BVI News

Premier decries recent murders, police have no leads yet

To the actual shooter or firearm involved in the murders.

Premier Andrew Fahie has decried the two recent killings in the BVI, promising to make the penalties stiffer and uncompromising to deter anyone who contemplates committing nefarious crimes.

The only two murders in the BVI this year occurred within two weeks of each other. The first was on September 2 when George ‘Shawala’ Burrows was shot in his home while the second involved Matthew Daly who was shot in Spring Ghut on September 10.

In a statement to the territory on Tuesday, September 15, Premier Fahie expressed condolences to the families of friends of the deceased men.

The Premier also called the crimes ‘senseless’, adding that persons engaging in any illegal activities will be sought after vigorously and brought to justice.

“No one must deprive another of the right to live or to live in safety. People cannot be making their own decisions on how to handle matters on their own. Your government will not allow the actions of a few individuals to endanger the welfare of the BVI and our economy,” Premier Fahie said.

The Premier reiterated that the British Virgin Islands is a place of peace where people live and also visit to enjoy what the territory has to offer as a destination and jurisdiction.

“This is not the time, place, and country for crime. This is a place where there is BVI love,” Fahie said.

Assist the police, residents told

He also appealed for the public to assist the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force by sharing information that may bring the killers to justice.

Persons with any information related to either incident please contact Detective Inspector Vernon Larocque directly at 284-368-9809 or via the Major Crime Investigation Unit at 284-368-5682.

“As a government, we have been assured that all information provided will be treated with discretion and confidentiality,” Premier Fahie added.

In the meantime, when our news centre sought an update on the killings from the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force, we were informed that the police have not made any progress in solving the crimes.

“Quite naturally, our investigations into both are very active and ongoing,” a statement from the police said.

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  1. Pancakes says:

    Continue keeping the economy close you will see more murders and robberies, ppl are frustrated because the are not working it six months now it is about time you open the economy so business can come in, once again this island depends on tourism use your common sense if you have any, if you are trying to run away all the expats always remember those expats have there homeland to go and on the other hand you are killing the bvi landers businesses, soon a lot of apartments will empty investors will leave and your island will get bad reviews all because of your foolishness, coronavirus is not going anywhere soon it will be around for a long time we have to learn to live with it and by now ppl knows what he need to do to stop the spreading, look at the rest of islands that open there economy and learn something, or give the governor to run this island you can’t handle it but then again y’all are so w****d ayo don’t like the man or better yet give up power and let NDP go back in,
    Once again listen to the ppl crying for help, you don’t know the meaning of hunger so you won’t care,
    STOP CALLING GOD NAME IN VAIN he don’t like w****d

    Like 13
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    • Dede says:


      The current situation does not justified committing any crime. Please stop spouting this non sense. Those murders have nothing to do with being unemployed. This is why we not getting anywhere with our lawlessness. To many time, many of us always making excuses for bad behavior/decision. We need to stop this behaviour. If we want to move forward as a society, we must be willing to hold ourselves, family members and acquaintances accountable for their actions. Don’t be justifying this nonsense and when it reach your front door looking sympathy.

      Like 2
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  2. Explain says:

    Happened during curfew hours. That’s how much of a joke this curfew is. People up and down the road and no police in sight. Start fining employers when they employees are caught on the road after curfew because they’re closing too late. Start giving people tickets and fines. Bikers making noise on the road during curfew hours and nothing being done. The real pandemic in this place is the lack of respect for rules. No one will respect rules if they aren’t being enforced.

    Like 11
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    • Have to get tough says:


      Like 9
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      • indee says:

        Gallows, Firing squad, lethal injection or the electric chair would never deter murders in the territory. out of all the murders in recent years how many have been solved?? killers in Tortola almost always get away.

        Like 4
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  3. Sick and Tired says:

    of reading the following verbatim: “coronavirus is not going anywhere soon it will be around for a long time we have to learn to live with it.”

    How can or does anyone know that? People just follow fashion.

    How about, the flu, infuenza, cancer, hate, racism, obesity, greed, envy jealousy? They are here, so let’s get on with living.

  4. Yawn says:

    All talk from this guy who is way in over his head and the people sit around and watch him single-handedly destroy the BVI

    Like 1
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  5. Bunk says:

    Until we get mandatory sentencing for illegal gun possession, this is all just lip service.

    • Sentencing says:

      mandatory sentencing does not stop crime .. just makes the jails full. Most crimes are committed because of economics. We need to get people job so they dont have to turn to drugs or crime

  6. indee says:

    Gallows, Firing squad, lethal injection or the electric chair would never deter murders in the territory. out of all the murders in recent years how many have been solved?? killers in Tortola almost always get away.

  7. Say what? says:

    “People cannot be making their own decisions on how to handle matters on their own.” What the h**l are you on about?!

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