BVI News

Questionable things happening at Ports Authority – Penn

Marlon Penn

Eighth District Representative Marlon Penn has voiced concerns regarding the management and policies of the BVI Ports Authority (BVIPA).

During yesterday’s sitting in the House of Assembly, Penn highlighted controversial activities at the Ports Authority, particularly those relating to taxi operations and decision-making processes within the Authority.

“There’s some questionable things up there that is happening,” Penn said. “I’m hopeful that we could get some answers, particularly on the Ministry’s policy in terms of how they intend to move forward.”

Penn emphasised the need for greater transparency and good governance. Referring to the Port Authority Amendment Bill, he noted that changes have been made to improve governance and transparency. “We’ve made some very direct changes to the way that the boards are governed and operate… particularly the issue of indemnification,” Penn stated, referring to the protections being put in place for board members who make decisions on behalf of the Authority.

One of the key issues Penn highlighted was the lack of clarity surrounding the tender process for taxi operations at the territory’s ports. For years, taxi operators have functioned under local taxi associations. However, Penn questioned the decision to tender taxi services at the airport while other ports, such as West End and Road Town, continue to operate under the traditional association model. “We cannot have arbitrary decisions like this… where only one port is being tendered,” Penn remarked.

He stressed the need for the Communications and Works Ministry to clarify its policies regarding the management of taxi operations at the ports.

“Not because now a couple planes coming in, a little more planes coming into Beef Island, everybody sees more lucrative, and we’re trying to now pull the rug under those individuals who were there for years, operating when nothing or no traffic was coming to Beef Island,” Penn cautioned.

Penn also expressed concerns about the operations of the Tortola Pier Park, which he described as being run by a single board member in the past. “You cannot have an institution that is spending millions of taxpayers’ dollars… with one member ultimately making all the decisions,” he said.

He called for adjustments in the legislation to prevent such issues from recurring, ensuring that decisions are made transparently and in the public’s best interest.


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  1. Now you notice? says:

    You’d have thought that someone would have take a closer looks at Ports sooner given the previous Port’s directors activities. Sounds like some squabbling taxi men to me

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