BVI News

Premier, Walwyn trade insults in HOA

Walwyn (left) and Premier Wheatley

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley and Sixth District Representative Myron Walwyn recently engaged in a heated exchange in parliament over a perceived insult during the last sitting of the House of Assembly (HOA).

While wrapping up a debate on the Integrity in Public Life Amendment Bill, Premier Wheatley responded to Walwyn’s earlier assertions about government ministers’ poor representation at Cabinet meetings when faced with unwanted legislation from the governor.

According to the Premier, Walwyn’s comments should have reflected bipartisanship for the bill but were directed at making the government appear weak, defenceless and ineffective.

Wheatley then suggested that members of the former National Democratic Party (NDP) government, where Walwyn served as Education Minister and Cabinet member, could not have done any better if the roles were reversed. He then suggested that Walwyn’s actions led to the Commission of Inquiry (COI).

“When you were there, you were involved in the nonsense that led to the whole thing [COI] happening,” Wheatley said before being interrupted by Walwyn.

“[Premier], you have no authority to speak about anybody being involved in anything,” Walwyn asserted.

“The matter involving me is a court matter. Last time I checked, you were not a magistrate, you were not a judge, and if you want to go down the road about who has been involved in things, don’t start that because it ain’t going end good,” he warned while addressing the Premier directly.

Cease and desist

Walwyn then turned to the House Speaker and urged the Premier to “cease and desist” while arguing that his comments were against the HOA’s rules. “If you continue with that, we going go down the road and I know you can’t go down the road with me but stop now [while] you’re ahead,” Walwyn charged.

But Premier Wheatley shot back at Walwyn, insisting that he made no personal attack on the Sixth District Representative and chided Walwyn for addressing him directly against the House rules.

“I said nothing about anything that’s in court,” Wheatley said. “There’s a saying, ‘who the cap fit, let them wear it’ and if you throw a rock into a crowd and somebody say ouch…” He added: “I said nothing about the member’s matter which is in court. I don’t know if he feels guilty.”

Walwyn rose again to warn the Premier, reminding him that a report was before the HOA about the controversial stimulus grants distributed under the Andrew Fahie-led Virgin Islands Party government where Wheatley served as Deputy Premier.

You gon’ get mash up

“Premier, cool out. You gon’ get mash up,” Walwyn warned.

“I want to let the member know I’m not afraid of the governor, I’m not afraid of any member of this House,” the Premier responded. “Not a soul can mash me up, so who wants to mash me up let them try. I’m a praying man; I know God got my back, and I don’t fear a soul.”

Walwyn later apologised for the unparliamentary language used in his warning.


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  1. Don’t back down from says:

    Myron is 100% right. I listened while Myron was making his contribution to the debate. Natalio got up and he got personal with Walwyn stating that Walwyn had done wrong things when he minister for education. Walwyn warned him twice and he still continued. He was then told he would get mash up from the Covid grants document that was laid in the HOA. Natalio believe that people stupid. The COI was called because of the reckless conduct of the VIP government. That is a fact. Look where Natalie’s former boss is now.

    Like 35
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  2. Really? says:

    This is how elected government officials behave? And then they complain about the behavior of others?
    What a mess. Is this the best we have?

    Like 16
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    • Blind man says:

      @ Really this is all over the world when government officials are in house sessions so this is nothing new its amusing and funny sometimes so enjoy the show

  3. Resident says:

    wall win vs sl**ande, i think wallwin has the longer reach but sl**ande looks like he fights dirty so the edge goes to him

    Like 9
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  4. Pat says:

    Myron is sick he looking power never will he be any premier he to co**upt

    Like 19
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    • @Pat says:

      Which Myron corrupt? You sound so stupid. I want Myron and all of those who wrongly accuse of things to put a serious lawsuit on the government when the cases are finished. We wouldn’t have money to buy asphalt after all those payouts.

      Like 11
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  5. Where? says:

    I didn’t see any trading of insults. Hon. Natalio got personal with Hon. Walwyn and the exchange started. Natalio had no right to go there just because Myron was expressing his views on the Bill.

