BVI News

Quitos calls it quits for rest of tourist season

The tourism hotspot, Quito’s Gazebo in Cane Garden Bay

One of the territory’s notable hospitality businesses in the Cane Garden Bay community has called it quits on the remainder of the tourist season due the effects felt from the government’s COVID-19 protocols.

This is according to the official Quitos Gazebo social media page, which announced its closure at the end of the month.

“It is with great sadness that we share our difficult decision to close Quito’s Ltd on January 31, 2021, for the season. While we applaud the government for trying to keep the country safe, the protocols and the expense they put on visitors has demolished the tourist industry,” Quitos said in the statement on Thursday.

“We are heartbroken but will be back next season better than ever, if the situation changes. One love,” It added.

Hundreds of reactions

Up till this publication, the post sparked interest on the social platform generating nearly 300 reactions, 70 comments and multiple shares from both residents and non-nationals.

The majority of the comments empathised with the business’ owners — the Rymers, encouraging them to keep a positive spirit as better days are ahead once the COVID-19 pandemic has gone.

Others spoke about being among those who had to cancel their vacation due to the COVID-19 measures outlined by the government.

One social media user and would-be visitor, Dawn Heath said: “I hope more businesses can step forth and speak to the Premier and his cabinet on the impact this is having to your beautiful islands. We have now had to postpone four times.”

Also sharing a similar sentiment was Beth Smith Irwin, who said: “We tried so hard to get to BVI when other vacation cancelled but restrictions had most of our stay inside a hotel room. We will be back, just not this year.”

Other factors affecting visitor arrivals

Meanwhile, at least one person alluded to factors other than the government’s COVID protocols which could have affected the number of tourists travelling into the BVI for vacation.

“That is such sad news. It’s probably not just the steps taken by your government but people’s reluctance to travel just now. It may change with increased vaccinations. Hopefully, we will all be back next year. Miss you all,” Lesley Hunt stated.

The BVI requires a mandatory four-day quarantine period for persons travelling from all countries except the United Kingdom and the Dominican Republic.

The BVI presently has a ban on tourists travelling from the two aforementioned countries, but residents are still allowed to return to the territory from those countries but must quarantine for a full 14 days.

The Rymer’s outside their newest business — Quito’s Inn in Cane Garden Bay.

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  1. YBM says:

    Closed indefinitely? What about the Staycation packages?

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    • Entire says:

      The entire Caribbean basin is thriving while the BVI is dying. Tourist going to all other islands including the USVI next door. While the economy thrives at other destinations Foy has sought with his brainless minions to destroy the economy and lives of the BVI people. While the people starve Foy ears cake and gets f***er. Hopefully soon he’ll be eating chicken off the bone in a UK p*********ry.

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      • Please be informed says:

        St. Thomas is dead. The only thing they have going for them is the hundreds of tourists who are not wearing masks and refuse to socially distance. Hence their rising death count from the virus.

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        • @Please says:

          What death toll? The older people and those that would die from the common flu anyway? Stop with the fear mongering, people have been dying before COVID. People die from heart disease and other ailments due to eating nonsense, do they petition to close down the unhealthy food places?

          Like 15
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          • Yes says:

            “do they petition to close down the unhealthy food places”.
            Yes, they do. Many countries ban or restrict fast food joints to stop their people becoming a burden on the state becuse they are morbidly obese like they are in the States. Next question?

            Like 2
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        • Facts says:

          @ Please be informed: May I suggest that before you inform anyone, it’s generally accepted practice to inform oneself, unless you’re in the business of populism, lies, deception and snake oil sales, When was the last time you were in St. Thomas? Oh, I forgot, BVI govt rules mean that you can’t go there without coming back and dealing with the BVIs protocol, which has not prevented the virus here. Rising death count from the virus? Check VI DoH site ( ). Only 15 people have died in St. Thomas from the virus, last one a while back, out of 1,100+ cases. Ask yourself why BVI can’t publsh its onw test data. (Think ostrich with head in the sand). Tourists from the mainland and locals all wear the masks as required for the most part. Economy there, while depressed is doing decently.

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          • Wow says:

            Only 15 deaths. We had one which is too many. Travelers are testing going in and coming out . I hate that arriving traveler who test positive must be reported by the established guidelines as a new case with little clarification that they are in Quarantine. They have been testing people for months, strict lockdowns and contact tracing, travel is down but this is one of the few places free of community spread.

