BVI News

Premier Wheatley will go down in history – Skelton Cline

Claude Skelton Cline

Talk show host Claude Skelton Cline said he believes Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley is set to make history as one of the most innovative leaders the BVI has ever seen.

During his Honestly Speaking radio show yesterday, October 8, Skelton-Cline highlighted the Premier’s transformative approach to governance, particularly in navigating the territory through current and upcoming challenges.

The talk show host reflected on the legacy that Premier Wheatley is building and argued that Wheatley’s forward-thinking actions will be remembered across time.
“The Premier now will go down in history of making some of the most innovative change,” Skelton Cline said.

Skelton-Cline stressed the importance of preparation for the future, a message he repeated throughout the programme. “Prepare. That’s the tagline. Prepare for 2025,” he urged. Skelton-Cline suggested that the BVI must brace itself for global and local changes in the coming years. He expressed concerns over natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, and economic sustainability, stressing that the BVI needs to be ready for these potential threats.

“2025 is a year of war,” Skelton Cline stated ominously. He warned that while conflict may seem distant, the effects will be felt closer to home, including in the Caribbean. He said the region, including the BVI, should be prepared for disruptions in food security and energy supply due to global conflicts, emphasising the need for the territory to plan accordingly.

Skelton Cline urged Premier Wheatley to consider reshuffling his Cabinet, suggesting a unification with Opposition members to face the challenges ahead. “Reshuffle your Cabinet, collapse the Opposition, invite the Opposition to become Minister of Finance,” he advised.

Skelton Cline also touched on leadership qualities, praising figures like Dame Janice Pereira, former Chief Justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, as the leader needed for the BVI’s future. He proposed that the Premier consider his next term in office under the leadership of the former Chief Justice to secure the territory’s future and maintain stability.


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  1. Yuck says:

    This country could do without some of us living in it. This man is one. If you follow this man’s life from when he returned from Detroit you will see that he creates a mess wherever he goes and he is very destructive with his folk tongue. He sucked NDP. He sucked VIP. Now he wants to suck VIP 2.0. This man cares only about himself and what is worse he is supposed to be a man of the cloth. I was happy that he was not on the radio until yesterday I heard him spewing his usual crap. Dude, just get lost and let this country breathe. We are tired of you. You have nothing to offer us.

    Like 40
  2. xxx says:

    At least you admit uncle Ronnie or arrested Myron will never be premier

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  3. Salty Fish says:

    This seems to be more about a selfish play for survival, rather than a love of Country!

    I could be wrong, but I am certainly not seeing what this gentleman is seeing from the current Premier, or what makes him think a Cabinet change would work by introducing the opposition? By mentioning Finance Minister I am assuming he’s talking about his Uncle?

    We have decades of politicians that have made and continue to make decisions in their best interests and self-enrichment, very rarely have things been made in the best interest of the people’s greater good.

    Just simple promises made, and subsequently followed through on to invest in our future leaders, our youth, our education, our infrastructure, all this is imperative for the future of this country. But very little is being done, and what is actually done is of poor value for money, or poorly completed, or more than likely a combination of both!!

    That is what makes it all the sadder, when those current, and those from the past, flip flop on the media cycles telling stories that impress the current ‘leadership’ with the dual purpose of repositioning themselves back into the good graces and light of those that are in power.

    Maybe I have just become overly jaded, and my hope all but faded when it comes to my home. But these are dark days of division in a Country that by all accounts should be a shining example for all the Caribbean to see. Sadly, we are so very far away from that goal because of the very people we elected, and our own inabilities as a people to stand up and call those we’ve elected out for their disgraceful performances and questionable behavior!

    CSC – You should be ashamed!

    Like 20
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  4. LOL says:


    Like 17
  5. Strupes says:

    Go down in history as the lessest Premier

    Like 16
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  6. strppss says:

    This guy still talkin???SMH!

    Like 14
  7. Not Again? says:

    Thought we were done hearing his nonsense. Who in their right mind would provide this with a soapbox?

  8. Cringe and Cringey says:

    How did we get here?
    Claude Skelton Cline
    Sowande Wheatley

    At this juncture the present and the future of the VI looks really really dark.

  9. Shame! says:

    Please! This man waisted Millions on a Concert while sewage is still running in the streets and the roads are a mess! How is this Innovative?? Please Mr. Clyne go roll some Pizza Dough.

  10. @ XXX says:


  11. Help us father says:

    Ain’t a ting but Claude see money sharing now. He see Kartel get 250k and he now hanging he mouth to get his share. That no good man. Opportunistic. Anybody who is endorsed by this man should start to worry.

  12. No One Gets It says:

    You people are so filled with hatred towards Skelton-Cline that you fail to recognize or regard the reality of his warning about 2025 and beyond. What he said is spot on we are at the eve of destruction but sadly with everyone focused on Vybes Kartel and the Con Men we are not able to recognize what time it is. What a twisted and pathetic society in these Virgin Islands remember the Covid lock down this is what is headed your way in a more severe and extended fashion. If the Premier was that innovative that money would have gone towards the preparation of acres of food cultivation to help fill the gap. Poor us brainwashed sheep fast asleep.

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  13. Confused ... says:

    His remarks seem to offer praise for the administration, yet the concluding sentence introduces confusion. He states, ‘He proposed that the Premier consider his next term in office under the leadership of the former Chief Justice to secure the territory’s future and maintain stability.’ My interpretation is that he’s subtly suggesting the Premier step aside and allow Dame Janice Pereira to assume leadership. But here lies the contradiction—if the administration is as effective as he claims, why call for a change in leadership? Inviting the Honorable Dame to join the administration would be one matter, but what he seems to be advocating is a leadership transition. So, which is it?
    One might ask if he’s auditioning for a consultancy role, attempting to straddle both sides of the political fence. On the one hand, he offers praise for the administration, but on the other, he hedges his bets by subtly advocating for a change in leadership. Should his consultancy bid fail, he could easily claim that he was pushing for new leadership all along. This kind of maneuvering is transparent—he cannot, in good faith, have it both ways.

  14. Agenda says:

    One of the stipulations of the Order in Council is the deportation of all persons deemed a threat to good government in the BVI. This man is first on the list of threats.

  15. Disinterested says:

    Dr. Hon late former Chief Minister Willard Wheatly, the current Premier Natalio Wheatley aka Sowande grandfather, was more impressive. For example, he took the territory off of grand-in-aid in 1979 and it still is. What is Premier Natalio Wheatley’s legacy prohect(s)? The premier is not learning from his missteps. Einstein says doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is Insanity. It is either the Premier is not listening to his advisors, fellow cabinet members,, etc or he just bull-headed or his advisors are out of their depth. Listen to Big Bro, Bro.

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