    Like 26
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  6. Dangerous Dogs says:

    Pit Bulls exchange dangerous confrontation in House of Assembly

    • Cocker Spaniels says:

      More like you breeds barking out loud…..dem two far from big breed dogs….chihuahuas they are…

  7. Tadpole says:

    The Premier get with Myron because he opening the people eyes to much. Most of things we know is because Myron bring them out. I am glad he is back on the House.

    Like 24
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  8. BuzzBvi says:

    The criminal got Sl**ande’s back in the photo. When that photo coming down?

    Like 13
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  9. Faithful says:

    Hon. Premier, I would take seriously that comment made by Hon. Walwyn (“Premier, you going get mash up”) as a threat. Desperate people would do anything to gain power. Watch your back Hon. Premier

    Like 10
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  10. Common sense says:

    These gentlemen should remember they are part of a governmental system governed by Parliamentary Privilege, they are forgetting themselves.

  11. What says:

    can one expect from from the leaders of a party/gpvernment whose stated intent upon being elected was to render the people’s coffers empty and dry.

    It, the elected government becaane obssessed with money/greed, was driven by it and subsequently was overcome by it, with the stated statement, “those who came before me did the same thing so sht your outh..

    Thus the extravagant spending that has charactize this administration, and the. fall of its leader..

  12. FBI says:

    Lock him up can’t be dissing Premier like that here to slack, just call I’m the boys in blue then he would humble himself lol

    Like 3
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  13. Pot calling kettle says:

    Now Now gentlemen don’t both get yourselves in trouble by telling the truth about each other.

  14. Resident says:

    why is fahie photo still visible, if you don’t want to take it down at least cover it up, he has brought shame to the bvi he doesn’t deserve to be seen

    Like 10
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    • @resident says:

      We like to cover up everything that bring us shame. I say let his picture stay there he was a legally elected premier of the BVI. Teach the kids about him and the shame he brought to this country and let him be the example of what we don’t want ever again.

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  15. Interested says:

    Immunity in HOA

  16. Anonymous says:

    I have always admired his piritual energy is exceptional, his presence and the way he carries himself.
    I was especially impressed with hus and Mrs Lorna Smith’s views and attempts at advancing education.
    He would be beneficial to these VI as Premier. Intelligent snd sensible withgenuine love for these VI.

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  17. citizen says:

    I sense deviousness when I listen to walwyn. He smart enough to get away with whatever I don’t trust him and I don’t want him to ever be Premier else we salt.

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  18. Dumbest or Dirtiest says:

    Here we go

  19. Statesmen says:

    I’m so glad we have such eloquent statesmen representing our interests in the HOA. Both of these morons continue to show us how incredibly doomed we taxpayers really are. Seriously you have to use the words “mash up” to express yourself on the floor of the HOA? Is there nothing sacred or dignified here?

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  20. Follow the money says:

    That was Big Throat’s advice…

  21. Over Ambitious says:

    He will never be premier because the voters can smell him: he wants power for its own sake- too ambitious – no one will ever accept him to lead a political party- his goose is cooked

    Like 1
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  22. @ OVER AMBITIOUS says:

    you keep spewing out you hatred towards walwyn in several comments using different names / (idiot ) it has nothing to do with walwyn / its about who has the country’s best interest in their heart / and we don’t care what you want , you are not his master , you already had you day as a wannabe speaker and you were a disaster just like the coach but his picture is still there , where us yours ❓️ ) boi stay on your yello site where is king wigo , you atmre jealous of the man . you got all this evilness inside of you for somebody who is not troubling you , it says you are on something / we all came into this world with two empty hands and we all will leave with two empty hands / focus on what you can do for the country if you can overthrow the dude who owns the 3rd district , much more being our premier with that gutter mentality & and overgrown EGO that’s out of your control

    • Myron says:

      you vex because you can’t take honest criticism. Pride always comes before the fall. You spew without thinking insulting those who you need to have on your side and try to be overwhelming, but you come out as a bully. You have gone about the pursuit of power the wrong way. You should have tried to unify your side but instead you fight for power until there is no base for you to march into the Premiership. You will never become premier because you simply do not have the calm and humility to be a real leader. Stay in your business as that is your forte’

  23. For Real says:

    You should not be afraid of the governor, but you have to be careful with what you say in public. This is the same boasting attitude that have your former boss in hot water. You go ahead with yo stupidness…

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