BVI News

Put someone else in First District and meet me in At-Large arena, Fahie told


“Why should you be elected by 400 people and want to call the shots for 15,000?”

National Democratic Party (NDP) Chairman Myron Walwyn fielded that question for voters to contemplate as he, once again, argued that persons vying to sit in the Office of the Premier should run as a Territorial At-Large candidate.

Speaking at an NDP rally on Virgin Gorda on Wednesday, Walwyn pushed his assertions further and called on Virgin Islands Party (VIP) leader Andrew Fahie — who is seeking re-election in the First Electoral District — to contest an At-Large seat instead.

“The premier must be accountable to every single voter in the country. So, I issue a challenge to my opponent tonight. Put somebody to run in the First and meet me in the At-large arena. Let the people have a say,” the politician said.

There is no telling whether Fahie would even consider the challenge. But, it is, perhaps, more unlikely that he will accept since he has sat comfortably in the First District seat for the last 20 years.

On the other hand, It seems more likely for Fahie to accept Walwyn’s second challenge to engage him in a political debate before they meet at the polls.

Walwyn also issued that second challenge to Progressive Virgin Islands Movement leader Ronnie Skelton, and Progressives United Chairman, Julian Fraser.

All these politicians want to become the next premier of the Virgin Islands.

“I have issued a challenge to anybody who wants to be premier to debate me,” Walwyn said.

“A debate is not a ‘be all’ and ‘end all’ in terms of the quality of a candidate because there are people who could talk … but can’t do a thing. But, it (a debate) gives you a good indication as to the knowledge a person might have and it gives you a window into their heart,” Walwyn, a two-term legislator, reasoned.

READ: Henry rubbishes claims that ‘premier’ contenders should run At-Large

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  1. seriously? says:

    Please be quiet. If NDP lost all the at large seats but won all the district seats, who would be Premier under your revised plan? Think before you talk.

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    • Josiah says:

      Wallwyn should recuse himself until his c—— i——— into his wall is concluded. We need an honest person to represent us.

      Like 29
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      • smh says:

        Instead of talking about issues, this is what he comes with? Distraction, and more Distraction. Cant wait to be rid of him.

        Like 25
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    • Actually says:

      I think this is a good call out. This is a good idea and it is what the VIP should have done, they should have gotten Irene to run in the 1st and Andrew at large. This is a good challenge, work on it. I agree with Mr. Walwyn, I think you should meet him At Large.

      Like 13
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      • Actually says:

        Paid blogger

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      • Nah says:

        Lavity ran this Territory as a District Representative. This argument is silly. Next.

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        • To nah says:

          The at large system only came into play in 1995 which was Lavity’s last couple months in power. He won the election in early 1995 and died in May of that year so we had no time to test or perfect this theory. Plus all the persons who won the at large seats that year were green to politics and only lavity had the experience to be leader at that time. Our times have changed, this is nearly 30 years later so i do believe that our leader should be from the at large pool as the majority of persons would have had an opportunity to vote for or against that person. In addition, we must still keep district cnadidates so that every single district would have a strong voice in our house of assembly. Our system can work we just need to strengthen it.

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      • stop says:

        Minister you don’t want that, leave Mr fahie alone and let the people know what you and your party will be doing for them …Mr fahie right now have everything going in his favor and he looking like he is the best man to run the BVI..

        Like 15
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    • Spoil Boy...Or? says:

      Myron, Shut ur trap. Explain how your party came into office with so much promise and hope. Now look where you are and where we are, because of your fellow leaders. You were there to.
      Our first chief minister was a district winner and chief minister. Hon RT O’Neal was a district leader and our first premier. You don’t have a point.
      You cant stop what’s unstoppable with Andrew. Take it or leave it. U guys had our government 2 terms consecutively; wreck the country.
      Since you are the spokesperson of your group, use that fluttering energy to tell us how you all are going get back we 7.2 mill and all the other millions we should have had to fix the homes of those still in shelters; fix our schools and government buildings. Your tantrums and rants ain’t going change a dam..n thing; and you can take that to our National bank.

      Like 13
  2. Lordie says:

    Dis arrogant drama queen believe anybody afraid a he. Remember what happen to those who bark hard and can’t take a bite.