    • Doh says:

      As I have REPEATEDLY said….

      Dear leader has created an atmosphere in which businesses cannot survive. The implosion of the economy began last year and now we see the fallout of his errors. Businesses like Quito’s close, people have no work, no money to pay rent or bills, crime skyrockets, and our community collapses. Thank you Fahie. Thank you for destroying the BVI.

      The COI can’t happen soon enough.

      But carry on.

      Like 23
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      • My boy says:

        I am asking the Government. To help us with some more money please.Just some money to buy food .and pay rent. God help us.

        Like 13
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        • Doh says:

          Government can’t help you. They have no money to give.

          There are no tourists to tax, no monies to collect from gross receipts. It’s been a failed policy. And it’s spiraling into a free fall. Prepare for the mass exodus of workers who no longer have jobs. When that happens, we are doomed.

        • Habas says:

          … and some English lessons would be nice.

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        • Kabaz says:

          The government has no money ,it been stolen an give to friends!

    • Uke says:

      Who designed that building? It looks like a cheap gas station in Honduras.

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  2. Sad says:

    That f***ish Andrew Fahie causing ppl businesses to fall and still some ppl agreeing with his nonsense

    That i***t claiming that he is protecting ppl from coronavirus and at the same time he is putting ppl into poverty

    How more s****d can Andrew be

    Which part of the virus ain’t going anywhere anytime soon

    Ppl have to work
    Ppl have to pay bills
    Ppl have to eat

    But wait my bad I forgot Andrew Fahie doesn’t care he only care about him w***** self

    Keep up the good work Fahie that is just the beginning a lot more businesses will close down

    All the private companies will leave

    And you will get vote out,,, and the bvi ppl will suffer

    But I’m sorry for my ppl here that will lose there businesses due to your s*****ity

    Come on Andrew Fahie grow up listen to the ppl for once

    If you can’t handle this country step down let someone else run it

    Like 32
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    • Don’t worry says:

      This Foy c**p will be over soon. He will be busy trying to keep his a**e out of prison. The temporary government headed by the new Govenor will open things back up safely and properly.

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    • Tom says:

      As a tourist and someone tracking the news here I got to say….

      I too thought the bvi government is crazy and essentially committing a financial suicide by closing the bvi to tourists.

      But through these forums I learned that the people of the bvi, don’t care that much about tourism.

      It seems there is true hate for whites in gener and even more so from the US.

      I sense the issues in the bvi are far more fundamental than people tend to believe.

      The bvi will need to recalculate how it sees its recovery.

      It feels more and more hostile to foreigners… take it face value from an outsider

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      • @tom says:

        You need to get on the ground because it is totally different than what is portrayed online and these sites are filled with foreigners some of whom regularly pretend to be local. The majority of the population is not local as such do not expect the majority of the comments to be either.

        People hear the news on the street or through social media and talk among themselves with little time to be spoon fed by a biased site.

        Pointing out colonialist actions, racial inequality, and the perception that the stereotypical American is not used to wearing masks, does not mean you will experience racial injustice as a white person. In fact you will be treated very well as a white person.

        Travelers use these sites to form an opinion while people who have no vote, no platform, no social to complain to use it to air their frustrations and forward their agenda.

        There are many dislikes for the government on these sites yet they will likely be voted in again by the silent people

        While tough measures are never easy many people are thankful that it was this administration rather than the last administration handling the pandemic.

        • The Answer says:

          I was on the ground…..Tola and VG are the most anti-tourist places I’ve ever been, period.

          I was tolerable pre-Irma and COVID, but now? No thanks. USVI seems to appreciate tourists spending money on their beautiful islands, our new go-to is STJ.
          Good luck BVI, you’re going to need it!

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      • Kilo says:

        It’s really not that bad. It’s not against all foreigners, mostly just the US. Not sure where you are from.

        Like 2
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      • @Tom says:

        Just like a particular set of negative voices regarding racism and other injustices and hate have been amplified over the last few years around the world, so have they been here.

        Whether they intend it or not, our current Government, just like many others including the US and UK, have taken an ‘us versus them’ tone in their communication. That said, the general population does not reflect those views and welcome all people regardless of skin colour.

