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Premier concerned over sidelining locals on statutory boards

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has expressed concern about excluding locals from serving on statutory boards.

Speaking in the House of Assembly (HOA) recently, the Premier said there were suggestions to lower the standards for board appointments, which he believes would send the wrong message about the capability of local people.

“We must be careful not to disqualify persons, but we also should not send the message that our people cannot meet high standards,” he cautioned.

The Premier emphasised the importance of staffing statutory boards with individuals capable of managing their responsibilities. He added that a mix of experience, professional qualifications, and character should be the deciding factors for board appointments, not just academic degrees.

He further highlighted that these boards are crucial for advancing governmental objectives and ensuring effective governance, but he emphasised the need for locals to be given adequate opportunities to serve.

Boards shouldn’t be fully independent of gov’t

Premier Wheatley explained that statutory boards are created by the government to fulfil specific purposes, often requiring agility and flexibility beyond the capabilities of central government. These boards are intended to manage various tasks, including handling business-like operations that demand a faster response than typical government procedures allow.

He underscored that while these boards are separate from central government, they should not be seen as entirely independent. He emphasised that board members must align with the government’s mandate.

“There may be a view that these boards should be independent of ministers,” Dr Wheatley stated while arguing that ministers need the ability to influence the direction of statutory bodies. He added, “Ministers are democratically elected… and heavily criticised when things don’t go right.”

The Premier further stressed the importance of selecting board members based on competence rather than political affiliations. He gave the example of Clyde Lettsome, the recently appointed chairman of the National Parks Trust Board, whom Dr Wheatley praised for his ability despite differences in political views. “We appointed him because we believe he could get the mandate of the government done,” the Premier said.



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  1. WTF says:

    Most statutory boards have, in their legislation, requirements for board members to be appointed by ministers. Who sidelining who?

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