    Like 64
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  3. Big facts says:

    The worst Premier in the history of the BVI came from the At large system. By your logic why should any of the ministers or Deputy Premier be selected from the districts representatives? The ministers make up cabinet which play an almost equal part in running the government. The ministers play a large part in providing services that affect the entire BVI just like the Premier. Healthcare, education, infrastructure and Labour are all controlled by ministers. Don’t just be selective when it suits your needs if you truly believe that 400 people should not call the shots for 15,000 tell your potential cabinet to all run at large.

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  4. I FROM HERE says:

    Well said Myron. This is the reason Fahie and Fraser never run at Large, they know they can’t win.

    Alvin Christopher had the 2nd district locked for years, as he run at Large he was a dead dog.

    Like 10
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    • @ I FROM HERE says:

      Alvin was going to lose that seat to Mitch anyway. Only reason Alvin ran At-Large was because it sounds nicer to say “I lost because I ran At Large” as opposed to “I lost to very young newcomer Mitch”. facts.

      Like 23
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    • Actually says:

      Fahie actually is more liked that you might think. Him over Fraser could actually beat Myron so I would be careful what I ask for.

      Frankly the entire system should change and push politicians to be more groomed for politics. This thing of voting for a party and have them decide among themselves seems to full corruption. Let the people vote for who is most suited to run a ministry. And most of all get ministers out of procurement and empower the AG office to keep ministers in check. They are ministers serving the public NOT Gods ruling the universe.

      Like 27
  5. WOW says:

    Myron all the wayyyyy.

    Like 7
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  6. Big Facts says:

    By Myron’s logic why should any of the ministers or deputy Premier be selected from the district representatives? The ministers make up cabinet which play an almost equal part in running the government. The ministers play a large part in providing services that affect the entire BVI just like the Premier. Healthcare, Education, Infrastructure and Labour are all controlled by ministers. Dont be selective when it suits your needs. If you truly believe that 400 people should not call the shots for 15,000 tell your potential cabinet to all run at large.

    Like 20
  7. Well Sah says:

    Myron you sound like a little spoil school yard boy. Grow a set won’t ya and stop acting like a si—-…..then again maybe it’s not an act. So sick of your pathetic antics.

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  8. No name says:

    What an ignorant fool!

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  9. listen says:

    Like Myron or Not he has a point…i don’t think one district should decide who the next leader of this country will be, it’s a COUNTRY’s decision

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    • @Listen says:

      Myron is pulling them out of the dark ages way of doing things. You all better get with the program.

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    • THINK says:

      One person does not either. It is a majority of people who decides. AT-Large or District Tall Boy win still cannot be premier by himself, as one. Majority Rule. So Twinkle Toes need to relax and take his upcoming Loss like the Sweet Little —- that he is.

  10. Yes! says:

    If Fahie goes at large. I will definitely vote for him! Sorry Henry.

    Like 30
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    • @Yes! says:

      Indeed if Fahie go at large a number of the new at large candidates will not get votes. The same Myron will loose votes and all..

      Like 22
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    • Hmmm says:

      District – being the example of —– and his incompability to get things done suggests clearly that he is a failure, good only for the pockets of his family and friends and questionable entrepeneuriships, on a whole scale level,he batting zero. Drug dealers thrive in District -.
      A wholescale destruction of a once sublime shoreline buttressed with garbage a rotted out police station, dissemination of heritage sites…the list goes on…Nothing nada that could be considered as an improvement for all the donkey years he has been there .

      Like 4
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  11. Bull Dawg says:

    Myron is right with what he said.

    Like 9
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  12. VOTER says:

    I have no dog in this fight but I think this is a lame tactic to distract those voters who are not politically savvy. The only party that has a potentially named Premier and Deputy is NDP. Myron and Marlon. What if both of them are not elected but their party wins, who would decide who is Premier and the other Ministers? the country wide voters or the party Members? I will not allow NO MAN to piss on my shoes and tell me its drizzling……

    Like 24
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  13. Diaspora says:

    The jury is still out on the value of the At Large system. That said a district representative is capable of being Premier and perform as effectively as an At Large representative. For example, every Chief Minister and Premier except one came from the district: HL Stout, Willard Wheatley, Cyril B. Romney, Ralph T. O’Neal; Dr Hon Premier D. Orlando Smith is only one was an At Large rep. Is the current Premier ranked at the top or even in the middle of the pack. The Hon Walwyn needs to stop dissing the district reps; is the Hon Walwyn aware (sure he does) that the same people that vote for district rep? The Hon Myron Walwyn (At Large) needs to leave well enough alone and focus on things that will improve the national quality of life and standard of living and advancing the progress of the territory.

