BVI News

Premier the downfall of BVI, Fahie suggests


Premier Dr D Orlando Smith is impliedly being described as the downfall of a now vulnerable British Virgin Islands.

According to Opposition Leader Andrew Fahie, the Premier has been signing documents in relation to the future of the territory based on whim and not reason.

Fahie said one example of this is the controversial document that contains the United Kingdom’s strict conditions for it to become a loan guarantor for the BVI. With the UK as the BVI’s guarantor, the territory is able to borrow up to £300 million to finance its Recovery and Development Plan.

Losing support

According to Fahie, the Premier is now losing support from voters and even members of his National Democratic Party (NDP) administration.

“The contents of most documents signed by the Premier are not in the best interest of the people of the Virgin Islands. However, the Premier is compelled to sign every document brought before him; with or without the knowledge and input of his Cabinet members – must less the poor backbenchers,” Fahie said.

“The poor backbenchers are now calling for changes at the top. Too little, too late! Staunch NDP supporters are calling for changes at the top. Too little, too late! The general public is now calling for change. You will get your chance by 2019.”

Recovery and Development Agency Act 2018

Fahie made these statements ahead of today’s reading of the Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency Act 2018, which the Premier is trying to have passed in the House of Assembly.

Members of the Opposition have already made their position against the Recovery Agency clear. But, it is yet to be seen how members of government will vote.

It is said that support from some government members has drastically dwindled since the discovery that Dr Smith had submitted government’s proposed Recovery and Development Plan for the UK to approve, since November.

Where is the outrage?

Reportedly, the Premier did not consult with a number of members within his administration before submitting the document. The Premier also did not inform members of the public, who had been participating in consultations on the plan for weeks after the document was submitted to the UK.

“Where is the public outrage?” Fahie questioned while commenting on that, and other reported incidents of misgovernance from the Premier Smith-led administration.

“Why has the public not demanded a higher level of accountability from the NDP government? Why have we not heard from our lawyers, doctors, our business people, those persons who are able to assist in bringing some sense of order to the proper administration of our public affairs?”

“The country needs a fresh mandate. We must now move with a purpose as a people to show that we are serious about our financial affairs. Each of our lives and our way of living will be affected due to the failed leadership of this NDP Administration,” the Opposition Leader claimed.

He continued: “Today we are without vibrant and assertive representation from any of the NDP Cabinet members. None! They have been compromised! They are being held hostage.”

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  1. LOL says:

    Has this man has officially lost it? If he thinks the answer to the BVI issues is electing him as Premier with a VIP Government then he should start a comedy series. There isnt any outrage because people are not playing politics with the recovery. I will keep Doc and NDP before turning the country over to you Fahie. Just because some people are upset with NDP doesnt mean they want you.

  2. unfortunately says:

    Fahie is not the answer to the BVI problems

    • @unfortunately says:

      NDP is the problem to this country’s demiss. That you know for sure. Fahie is not making up stories. Check your facts!!!!

    • NB says:

      Thank you for saying that out loud. He critises instead of offering solutions

      • To NB says:

        Since when is pushing for accountability just critising? Utter foolishness. The NDP continue to ignore accountability hence why the UK is insisting on many measures to bring accountability and transparency. The few of you who hate Fahie isn’t enough to stop our man on a mission for the people.

        • Free Soul says:

          While Fahie was with VIP and in power was there accountability and transparency? Nope!! Sure they had the audited financial statements up to date however that same administration doing the same thing NDP now doing. Remember UK put the Financial Protocols on the table during the VIP administration and NDP signed it as they came into power. To me both of these parties are one of the same……..pure NONSENSE!

        • Reality check says:

          Be careful. The same few might be the few that he needs.

    • Yes Sherlock says:

      None of them are. Point blank.

  3. well sah says:

    One would think that Foy just arrived.

  4. Albion says:

    The reason there is no outrage is because mostly people just want to get the money and get on with rebuilding the country.

    It is only a select few want to turn this into a political issue and try and score points with it.

  5. LOL says:

    Why did we vote out the VIP, for the same reason the Honorable Fahie is now accusing the NDP of.

    • Concern says:

      I actually recall people voted out VIP because they wanted change, they wanted young an vibrant. But didn’t realize that also came with consequences. Be careful what you ask for.

  6. Sam the Man says:

    I fully agree but the “No Direction Party” are adept at muzzling any opposition both outside and within their party, even at first promising new blood has been shown to be weak and easily silenced which is v sad indeed…but what is the alternative to this inept government – I’m not sure the VIP did any better? Maybe time for a fresh start and a new party? To passionately and honourably represent the people rather than delude them and take advantage?

