BVI News

Premier welcomes Governor’s COI review

Education Minister Dr Natalio Wheatley

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has welcomed Governor Daniel Pruce’s first quarterly review of the Implementation of the COI Recommendations under the Framework Agreement between the BVI and UK governments.

At a press conference last week, Governor Pruce said his office is working well with the elected government and is making progress with implementing the COI reforms. Though the reform process will not be completed by the original deadline of May 31, Governor Pruce indicated that no punitive measures are necessary right now.

In a statement yesterday, Premier Wheatley said the Governor presented a fair, balanced, and factual review of the status of the implementation of the COI recommendations.

“I endorse the review and its content, which reflect the work our respective teams have produced. The greater focus given to the delivery of the implementation of the recommendations since the establishment of the Governance Reform Coordination Centre and the onboarding of the Governance Reform Manager is evidenced in the review,” Premier Wheatley stated.

He added that both his government and the Governor are committed to meeting the new August 31 deadline, adding that there have been enhanced levels of collaboration, coordination, and communication among the respective teams and all stakeholders. 

“I am confident that we will achieve the recommended deadline jointly agreed. I am also pleased that we can continue our current working arrangement without additional powers being granted to the governor. This is a testament to our shared confidence that the joint plan submitted to the Minister for Overseas Territories, Honourable David Rutley, is both realistic and achievable,” Premier Wheatley stated.

He added that his government will be stepping up their public engagement and will provide the media with weekly updates on the COI implementation process.

At the end of May, only 36 of the 48 COI recommendations (75 per cent) will have been completed. However, given the new deadline of August 31, Governor Pruce said an assessment would be done in September to see what further actions should be taken.


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  1. We Don't Know. says:

    What goes on behind closed Doors with the Premier and the Governor and other UK Officials. I believe this one is a sellout that is why He can do so many crazy things and get by with them because He is the UK errand Boy. Ever thot of it? Why do you think the Order in Council is not lifted? As long as the Premier can do as they say, He stays there, The Territory goes to Hell and the UK accomplish what they set out to do. The UK has already pulled the Plug on the BVI But most People aint figure it out yet. The UK is already calling the Shots for this Territory. Think about It. As long as the littles Boy is allowed to play with his Marbles and keep his Parties, He good to go. Dare anyone stand up or speak out against the UK and they will end up like C.SC, Wiggy and Head Coach.

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  2. VI Citizen says:

    “At the end of May, only 36 of the 48 COI recommendations (75 per cent) will have been completed. However, given the new deadline of August 31”.
    The government has no intentions of making the August 31 deadline.
    We have just been lied to by Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley

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