        You should consider how the media portrays the US, they often tend to highlight those who choose not to wear masks as their ‘right’ despite the negative consequences, which based on science is one very important way to fight COVID. For a small nation that watches the death toll exceed 4000 people a day, I hope you consider how this might also affect how other locals perceive people from other countries.

        All of that said we, just like any other set of people only wish for both our economic and physical safety. It is a complex issue, but generally we welcome everyone and anyone who does not pose a threat to either of those.

  3. idlewanderer says:

    how did quito get permission to build that monstrosity in CGB. Answers on a post card to the inquiry

    Like 40
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  4. Hotelier says:

    And it has been put up for sale, which is not mentioned . The government has killed the tourist industry stone dead. The hotels that remain open are running at huge losses. They are doing that in many cases simply to try to keep staff employed because once unemployed they are at the mercy of the heartless and apparently allegedly corrupt Fahie government that will kick them off the island or leave them to starve.

    Like 41
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    • Sad says:

      the days of local owning a piece of the prime location in CGB is nearing an end.

      Guess someone took the bait, hook, line and sinker.

      Some will be offended by this, and jump to the thumb down button, but they know it is the truth.

      Same thing they have been doing for centuries. Taking and owning by whatever means necessary.

      Truth awaits the. thums down. Huury on.

      Like 5
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      • @ Sad says:

        The eyes are on Fishing C**e also. The long term plan is get a hold of that prime beach front property, take it out of the hands of locals and keep for themselves.

        They didnt get in through the dad, so they trying through the son, but the game and practice are the same. Take whatever good they have, espeially if its valuable and can make big money.

        They have a very selfish notion that everything valuable on earth belongs to and must belong to them.

        Last, with all the money the family, friends and bank has, there is no reason why the lands at C**o M*** had to be sold.

        You mean to say that what is C**o M*** the familes of that land could not do on their own or better?

        Poor vision, lust for quick easy money, divisiveness and disunity is why there is very little prime lands left in VG in local hands.

        We, this generation and maybe the next will not see it, but there will be a grave turn for locals. As, the plot is in effect to turn Virgin Gordians into powerless beggars, even if they own a plot of land.

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        • SMH says:

          Give me a break with the nonsense about plan. Anybody can come here and take your land? Tell greedy short sighted locals stop selling their f**king land, it’s very simple. People want to drive benz, don’t work and live in a mansion off the proceeds of selling their heritage and get upset when the purchaser develops the property and make money off it? How can we be so f**king stupid? Stop selling the damn land and then pretending to be a victim. If you had money and were able to travel and could afford to buy prime investment property overseas, wouldn’t you do the same?

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      • farter says:

        prime location? cane garden is a dump! got much worse after irma with the scrap cars on the west side.

  5. Sad,, says:

    Andrew Fahie government is the cause of this
    He claiming that he is protecting his island from the virus
    But he is destroying ppl businesses
    He had April 2020 to November 2020 to put a plan in place but he never did
    A lot more places will close down
    Don’t be surprised when all the trust companies start leaving
    The bvi will be like ghost town
    Continue with your nonsense

    Like 25
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  6. Keeping their pockets full says:

    What I don’t like about this whole situation is that they can afford to keep it open. They can afford to keep their staff paid… but the multi-millonaires want their pockets to remain fat at the expense of those people living paycheck to paycheck… it is their decision… but I don’t think it is right.

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    • @Keeping says:

      This is the problem with too many people. Having money personally does NOT have anything to do with keeping a business in a failing state opened. If the business is not making ends meet then you make business decisions. Hopefully they do find it within themselves to take care of their staff as best they can during the closure, but to expect people to just keep a business opened because they appear to be well off personally is just crazy. People start businesses to make money and if it’s not making money then they make the relevant decisions which is what they have done. The Government here has killed many businesses but everyone is scared of big bad Fahie so continue to ride the COVID bandwagon.

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      • make plans says:

        We know all a dis but we need to make other plans and business decisions. Quitos could of closed of most rooms, kept the beach bar opened, and get through this. No need to shut down everything. Keep your people working. It soon shall pass.