    • LOL says:

      Sam the Jackass, you have a serious hardon for NDP, get over it dude. Your blogging over and over will not change people’s minds. People want to rebuild and move on and will not elect the VIP next elections no matter how many times you talk about no direction. You keep talking about no direction party but where are your ideas, solutions etc. for the Territory? Fresh party? You will still complain when you don’t get your way so stop acting like if this is about love of country and not love of self.

      • Excuse Me says:

        Sam the Man. You can respectfully disagree. This is only one of the zillion examples why our country is so lawless. We agree to disagree, respectfully. Or is that to hard for you to appreciate.

  7. Amnesia says:

    Andrew Fahie seems to forget 2007-2011. We will NEVER FORGET!!!! I will keep NDP before I ever vote for Andrew’s VIP for him to be Premier. He has his big mouth full of UK now and when he was last in there under VIP the UK tied their hands and gagged them, they couldn’t get anything done, sitting ducks. Now he has answers?

    • Not2Sure says:

      Fahie made a good start to his time at Leader of the Opposition, but now he is acting just like Fraser did when people got tired of his sh**. All criticism and politicking – no solutions or consensus to work together for the better good.

      He needs to reconsider exactly what kind of campaign he really wants to be running with the elections just around the corner.

      NDP is unpopular right now, but somehow Fahie keeps making headlines that make him look even worse.

  8. Diplomat says:

    Yes, the Premier I saw leader of the NDP and of government business in the HOA. Transparency and accountability are lacking and needs urgent improvement. But whose fault is it that politicians feel that they should not consult with the populace on non-routine issues, ie, developing a recovery plan and borrowing to fund it? The populace. Political patronage and largesse are rampant in the BVI.

    Everyone is frustrated but is backing up like a lobster, hoping that someone else will have the courage to come forward and speak out. Self interest trumps the public interest. Courage and sacrifice died with Noel Lloyd and PAM.

    No, the problem is not the Premier; it is us; we need to look in the mirror and believe the reflection. The territory will have to hit rock bottom for us to see that change is needed. Change requires courage and sacrifice. Dolph Faulkner, Glany Fonseca, Carlton De Castro, Lou Harrigan, Brushy Nibbs, Meg Donovan, Wilfred Smith, Patsy Lake, Lindy De Castro, Noel Lloyd………etc they had courage and were willing to sacrifice. Where has our courage gone?

  9. According says:

    According to F—-y, some people just like the same bulltud

  10. Wow says:

    Hon. Fahie should be utterly ashamed to make such a statement. He has been an elected official over 20 years and is now the Leader of the Opposition. All he has done since becoming LOP is complain and complain even more so after the Hurricanes. Six months after IrMaria and Fahie has not once, not even tried to have a conversation with the people of the BVI to share is views on where he thinks the Territory should be heading with respect to Education, Tourism, Financial Services, Agriculture, Culture, Telecommunications, Infrastructure, NOTHING! All we are hearing is how bad the NDP is.

    Whether you agree with Dr. Smith and his party or not, the point is they are the only ones with a plan. They put forward their plans months ago and all we are hearing is it’s not good enough, we don’t want it, we don’t agree with it but nobody else putting out a viable plan. This was Fahie’s chance to shine especially since he wants to be the next Premier. He should’ve put a comprehensive package together and present to the people but instead all he does is complain. The people are fed up and just want to rebuild and move on, Fahie you had a great opportunity and lost it big time, your fault and nobody else’s.

  11. To the electorate says:

    What government /political party sold our most valuable lands and beaches and hillsides for peanuts before and after filling their pockets?

    What party sold out our heritage for the exclusive construction and use of “segregated communities?”

    What government, from 1960-present created no legislation for a periodic increase in the minimum wage?

    What party, for decades allowed its people to be economically disadvantaged by allowing businesses to pay low slave wages while increasing the cost of food and other commodities weekly?

    What party gave one man and his food chain the sole rights to food distribution in the BVI, and who became a multimillionaire while the/his employees for decades are yet to make a “living wage” instead of a slave one?

    What party did all these ills and more to its people?

    Do not be bamboozled by self interest political sound bites for self promoting interest. Get and learn the empirical historical facts.

    The empirical fact is, our home and economic resources and control thereof were sold out decades before.

    So do not let them try to fool all with words like “accountability and transparency,” for there were never none before, and they know it.

  12. Thoughtful Sailor says:

    If you go to a bank, for a business loan, you are asked to show a business plan. People want to know how you are going to spend their money, and how they are going to get it back. It’s the same for countries.

    Having lived in a number of countries who were the recipients of aid, I can tell you it’s the same. The BVI is not being singled out. But the fact that the Territory’s financial reports have been so badly bungled does make things more difficult.

    As individuals, we realize that a good credit rating is important. Same for a country, and we have done our best to get a bad rating.

    But, either way, don’t get so exercised over the fact that someone who lends money expects a plan and answers. I am sure the BVI would do the same.

