSC is gonna touch that / by the way whatever happened to his holiness ?
This law that has qualified people leave the territory between jobs is just stupidness.
I had to fight this right after Irma. I hired a restaurant worker that was fired (restaurant was destroyed) to do hurricane clean up. Labor and Immigration tried to get the guy to fly ‘home’ till the paper work was approved!
First problem – he lived in the BVI for 7 years (he has no ‘home’ to return to)
Second problem – his island was wrecked just like BVI
Third problem – the BVI needs workers to clean up after a storm!
These Labor laws need to be changed. Most are just ways to torture foreigners.
Show more respect for these workers that are helping make the BVI a better place to live.
The positions were NOT advertised…
The Governor ought to put the Premier on suspension until this matter is sorted. The law cannot be applicable to some and Not to all. The premier is not above the law and he must be placed on suspension.
This is NOT the first time this has happened with him …
Mr. Governor this is the very same thing the COI sought to rectify . An investigation must be launched into these allegations The world is watching.
Governor is a rubber stamp for Civil Service hires…the Ministers call shots
Ms. Rosan, you hire these qualified locals with your own money first, and see how they work out. If they do work for you, and give proper customer service, then offer them to the Government.
Tell Cindy to be quiet and go find a decent job that pays well to sustain her family.
The mischief making will only secure Hon. Wheatley’s seat.
This was the Premier’s weekly press conference, not her show.
When Cindy ask that last question, Sl** Wande should have been like: Oh oh…time to end the media conference. My office telephone is ringing. Can’t you guys hear it? Then leave.
Cindy needs to prove what she saying
or don’t say nothing. If someone say Cindy caught
having sex with a woman in One Mart by
the frozen chickens it don’t make it true
unless you got prove. Lord don’t make
me see that.
Cindy that was not the time nor forum deal with issues in the territory . The man personal life is not your business . Did anyone asked you why you and your husband not together anymore ?
None of the questions have no place at a press conference . Shame on you . Your were very disrespectful to the position of the Premier and if you cannot see it as wrong then you need to take a course on ethics
More nepotism! I’m sure the Gov is taking notes
I don’t see anything wrong in what Cindy asked. Journalists can ask any question. It is how you respond. I think the premier handled it very well. Kudos to him. We have to understand that when you are in these positions eyes are everywhere. If you have an outside woman you most likely will be put on blast. This is the age if social media. Nothing is going to escape the public. So politicians and others in public life need to be cognizant of their behavior at all times.
@ Here’s an Idea- We have locals all around the globe who can Apply for these Jobs…but Government needs to be fair to them.
I heard it was by the frozen turkeys.
This is one of those laws that makes no sense and was only placed in the labour code to enslave expatriates. Considering that a worker her for four years, rent an apartment, have a few pieces of furniture if for whatever reason they are changing jobs you have to sell your stuff, give up the apartment, go back home, rent an apartment, wait for whatever time work permit is ready, come back, rent another apartment buy back Furnitures and start all over or just call it a day.
God, I pray this blind fronter does NOT get elected!!! Fake a** l**r!
I hope She run and win a seat next election. She say that it’s ok for a baseless and tasteless question like that but I will have a few for her ready and it’s all based on rumors about her just like in this case. Questions like were you really upset with how Stace looked and her public position at RC or was it more personal because band man treating you like a side thing while still liking them same pics that disgusted you.
So effing guilty?
and this “leader” still won’t call an election. Especially since he voted himself into power
We ready to chastise her but here we have our leader putting locals out of a job for the sake of outsiders. Is this in anyway putting your people 1st or even countey first, NO!. Are there any foreigners in other counteies holding jey positions, NO!” yes, we are different “. The younger and more educated you think they will be better and after the COI. And the mess continues! Period!
2nd Samuel 24-14 king David said “I am I’m in distres..let me fall into the hands of the Lord for his mercies are great ..rather than the hands of men.” MS Rosan as an aspiring leader you have to exercise good judgement and wisdom. Their is a time and place for everything..yes..people in office need to be held accountable..however this conversation needed to be held with the Premier in private..when King David had his affair..the prophet did not publicly broadcast his sin..he went to him in private..then God dealt with him accordingly..what if this was you? Would you like to be exposed this way?show mercy to day you will need it.. Treat people the way you want to be treated. PRAY for all especially those in power.the devil is busy and his mission is to make us all fall.
It is shameful to read these comments. I have heard that many people here have hearts like Pharaoh. Reading the comments is evident that it is true. What will God do with you all? Do you not have any respect for God?
Please stop this nonsense with outsiders and nonbelongers. It sounds really stupid! You all are living a life totally different to what God has asked you to. Woe unto you all!
Terribly Amazing!