    Like 16
    • Yes says:

      Talk about power hungry. So many issues affecting us and this is what caught his interest. Boy you are not getting my vote
      All your actions show that you do not love we the incompetent people.

      Like 12
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      • Wondering says:

        I was wondering where incompetent people came from. However on further investigation I understand it came out of the mouth of the MPS chairman. The man who wants to be LEADER of this great country.

  14. Well says:

    Andrew bawn here is the one and only feather he may wave but he is in no way close to the stature of Walwyn and I bawn here too. No comparison at all.
    I would gladly welcome a debate between them and Walwyn has a legitimate point when it comes to a premier from a few hundred votes versus one from several thousands.

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  15. Retirement says:

    Why don’t Myron our someone at large and meet Andrew in the 1st district. Ting to talk.

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  16. Truth is says:

    The same ones bashing The Who’s and the aints gonna be the same ones who secretly vote for one or the other. Coalition government ah say

    Like 3
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  17. Red Herring says:

    He is talking rubbish. Becoming the Premier is all about who can command the confidence of the majority of elected candidates of a particular party. It is not about running At-Large. The Prime Minister of the UK is elected by just one constituency, yet he/she represents the whole UK.

    Like 12
  18. Blah says:

    NDP can never get my vote and it dont matter who run at large or district because Dr Smith let everybody down before and after Irma. What got me p!$$ed is that I had to pay full rent after Irma even though the windows and door had plywood. Couldn’t even get water because I had cistern only and water pump work with electricity and power was off for months. I had to pay the rent if not I had to move out. I couldn’t call the cops because no laws were broken. Community board was full of complaints of people being mistreated by landlords during this time but If NDP did what they promised in 2011 scores of people in the same situation like myself would have better off today. Don’t talk about the $6 small bag of ice that you had to wait 3hrs to get and the price gouging that was going on all over the BVI. All of that could have been fixed if NDP completed the Consumer protection law that they promised in 2011. You fool me once shame on you I’m not giving you the chance to fool me again.

    Like 13
  19. Anegada says:

    I wonder how many meetings he held with we the voters of Anegada????‍♀️

  20. Eagle eye says:

    If I was cast out of any party like Wilock and Irene them i would run independent still.but u can’t hear from them since.

    • Shut your mouth says:

      Sometimes it is better to be seen than heard. Tell that to your friend Myron who seems to can’t keep his mouth shut. He think he is so smart. Changing the talking point. Tell Myron get to the issues at hand like the million dollar wall and where all the kick back went. God knows what he is still hiding from the voters.

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  21. Brad Boynes says:

    Go-to h**l.

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  22. Robbert Muller says:

    This whole Election starting to look like the US Elections Wall-Win starting to take the same path like D.Tromp…might win and and be come Primier but under investigation…watch out for our own Trumpous regime soon

  23. Natve says:

    I am a nationalist. The Office of the Premier should be held by a born BVIslander. I love my brothers and sisters from outside the BVI but there should be no comprise where this is concerned. Native BVIslanders should be governing the BVI.

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  24. Anonymous says:

    All haters are losers!

  25. BVI says:


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    • Just be wise! says:

      What you don’t realize is that any one can blog behind a computer, including someone who wants to achieve the response such as yours. He or she can be a foreigner who lives on another continent for all you know. I have done this before to create a false perception and got people fired up for no good reason.

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  26. WELL SAH says:

    Myron had 8 years to change the constitution with regards to at-large voting and selection of Premier, and he now coming 1 month before election with this nonsense!!! SERIOUSLY!!!

    Like 10
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    • District 1 says:

      Why don’t we have the at large candidates debating in the first district. Myron is asking and what Myron wants he gets. So let’s debate in district 1. Myron may walk away with the 400 votes. District 1 will welcome you all since in the past we do not see you nor hear from you. Still no reliable running water and roads need fixing.

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  27. REALLY says:

    This man has gone to far now. It’s time that he be stopped. How much longer? God is in control and he never sleeps!

  28. Legal says:

    I want to see young brilliant minds like Mr. Benito Wheatley running for political office in the BVI. These are the types of candidates that will impress an informed electorate. It would be a welcomed change.

  29. Brad Boynes says:


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