BVI News

Previous UK gov’t didn’t do enough to help BVI with climate funding

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley.

Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley stated that he does not believe the previous UK government did enough to assist the territory with climate funding.

During a press conference held on Monday, September 30, the Premier expressed confidence that the current UK government, led by Prime Minister Keir Starmer, will be more supportive of the BVI’s push for climate funding.

A member of the media pointed out at the conference that the UK has been a significant economic partner in both the Group of Seven (G7) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), suggesting that they could have provided more assistance.

When asked whether he believes the previous UK government did enough, the Premier replied, “Yes, I could say that. I don’t think so.”

Dr Wheatley explained that under the rules of the OECD, the BVI has struggled to secure funding for disasters like hurricanes caused by climate change.

“We have been advocating for the entire global community to acknowledge the plight of Overseas Territories, and we want the UK to be a strong partner with us in that advocacy,” he stated.

“I believe the UK understands our position now because we have advocated very strongly; I believe they have expressed more optimism now,” he added.

He also noted that the current direction indicates significant progress, and he intends to further discuss these issues with the new Overseas Territory (OT) Minister Stephen Doughty during his upcoming visit to the territory in November.

The BVI has been at the forefront of calls for large, wealthy nations that contribute the most to climate change to fund small, developing nations that are most affected by the climate crisis. Proponents argue that these nations need greater support, as climate change poses substantial risks to their land and marine resources, which are vital for their survival.


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  1. Reality Check says:

    No nation is going to give funds unless there is a concrete plan in place for how the funds will be used and the effectiveness of the plan. What does the BVI need help with for climate change? Is the road project from Paraquita to Hodges Creek raising the road enough for the projected ocean rise? Are the rest of the coastal roads being re-routed on higher ground? Is all new construction required to be above a certain height?
    Get your plan together and present it before you start whining!!!

    Like 12
  2. Smh says:

    But when they were in government he was kissing their back sides about everything. This man really ungrateful for true. But the UK is the UK regardless of which group is in power. He is such a f**l.

    Like 11
    • Anonymous says:

      He may be considered a fool by you, but bet he is much smarter than most who knocks him daily, including me.

      There were those who said the about dating back from the early 1900. Go look up some history.

  3. funny says:

    Wasn’t it the Premiers grand father that told the UK that the BVI did not need its help and money?…
    So just like his family are still doing the same in the UK and acriss the world yet he wants to ask for more.
    The $400million loan at 2.5% from the UK would of cost the BVI the same $90mil that THE $100mil at 6.5% costs

    Let that sink it….

  4. Huh says:

    Why should any foreign Government subsdise the BVI when our politicians can’t fix the roads, maintain their buildings, and spend millions (yes millions) on first class flights and 5 star hotels around the world.
    We are first class beggers!

    Like 14
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  5. Bull says:

    Hands out as usual blaming the UK when free money doesn’t reach their pockets. Take a look at the BVI. Destroyed by the people wanting free climate money.

    Like 13
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  6. Help says:

    The Lord helps those who help themselves is sometimes quoted. Here that has been interpreted as giving free rein to those in power to help themselves to the public purse through corruption, cronyism and lack of accountability, and dishonesty about their business interests. Successive versions of BVI govts got away with this until we got hit by a Cat 5 that revealed the public purse was practically depleted. So, now Wheatley wants big daddy UK to come bail them out for climate change issues…. while at the same decrying their CoI requirements, with some pushing for independence? Good luck with that.

    If you want sympathy on climate change issues, where is the solar power? Why are we still burning garbage in the open? BVI govt is about to invest some $ 50 m on road repairs. How much consideration is climate change been given to the fact that many are in areas likely to be flooded if sea levels rise?

  7. Styles. says:

    Is Natalio not the guy who wants independence?

    Can’t be independent and asking for money at the same time can you?

  8. Anonymous says:

    There are many/various “independences models”to chose fror. We/one just have to chose the best mode that will best address his nation’needs, wishes and persuits.

    But one thing for sure, Blackpeople of any where should not be continuosly under the watchfuleye and or domination of the man offspring who enslaved and brutalized him for centuries.

  9. Always says:

    Always someone else’s fault.

  10. A motivated leader. says:

    If you continue to think of and call a man a thief and corrupt,you will soon convince the electorate that the entire Black population are thieves and corrupt good for nothings.

    Such dogma are settings of the ground works for invasion and take over, given that the intellectual personell are already established in place in all the varios segments of government and private sectors..

    We must go abroad and seek a motivated leader.

  11. okay but says:

    where is the enviromental tax that should be near $10 million

  12. Resident says:

    the premier has no vision

  13. Citizen says:

    What do we do with the “Green” tax imposed on all visitors who come here?
    What do we do with all this “green” money?
    This government needs to learn how to be transparent with the way they use and waste our money.
    Stop begging for money from the UK. They might think we need better leaders, and they would be correct!!


    is saying )> you damn right , we want that money fix our climATE and a couple ah free jamz

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