Premier to give minimum wage update before month’s end
Premier Dr. Natalio Wheatley has assured that a public update on the postponed minimum wage increase will be provided before April.
The Virgin Islands government recently announced that the Premier met with senior public officials on March 11 to discuss the minimum wage report and next steps for economic development. When contacted for comment, Wheatley confirmed that an announcement is forthcoming.
“I will make an announcement on minimum wage before the end of the month,” he stated.
The increase was initially announced in July 2024 under then-Deputy Premier and Minister for Financial Services and Labour Lorna Smith. It was set to raise the hourly rate from $6 to $8.50, boosting fortnightly earnings for minimum wage workers from $480 to $680 for a standard 40-hour workweek—an additional $200 every two weeks.
However, just days before the scheduled implementation, the government postponed the change due to policy concerns.
Speaking on TOLA Radio’s Morning Braff in February, Wheatley reaffirmed that an increase is still planned but will not take effect all at once. He also revealed that some employers had preemptively issued termination letters in response to the proposed hike.
“These things have significant implications,” he noted. “But I can say that persons should have no fear—we will have an increase to the minimum wage.”
To ease the transition, the Premier proposed a gradual rollout and suggested raising the current $10,000 tax exemption threshold to offset costs for businesses and workers.
“Very early in 2025, we’ll make a decision about potentially increasing the exemption so that the government has a stake, businesses have a stake, and employees will have an easier time,” he explained.
The minimum wage in the Virgin Islands has remained at $6 per hour since its last adjustment in 2016. With rising living costs, calls for an increase have intensified, leading the government to commission a wage review report earlier this year. While the report recommended a $9 per hour increase, it also advised implementing additional economic measures to mitigate potential challenges.
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To take the same 200 back in tax? Da make sense to ayo? Without consumer protection raising the minimum wage make no bloody sense cause we still gonna feel it in the supermarkets.
All the landlords that raised rent and the daycares that raises fees in anticipation.
Meison, some of we almost payong $1K for a one bedroom. The landlord couldn’t wait to raise it and he put on $150.00 on each person’s rent. The Government didn’t think at all. They should have raised the tax exempt allowance instead of the min. wage because we still feeling all the pinches at the grocery stors, Daycare, Gas Stations and Property Rentals. Some of these Supermarkets selling rotten produce and expired foods whilst the landlords are money hungry, grabbing everything out of your pocket for rent with their moldyand dingy apartments. They rich already but still want to rake in more money to fund their kitty kat spree. (wink, wink.
You don’t just raise minimum wage without tackling other issues otherwise you just make the overall situation worse. Trust S!0wW@nde and the A$$C!0wn Brigade to eventually figure it out, it may be after they mess it out 100 times but they eventually learn
to implement the $8.50/hr. minimum wage!
He have a fod budget that the taxpayers is paying for. He can go into any supermarket and pick up whatever he needs without checking the price. We the taxpayers don’t have that option.
We the taxpayers is paying for all their expenses down to the toilet paper they are wiping their a$$es and who haws with. Set of whittles, disgusting evil parasites they are. We are limited to eating salty corn beef and mercury laced can tuna while they dine on the best cut of steak. Tell them I say go F the F off.
The minimum wage in the BVI is criminally low and anyone paying it should be ashamed. It is simply not possible to survive on $6 per hour.
What really is the hold up here? Why was it delayed in the first place and what is the reason for the continued delay other than incompetence or vested interests fighting against it?
Really, what is this government doing day-to-day? Plenty time for parties, press conferences with musicians and flying off anywhere given the slightest excuse, but apparently no time to do any actual work for the benefit of the country and its people.
The seniors are requesting an increase in their social and Pension monthly payments.
Many to most are feeling the paind and suffering more than the average worker, yet no one ever thinks about them untl voting time. Why is that?
After contributing to government, education and others for decades, many to most now find themselves scrunting for one month to the next, because of a lacking livable monthly income.
The former working classand civil servants deserve and should have better.
How long will this take those who have already lined their pockets from day one and will never feel hunger and make do ever in life again?
He didnt say that last month?
he didnt hesitate to full up Kartel pocket
In the USA individuals are been paid $7.50 per hour as minimum wages and I think this is insane but from a Capitalist mindset I can see where this is going but only Mexicans and Illegal immigrants would be that wise to accept it. However the Virgin Islands should consider this because only fools work for that type of money.
From a capitalistic standpoint it all makes sense because US is capped at $7.50 per hour and refused to increase its rate because 40 hours a week equals $200 extra for a staff of 40 persons so do the maths. However it is criminal for business owners in the VI to pay such a pittance.
@Fools r us
Where did you get your information that ghe minimum wage in the US is $7.50 p.h? FYI US minimum wage is $15 p.h. It probably varies from state to state but employers cannot pay less than $15 p.h. You can check it yourself.
Hey guys at least we got updates constantly on party’s and events even a press conference for it!
thats whats important!
Both your idiots have your info wrong. Mine. wage in USA varies from state to state. In Cali it’s $16.50/hr. don’t know how or where you get your info from; by a speed bump maybe or Tola radio?
You all can say all the Negative Rhetorics about Honorable Skelton But if He was Premier the Minimum Wage increase would have been a done deal. The Payroll tax exemption would have been long increased to 15K. The Social Security Benefits would have been increased long time. People in BVI have short Memory. Who made it possible for VI Students to have Free Tuition at The HLSCC? Hon. Skelton is a Forward Thinker But some people only see what they want to see. Kartel gone JA with his Pocket Full while V.I. people today still talking about Minimum Wage and Prices high. Next will be Music Fest. The V.I. needs a Premier who can exercise their Brain and seek to really bring stability in this Territory to enhance the livelihood of ALL Citizens. We do not need a Premier who calls everything ” Entertainment Tourism”. Where else can He go with his S#it???
Why isn’t he thinking about moving the tax to $20,000? These politicians really only care about themselves. Cost of living is really killing even those who just got a pay raise.
Well he not getting the little minimum wage go through what about we retirees, for years collecting a little $400.00 and they say that its going to be changed by end of February and we cant see it yet. After working for years in our government you cant even see what you have worked for rent to pay light bills and my little old car to pay for these things not fear to nobody.
Imagine working 2 hours just to buy a carton of Eggs….