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      • Tomm says:

        Agree…. don’t don’t Know them or their financial situation but one thing for sure, this why they are rich and you are not

  7. rough times says:

    It is very hard for businesses here. This should be a time to shine and promote the beauty of our uncrowded islands. Like many other tropical destinations are doing. It’s time for government and our tourist board to step up with promotions to attract visitors while using protocols that make it feasible for travelers. It is time for government to assist financially so businesses can survive these rough times until things get better. At least cover essential bills like electricity, internet, and phone bills. I feel for the owners and the employees who have worked so hard over the many years to make our destination one of the best in the world. Especially after we are still recovering from the 2017 hurricanes and the loss of the 2018 year of tourism. Mr. Premier, and BVI tourist board. Time to step up. You can make a difference. Don’t let your tourism die. Help in these rough times.

    • Knowledge and Wisedom says:

      You people here talking B S. You all need to get knowledge in be informed of what is going on in the entire world about this Corona Virus,

      If Fahie had continue to listen to you uninformed people, it would have been something else. People would have been here dropping down dead like flies and you all would still have a lot to say about Fahie.

      Remember the love of money is the root of all evil. What do you all want, money and be dead? or be alive and trust God tht this thing will pass? All those who dead around the world especially USA what good would money be to them.

      Thank God for life. Eat one meal or 2 per day instead of 5 plus snacks and enjoy your self. Choose between life and money. Go to America and those from America who want to come to BVI we will welcome you next year if you are still alive and covid speared you.

      You all are blaming the wrong man. Fahie didn’t create covid-19. Find out who did and blame that or those persons. Thank God for Fahie. He has a heart for his people. Enjoy your life and stay clear from Covid 19 and 20 an 21. God bless BVI and God bless our Premier Andrew Fahie.

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  8. Well says:

    I will be going there before it closes!

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  9. Wow says:

    So little dix bay & Guana island going get all the eat now because scrub Island shut down toooo , it hard mehson

    Like 3
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  10. The Truth says:

    Just got back from a great 2 weeks in St John.
    We had been going to BVI’s for the 20 years…..
    It’s too bad you gave into the fear, as it will be very difficult to get the tourist back.
    USVI’s (STJ) is our new go to.

    Like 13
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    • Ok says:

      Good, stay there then

      Like 13
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      • Ridiculous says:

        @ OK, Those people (and may others no doubt) probably will, and will spend their money there, while BVI tourism withers to nothing, leaving you to figure out how to resurrect the BVI economy, especially since the recent black list.

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  11. The Truth says:

    All this over 1 death in the territory?
    Ruin the economy over 1 death? C’mon Man!
    It’s all ok now, Trumps gone…..back to normal.
    The good thing about COVIS 19 is that it basically eradicated the flu. Flu death in the US are down by 95%! Hooray! Total scam.

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  12. Wake up says:

    That is all I can say…learn to live with it!

  13. get real says:

    Quitos called it quits when he built the monster with fake palm trees and diner furniture. He lost it long ago.

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  14. Old says:

    Trumps was never the problem. Our problem is the pm .here.Leave trump out of this..And let’s move fward .We the people need to work .OR help us with some more money PM.

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  15. Idiots says:

    The government has ruined the BVis. We are now at the point of no return. The tourism industry will never be back. We will just be islands used to transport drugs and humans. This place is a disgrace.

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  16. Hmm says:

    They want you to pay full price for a work permit for 2020 when some persons were not working for 8 to nine months or more. Some persons were laid off for 10 months yet you have to pay full price for work permit. Certain businesses could not operate because of border closures workers had to get laid off yet those with expired permit have to feel it to pay full price for a permit expired in 2020.

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  17. Let’s.Be.Honest says:

    Of course they are struggling but that is not just due to COVID situation.. it is also due to the fact people do not go there…haven’t heard many positive reviews on their restaurant nor hotel since they opened the new monstrosity ..
    Just my opinion.

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    • Well says:

      Your opinion is clearly not based on facts, because prior to COVID the business was booming. The owners did the best they could, using their own money to keep their staff employed during the past year. The truth is, while they may have money, the business does not. It sucks terribly to close, but at some point you simply have to stop the bleeding.

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      • Booming? says:

        The restaurant may have had business but the hotel didn’t have to worry about changing burned out lightbulbs,because there we very few on. Place is a white elephant.

  18. Should have says:

    You should have opened up to locals coming and staying with staycation packages. Just goes to show where your mindset is… not for the BVI people.

    You prefer to collect $0 than something from staycations.

  19. Town says:

    Do Quito and Wife still owe for the man you build that building till now? This how the rich stay rich don’t pay.:)

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