    It is the height of “entitlement” to think that someone else should simply pony up a large sum of funds, just because we want them to do so, without us behaving like responsible borrowers, who plan on repaying this large sum.

    Where is that much vaunted “BVI Pride”? I would have thought it would have meant dealing correctly and honestly, but apparently it is being used as a basis for putting one’s hand out and not being prepared to deal with the consequences. It’s like a child who goes and sulks in a corner because he doesn’t get his new bicycle as a result of not doing his homework. Oh, I forgot…here, many parents would go and get the bicycle, anyway.

    • JoeTylarikSoul says:

      A lot of who were elected did not had a smooth ride growing up in this BVI. If you want to keep it real. Political novices here making long term questionable decisions. Watch out.

  13. Drain the swamp says:

    I think the UK solution is already in the works which is to move all government ministries and departments including finance to the governor’s office. Call this the new executive branch if you will.

    The politicians will then be reduced to making and passing laws in the HOA. This will give them more time to REPRESENT their districts and the territory at large, that is why we elected them in the first place.

    We also need a better court system. This one we have is overrun by Jamaicans and other Caribbean people who have no stake in the BVI and take years to resolve simple matters. Maybe the UK can help us out here too.

    • Nonsense says:

      Pure nonsense! The Legislation governing the Agency clearly sets out that they’re responsibility lies solely with recovery efforts linked to the hurricane damage. The Government will still be the Government.

  14. VILander says:

    Things will never get better here b/c we’re too badmind against our own people. Some of you like smith so you refuse to hold him accountable … You are the same ones who will be the most upset when the truth hits b/c it hurts. So despite the worst possible actions by the nig we like we will refise anything truthful words and negatively spin the right thing b/c it being said by the nig we don’t like. White supremacy has control of your minds people. that is how slavery & colonization works. But we spend usa money and think that’s irrelevant to us.

  15. Ah boy says:

    Some of you want to kill Fahie while your choir boy O and the NDP destroy us all. Fahie don’t mind the noise. There are more of us with you than those against.

  16. Answer says:

    Accountable for what? Smith put forward a plan, everyone complains and nobody else put forward a different plan. So the Territory should remain stagnated because a few people don’t agree with Dr. Smith or NDP? Explain yourself or walk away from the computer slowly.

  17. JoeTylarikSoul says:



  18. @To the electorate says:

    The VIParty of course!!

  19. Cromwell says:

    I think the heat needs to be taken out of this entire situation, this is a tiny territory run by people with little or no international experience at either governmental, or, major business affairs. Even if the BVI government consisted of people who were Titans in world class governmental and business logistics, it’s unlikely the territory would be able to resurrect itself without significant outside support, and, all the retorhic about BVI islanders losing their country is self servicing commentary by the privileged few who are desperate to retain control of a ship that is undoubtedly sinking. The central issue, is, they are not Titans of industry, merely just a bunch of amertures who are now well and truly out of their depth.

    All I see is business as usual !!

  20. VILander says:

    The premier has nailed his fate in his election coffin. Bye Bye birdie. Anything else will be better.

  21. Missing Money says:

    Ever wondered why the UK can only guarantee loads rather than give money to the BVI. The BVI is not among the world’s poorest countries, it’s a tax haven and has a higher GDP per capita than the UK. The British public hate tax dodgers more that anything, because the average person is taxed so high. So, with all that wealth there should be plenty in the pot to go around and repair the country. BUT, there isn’t any!! Clearly the system is broken and has been for a very long time. It’s hardly fair to lay the blame on one mans shoulders.



    • Sam the man says:

      I wouldn’t offer any loan as you probably won’t get paid back, just consider the airport claim, the hospital claim, the BVIEC owed money – I wouldn’t lend a dime to this government without very stringent protection….

      • hmmm says:

        you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. The planned agency isthe way the UK is demanding “very stringent protection…”.

  23. voiceofthevoiceless says:

    I do not see anything unreasonable with what Fahie is asking.

    This is the most critical juncture of of our budding nation’s history and we need to make sure that all the facts are laid on the table. If the Premier is with-holding facts then he needs to make them public to the people. Nothing should be confidential or ‘overly sensitive bs’at this stage of our recovery. Have we not learned from BVI Airways? From Bi WATER? From numerous other backroom deals? Allyuh expect people to vote blindly or just sign a blank check when our children’s future is at stake? I do not mind waiting a couple more months but we need to get this right. A matter of fact I would say to the Premier put all the facts on the table and call a fresh election to acquire a fresh mandate to lead the recovery. Why is he withholding information? If it is something that may well be detrimental to our future we need to know!!! Where is the Freedom of information act when you need it.

    When the Brexit vote was counted what did PM Cameron do? He resigned and allowed his successor to call a fresh election to acquire a new Mandate to lead the people to the Euro exit.

    Fahie you like the boy in the woods…I could tell you…Keep the faith…

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